by the border.
Been working out HPG’s missions. This one was more ad-lib rather than by their procedures (I just don’t read manuals, do I?). Dundee to a train wreck on the Forth rail bridge and off to the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh. Miss Thoradan’s mod.
Flew over quite a chunk of Ireland in a breeze. Started off in Kerry (EIKY), touched Shannon (EINN) then from there to Connaught (EIKN). The weather was just perfect, it was a nice morning flight
I started upping my realism at home for airline flights
Flew from Salzburg to Sarajevo. Terrible issues with Azure and Bing connection though, cutting out. Checked YouTube (Google Servers) and streamed 4K video with 3 times as much data throughput as MSFS was using and no issues. Guess something is blocking the pipe to MS servers. Blasted nuisance though.
Having plenty of fun with the Carenado Beechcraft V35.
Turning South-east, departing KWST for a check flight to KPVD.
Passing over Block Island - Great Salt Pond visible full of late summer boaters.
Ive seen that place in breath of the wild to upgrade my armor !
Started my new job as a pilot for a missionary organization in Papua New Guinea. The previous pilot Ryan went back to the US after several years of delivering supplies to remote villages all over the country.
Departed from Goroka. Destination was Sorimi in the western part of PNG.
Aviation in PNG is all about avoiding terrain by staying clear of clouds.
Overflying the airfield before setting up for the approach.
Worthy of Ryan…
You’ve got some big shoes to fill…but it looks like you’re off to a good start!
Continued getting to know the 737-800. Today the landing only damaged a tire, which is a vast improvement from last night where I slid down the runway sideways Tokyo Drift style.
The Giza Pyramids, built to endure an eternity, have done just that. The monumental tombs are relics of Egypt’s Old Kingdom era and were constructed some 4,500 years ago. Pharaoh Khofu began the first Giza pyramid project, circa 2550 B.C. His Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza and towers some 481 feet (147 meters) above the plateau. It’s estimated 2.3 million stone blocks each weigh an average of 2.5 to 15 tons.
We take off from the short military airstrip in Maadi (HEAJ) and take a round trip to the pyramids, landing back on that short runway. Enjoy the flight.
Was just getting ready to go out and buy a new vid card I cant afford then magically it started working again…:
Picked up a short hop cargo flight from KCLE to KYIP off the job board on Aviatife. Performing a walk around while loading is finished and prepping my flight plan.
Trying to document a CTD that may or may not be Azure TTS driven. While doing so I found an odd TTS issue where the pilot reads back runway “34” as runway “3”.
Later on, while attempting to repeat the actual crash, which of course did not oblige, I had a rather pleasing landing at Constanta LRCK, in Romania.
Punta del este.
I didn’t know about the visual approach feature in the G1000 NXI until now, so I checking it out in this flotas well. Pretty neat.