What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

sorry… for multiple replies here… THIS might be very useful

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started my asian tour ( Heathrow - Istanbul ) beautiful, smooth as butter😍


Enhanced the main panel texture for the Mooney Bravo a little bit more to give her a little bit of worn rugged used look - but without being completely dirty and having 90% of the paintjob peeled off like some DCS cockpits - I hate this overused and absolute over-the-top-dirty and extremely worn out look some DCS cockpits have.
A cockpit does not necessarily looks “realistic” when it´s consisting only of dirt, scratches, dust, peeled-off paintjobs until bare metal everywhere, and rust :wink: that´s why I made my own F-18 cockpit texture and took me a week every evening till it was finished.
The same perfection should come into the Carenado M20 too…

And made a few test-flights to see if the scenery quality looks good enough with all online features switched off.
Here is a test-flight over the Aokigahara area to check if this area fully functions offline in the best quality:


Sort functioning community modules.
229 done, 604 pending review.

Well, it’s still the first week.

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I mean an invisible step in the land & water transition … I tryed a lot of landings comming from the water, always crash

If you are trying to do what I was - touching down on water with the wheels, I’ve only been able to do it with the tundra wheels XCub mod. Nothing else I’ve tried will do it. With anything else, the water doesn’t produce any upwards force, so they sink in and you crash.

I have a suspicion that the mod has been set up specially to do this, possibly by making the wheels act like ‘floats’. They don’t produce enough buoyancy to hold the aircraft out of the water once the wing starts to lose lift, so you have to get the speed right.

Another blistering summer day’s deliveries in the Orkney’s, EGPB - EGPA

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I’m in the cockpit now. Is that screenshot from the fbw version? I don’t see any of that info on my screen

I found the lever, labeled armed at the top, that must be it.

This is the wild ride it does on take off (switching AP on 10 seconds after take off, gear and flaps retracted, going about 200 knots when engaging AP)

6,000 fpm climb, followed by the nose dropping down and losing altitude

Then it stabilizes for a bit at 1500 fpm

To go for another steep climb on the next turn

After reaching the first ‘step’ I set the altitude to the next step and at first it was only doing 300fpm

A minute later it decided to climb at 1200 fpm

The mind of an A320 is a complicated one :slight_smile:

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Just had a first hand experience how icing can kill. My plane started dropping out of the sky while AP put the thrust to idle. Speed on the dash showed as 320 knots. I check the temperature, yet that’s icing range and I’m flying through clouds.

Luckily I’m familiar with where the icing switches are on the A320, I turned the pito heat on (probe/window it’s called on the A320) as well as the others and after a while the speed adjusted to a bit under 180 knots, AP turned the engines back up and the plane stabilized to start climbing again. One button to save the plane. (I could have taken control of course, just curious to see how the systems work, 18K ft up, plenty room to find out)

What I’m more concerned about is, no alert in the cockpit at all. ATC didn’t seem to mind I was dropping out of the sky (-3000 fpm, gliding still) just told me to expedite my climb. The more I play this game the less I want to fly irl!


Made some more minor changes to the configs, started the sim then remembered why I had the blackbox on the top of the caravan - SeeSelf=0 switched it back to 1 and no more black box woohoo.

Loaded back up and flew a bit along the ohio river from Pittsburgh headed south.

Had a laugh at the funny road to the east there:


Beautiful exciting approach into Sault Ste Marie this evening, descending into this

I didn’t have time to make more screenshots on the way down, AP kept wanting to turn around. After getting an approach assigned I set it in the flight computer, which resulted in AP starting to turn back to the departure? I took over and used heading mode to direct the plane to the next waypoint.

However all legs show as white on the VFR map, how do you make the leg you’re on ‘active’. I tried DIR direct to AVTOM which seemed to work (made that line dark purple) yet after arriving at AVTOM it didn’t seem to want to follow the rest of the plan and initiated turning around again.

I took over and guided myself in using heading mode to follow the line on the monitor.

Then turned AP off completely on short final, don’t trust it, especially not in this weather.

Safe arrival in a nasty thunderstorm

Arm spoilers worked flawlessly, one less button to press while keeping the plane steady lowering the nose.

Fun flight. Success rate getting AP to guide the plane in, about 20% :confused:


Nar a ting B’y, waitin for me graphics to return

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Flew Houghton Michigan to Thunder Bay Canada after deciding It’s actually less time to make Canada then Duluth in my Cessna 152 Great Lakes tour

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Post-Olympic Tokyo. Business as usual Monday - except for the pandemic. Pleasant discovery was that I could land at the NHK building in Yoyogi. Winds were 22 kts + with strong gusts.

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Indeed an excellent video. One little difference, the MCDU only updates V1,V2 if you actually set the flaps. Inputting the flaps number doesn’t affect it. Bug I guess.

Looking at the different phases in the on-board computer led me to the problem with climbing, where it doesn’t seem to want to climb anymore. (And I switch to v/s mode to force it)

The flight computer keeps the target speed at 320, engines are on full power (or as far as safe) and there’s nothing left to climb with.

The culprit, MANAGED is set at *320

In CRZ cruise phase it says MANAGED *285 yet the actual speed changes based on altitude (I guess that’s what the * means), and works as I expect. However in CLB climb phase the plane keeps it at 320 no matter the altitude and eventually can’t climb anymore.

I tried changing it (input 280) yet that didn’t do anything. Clicking on 280 leads to Not Allowed error. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

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The Savage Grravel was modded for this since some months ago, just it didn’t have white water. Now it has white water too.

The Upwards force seems to be less strong than the xcub, I wonder which one is more realist.

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Ah, are you flying the stock A320 from MSFS? If so, you really want to switch to FBW as the stock aircraft is heavily simplified so I can’t be sure what it will or will not display in a given situation.

Visit Chateau de Costaeres


Again, I believe the lack of notification is due to the (very) incomplete implementation of the stock A320. The FBW version definitely warns of potential icing in the ECAM.

There’s a pattern here… :wink:

Good Morning:

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