What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Yesterday, I made an evening flight across Laos straight into a pretty spectacular thunderstorm… Judging by the forecast, live weather seemed to be working and although I have no idea if that is what a storm there looks like, it kept me entertained!


I decided to ride in the back of the Citation Longitude and have the Flight Assistant fly me around


Recently received a 3080 RTX and dove back into the game over the weekend with settings turned up. Mostly flew around my home area, I find it a good place to check settings, and it’s always fun flying over your own house.

Worked on getting the Bravo Throttle quadrant all mapped and set up for various aircraft.

Finally, I was able to, for the first time, use my Quest 2 to fly in VR (again, around my home area) and WOW…while the graphics aren’t nearly as crisp the added immersion was wonderful.

Like the original poster, I am new to MSFS as well and I have learned so much about general aviation and navigation from these forums and all the great Youtube content.

A very great community.


On African Safari looking for Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, and Flamings.


Today? More helo flying. Have enjoyed things since SU5!

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I was going to switch to the FBW version, then SU5 happened. I held off to see if it would survive SU5, it did not. The development version seems to be working for some people but I’ll wait until it returns to the marketplace. No CTDs is better than a bit more info :confused:

It’s working better today, sensible values in the CLB phase (*250). Perhaps I confused it by taking off from a high altitude airport (runway at 12K ft) Nope does it again, changed to *320 over 11K ft and now fps has reduced to 365, CLB ALT in the display.

Clickling down on the ALT know changes it to OP CLB, engines go to max and now it uses all remaining power to climb (2100 fpm). Yet climb rate is slowing as altitude increases as AP gives priority to sticking to 320 IAS.

Today it does reduce the speed a bit to keep climbing between 500 and 700 fpm

Not getting stuck today (yesterday it ran out of oomph at 22K ft, different weather)

However it’s staying in the CLB phase. It picked a short route today, never reached cruising altitude and already on the descent. At 320 knots! OP DES plunging down

Ahh when passing a waypoint it changed to APR phase and slowed down finally. Is there a way to manually advance phases? It’s a fast trip like this anyway :slight_smile:


Suspect half of your issues are related to the stock A320’s limitations. I’d just download the installer and install the FBW dev version. It’s been stable for months now and the release version (that was in the marketplace) was pretty old anyway, so most people run the dev version. Installer linked directly from here: https://flybywiresim.com/

FBW now has a bespoke autopilot which is much closer to the actual aircraft, as well as an custom fly-by-wire implementation which also makes the aircraft handle more correctly from the stick. Things like dual-AP autoland are also now implemented and custom LNAV and VNAV are in the development pipeline (if not quite ready for release yet!). And the aircraft sounds are just glorious!

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Will do now, I arrived in Thunder Bay after a scenic approach

As usual I entered the approach when getting one assigned, and as usual AP started with a loop as soon as I clicked on RNAV Z 25 in the arrival page in the MCDU

It also added a rather interesting path

And then gave me landing clearance with a whole loop ahead of me still

An interesting approach

I guess thanks to OP DES (and ATC to tell me to expedite my descent) I was already at 2,000 ft before entering this whole pattern. I’ve never flown to Thunder Bay so no clue if this is ‘normal’ for airliners.

AP picked up the descent path, I took over at 100ft from the ground for a butter smooth landing

First time I’ve had the jet way connect to the back.
Note to self, don’t call for catering truck when that happens…

Installing the FBW version now, then redoing the same route. Going to find out if things will be different :slight_smile:

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Good luck. The route won’t be any different, of course - that’s Asobo’s default FPM (until FBW have their custom version ready) - but the aircraft will probably be quite different to fly.

:frowning: well that’s a no go. Maybe I need to reboot first

Reboot (and fresh rollingcahce) saved the day.
Looks awesome! There goes my day :slight_smile:

Haha, screwed it up on step 6 already, pulled the fire alarm

I guess i broke the APU (fault), reload

Good luck - you’ll have a few more of them before you’re done!

A useful ready reckoner for you:

My own personal one that I was forever scratching my head over when I first started - you need the APU running first before you can start the engines, but you also need the “APU Bleed” enabled, otherwise the engine start switches don’t do anything as, without bleed, there would be no power to spin the engines up with! I’m sure it’s pretty obvious if you do this for a job, but I’ve forgotten it more than once!


VFR practice flight in Florida this morning. Originally intended to go from St Petersburg (KSPG - Albert Whitted airport near downtown) to Space Coast Regional (KTIX); however I paused mid-route for breakfast, and when I returned, clouds and lightning had rolled in and I gradually lost view of the ground. :slight_smile: I found openings in the clouds near Orlando, and landed at Orlando International (KMCO).

The weather predictions I could see on ForeFlight didn’t show such clouds in that area for another 3 hours, so I don’t know if this was some kind of time zone / future vs present issue with MSFS Live Weather or what, but hey at least nothing crashed. :wink:

Downtown St Petersburg, FL

MacDill AFB (near) and downtown Tampa (smaller peninsula at mid distance)

Following I-4 east

They don’t call the team the Tampa Bay Lightning for nothing!



That’s the same on the stock version. You got to turn the fuel pumps on as well, been there :slight_smile:

I’m glad there’s no time limit on IFR clearance where I am, there’s a lot more checklist to go.

Second restart, wrong flight path (was back on VFR direct GPS after reload, I’ll get there, maybe not yet today haha) Hmm that triggers a CTD (high altitude IFR) Loads with IFR path from a different parking spot. It’s all a bit fragile (FS2020)

Down the rabbit hole, Init fuel prediction. Now this is a sim :smiley:

Longest short flight ever, but a lot of fun. 1.5 hours to get the plane started and on the runway ready for take off! Very detailed. (I had to google a lot of stuff along the way). Approach messed up again, ATC gives the runway far too late, I guess the only way around it is to guess the active runway beforehand or ask for the one that’s programmed in.

It ended in a steep descent to the runway as it stayed at 2,000ft after it was done doing all its circles, operator error. AP off, down with spoilers, save landing, just a bit late on the runway. Still plenty room to brake although the brakes ran a bit hot (310c). Fun flight, great plane.

I research cities before I fly over them. Sometimes I’ll read the reviews if the review score is one that isn’t average.

I wanted to fly over Atlanta since before SU5 it was almost unflyable. Atlanta State Penitentiary had an impressive 3.3 out of 5 Star review average. That’s really good for penitentiary’s.

I decided to read the reviews, and this one was funny-

“Started a 15 to life there in 98’… did my first 4 years there… some of the craziest MFs in the U.S. are housed there… had some memorable experiences” 4/5 Stars

And in case you’re curious I did fly over Atlanta State Penitentiary which was done in part 12 of my 12 part Atlanta series.


I’ve just tried it in the Grravel - it seems much more liable to crash than the XCub tundra. Not sure if it is horizontal speed or vertical descent rate that is the issue.

The Grravel needs so little room to land that it probably isn’t worth trying to do a ‘waterski’ landing anyway.

Hi guys, I’m new to MFS, I play on Xbox. Is there any plans for more commercial aircrafts to be added to the Xbox version? I know the A380 is in development but will it be available on Xbox?

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I think Aerosoft are bringing the CRJ to Xbox. Probably a month or two away though. Also it will be payware or DLC as in XBox.

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Couple of good flights with the A320NX over Europe. great to see the clouds and scenery improved after Hotfix 2

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Any idea about the 380?