The only A380 i know of is currently being developed by FBW (Fly by wire) and is soley done by the guys involved for free for the good of the community. I dont know whether it will be available on the Xbox though, unless MS allow some free content onto the X Box.
Great, thanks!
strange. I have never had a need to change the airspeed in those pages. I guess in busy airspace it’s worth it, but I just set my required speed using the AP.
One thing I did note… I have NEVER seen a CI (cost index) of 100. Which would give you extremely high performance at an extremely high cost… I am wondering if this might be it. I normally see a range of 6-20, maybe I saw 60 once or twice.
I am curious if 100 means it’s like you are in TOGA, and explains:
The flight computer keeps the target speed at 320, engines are on full power (or as far as safe) and there’s nothing left to climb with.
you also said "now this is a sim’ with fuel calculation etc. I agree, but when my mind is blown, is when you go to real world charts, locate some waypoint or vor and plug the frequency in the sim and it works. That’s some next level realism right there, and why I would be a little insulted when people call this just a game… it is so much more. It is what has blown me away with MSFS since the early versions. eg if I want Aussie charts, I go to Air Serverices Australia, not a chart some player made like a D&D map
What’s cool, when the checklist says check the weather and input the baro pressure for arrival, I just google the weather and get it there for the destination. (Not sure how to tune arrival traffic information, I have no charts)
I think it messed up since I started at Gonggar (ZULS) with a 13,106ft runway at nearly 12,000ft. I needed every bit of that runway to get airborne in the stock A320 on TOGA, a bit better with flaps 2. I noticed the FBW A320NX is more powerful than the stock version. It gets up to speed on idle (taxi) and reverses much faster. It also had no trouble climbing at speed.
I’m going to Edmonton next. West wind there, trying to guess the active runway. No luck, two runways, choice between 12 and 30, both fit lol. (Err the reverse rather, wind is coming from the west)
■■■■ forgot to set IFR route again, no clue how to do that in the plane. Restart.
sorry to others for dominating the thread… it seems highly relevant though.
charts - I find it quite easy to locate so long as the google search is 'ICAO Charts Airportname/code" - it’s amazing how many rubbish search results go away when you include ICAO. My last trip irl was the same hotel in Paris they were holding the ICAO conference and thought I was there for the conference. Would have loved to have a sticky
FBW A32X wait what… you are still using the default? yeah, your own your own with that one,good luck. The answer is yes… LEAP engines are more fuel efficient too.
Weather… you can request it in the MCDU at any time during the flight. Alternatively it is included in a simbrief flight plan
active runway - I sit in the cockpit, turn on the ATIS and get the active runway info, then create and import the FP. (though it is easy enough to change dep/arr runways and often necessary. I usually find after Import the FP and set up the flight, I should get an option with atc to get clearance for IFR
IFR - if you import a plan from simbrief (free), you DON’T want to set an IFR plan and select a destination in the sim. You set up the plane for departure only then contact ATC for IFR clearance. Just beware… they seem to miss the CRZ altitude and you may need to ask for Alt increases
Thanks for the info!
That flight was in the stock, I’m in the real deal now
I did get the active departure from ATIS, changed it in the flight computer. I already had IFR clearance, so the option to get IFR clearance appeared again in the air.
No idea where to find the weather, lots to discover! (ATC is nagging again to expedite, never any rest to explore!)
And ATC is acting weird again. After reaching 28K ft it send me back down to 10K ft in steps, straight into a thunderstorm.
Played around some more I dont see a problem from 32000 with the ground below?:
virt 3840 vs 4k 3840:
And of course the day wouldnt be complete without more FREAKING Rainbows:
Practicing slow, trimmed, descent on the 172 without hands on the stick. Managed a couple of nice, gentle touch-downs. Ran out of runway the last one. Got confused on the pedals between rudder and brakes. Go up to about 6000, then drop slowly in 2k increments, leveling for a couple of miles at each. Not very exciting but I get a lot of practice coordinating throttle and trim.
You should try the Mach Loop with Iornman
On to Edmonton, climbing out of the storm
Chasing the sun westwards
Only to descend back in another thunderstorm on approach
This is what I got when I entered the assigned runway approach in the flight computer
I tried navigating myself to the runway with heading mode as it didn’t seem AP was going anywhere in particular (turning here, turning there). That worked fine, yet since I’m trying to figure out how to get the computer to do something sensible, I powered back out over the runway and declared a missed approach to try enter the ILS approach again.
This time a bit more sensible path came up
However the onboard display froze (with the path on it) while ATC instructed me back to 16K ft.
At some point I had to descent, and added another loop myself to get low enough to catch the glide slope (no magic spoilers on this version, stock A320 is a bit of a cheat when it comes to braking I suspect).
Anyway I guided the plane to the glide slope and turned APR on, and it all seemed to work as intended from there. Except ATC kept telling me to expedite to 16K ft, then gave me landing clearance. Ok then.
I turned AP off a bit before the runway and all seemed to be fine, yet the plane starting yelling terrain, pull up over and over. On the display it said land, which I did. The spoilers came up, I applied reverse thrust and gentle brakes, pulled off the runway and to the gate. No clue why I got the terrain alert on landing.
I entered a new destination (DIR) at the gate, straight to Vancouver and chose an ILS approach there. Departure is USER, can’t set the departure runway unfortunately. Doesn’t matter, Taxi clearance for departure west worked. Take off clearance and go. This time the flight computer did ‘reset’, back on takeoff. (unlike the stock version) however ATC broke down after take off. No more options.
So now enjoying a nice quiet flight to Vancouver without any ATC nagging
Atleast your rainbows look normal… mine are always pretty much right next to my plane… and they always go in a circle around my plane… really annoying, they never look real and show up too often.
Very time consuming getting that quadrant setup… I also probably should have given myself a full guide on which setup is for which plane… i might spend half a day working on making them even more specific soon.
Just a note - FBW issued an update last night that they’ve deployed some fixes to improve stability since SU5:
(Just fire up the FBW installer again and the dev version will show an update - hit download and you’ll be good to go. It’s worth doing this every now and then anyway as the aircraft is being improved every day!)
I did a short trip from Lyon-Saint-Exupéry Airport (LFLL) to Geneva Airport (LSGG).
I was stunned by the scenery, here the French Alps in the background:
After a very short while arrival in Geneva:
With a nice approach path over the Lake Geneva, onto runway 22:
While the aircraft was banking slightly to the left in its final turn towards runway 22 I marveled at the Swiss Alps (Valais):
Everything worked fine, even the ILS frequency had been automatically entered already in the FMC. A perfect approach:
At around 1’000 feet above ground I disabled the autopilot and approached runway 22 on a pitch-perfect 3 degrees glideslope.
BUT OH NO! I forgot about the infamous PYLONS OF DEATH in front of runway 22!
The moment 50 ms before impact:
Cockpit view (last thoughts of the captain: “Did I pay my last electricity bill?”):
Note that those pylons actually exist for real. However in reality they have been lowered almost to ground level. You can actually recognise the pylons here on the last screenshot:
I hope the upcoming World Update will fix those pylons
For those who can’t wait until then:
Or also:
LOL yup get that here all the time too. Too many rainbows is just what it is though . to many rainbows every dang day another 1-3 rainbows its getting old I wish they would fix it.
You seem like a smart guy with a good sense of humor. Or just a huge Ironman fan. Either way liked and subscribed
I flew 3000 - 5000ft from Eichsfeld, Germany to Cranfield, England via Hannover Hamburg, Island of Sylt (Westerland) Dortmund, Amsterdam at low level - weather rough earlier in day settled on Dortmund Cranfield leg.