What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Can’t Find it. In both options, MSFS and Developer.

Here’s how to get there:

  • General options,
  • Camera,
  • Scroll down to Chase Camera,
  • Turn off ‘Instruments Heads-up Display (HUD)’



In italian languange the translations are simply NOT that precise and confusiong.
Here is my GENERAL OPTION View. is quite different from the english edition that is showing the POV.


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Had a beautiful flight from Tirana in Albania along the Montenegrine and Croatian coast to Dubrovnik. This is such a pretty area with all those little capes, islands and coastal towns, can only recommend it!


I think the option positions are the same. If that’s the case.It’s the 5th from bottom. did you found it and does it work for you?

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Yet not resolved 100%.
I simply do not want do see ANYTHING on the screen in Out-View Mode, but only the Airplane.
Whatever SimFlight program you use there is a simple Menu with clear choices and selections.
A full program description is missing so we have to try and find out.


Could you post a screenshot of what you are seeing? Otherwise it would become quite difficult to help. If you are talking about the menu arrow on top, that’s a known bug.

Redid the Tokyo (RJTT) - Fukuoka (RJFF) route with slightly (not much) better weather and the newly-updated CRJ. It works like a charm now :sunglasses:

And yes, I floated the landing haha. I’m not used to the CRJ anymore since we had to wait for the update, but it was worth the wait. :hugs:


With the Cessna 152 over Silent Hill (Centralia, PA).

Enough time to find an airstrip in the vicinity and land before the wolven hour begins.


No fancy pictures, but looking for that small spot:

Found it, i think? It was the only “clear” spot i could find.


Todays flight on my Scandinavian tour was to Rovaniemi In Finland. Weather was a bit (lot) iffy but just managed to scrape in before the airfield closed down.

As many will know Rovaniemi is on the Arctic Circle and the airport serves visitors, young and old, to Santa Claus village. So as his place is just across the road from the airport popped in to see the old fella!
IMG_0381 small
Well you’ve got to haven’t you?


Savahana to Clearwater/Tampa by way of Jacksonville, by the time I got to Tampa the sound was breaking up (oh boy another new issue to trouble shoot) but other then that uneventful.

Flew by a place near Inverness the locals call the ‘Prairie’ and it was still there, took a swing by Margaritaville looking for Jimmy Buffet, no luck…oh well just a couple of shots:


Take off from SCTG Tongoy to SAKZ Rodeo crossing the Andes at 19500 ft avoid a brewing storm.

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Thanks to the vid I posted earlier, I have been practicing the descent into Paro from Bangladesh, only to find it is also a challenge! It’s much easier when you are pre-configured! got an A, but I am thinking my first unrated attempt was actually the best

Then a 2.5 hour from Rome to Cairo, and caught some vid of smooth fly-by’s

Better better at flyby’s… If Asobo included better vido tools and replay, they would have a LOT more vids to market this beautiful sim with

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I had no issue for the connection. Did you use your username or email adress for the connection? (you should use the username)

Still waiting for the London Discovery Flight to open… Is anyone else having this issue.

The loading bar moves extremely slow, after it’s 75% loaded. When the blue loading bar moves all the way to the right, NOTHING happens. Then I have to close MSFS, and then reboot my PC since the music continues to run after the simulator closes.


I flew over NYC with the new scenary from SamScene. Amazing!


I did this


Such a beautyful thunderstorm outside - I am not sure if a nice flight over the Aokigahara with Resident Evil background music or playing some Dishonored 2 would be more appeasing for the spirits.
But I already had a short visit to Mount Fuji today:


Got to say i love taking small trips the most and I’m currently exploring different continents. Im also interested in places where major things happened.

Yesterday I flew down to the Power Stations of Fukushima and checked them out. I also did a small run from Tokyo International to Tachikawa in real time just as the sun was coming up. beautiful stuff.

This game really needs some sort of task based, mission based structure though. Wether ferrying supplies or people. It would be great if they could animate via cutscenes people boarding your plane or you loading supplies and then you run that trip.

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