Today I flew in the desert and I found a thing.
Thanks. I hope the engine holds too, not too many placss to dead stick it down there…
How did you find this? Where? How did you get out?
Flying cross country, VOR to VOR in the Cessna 152.
Started in Oceano, California and heading east, destination not yet known (maybe Key West, Florida).
Just landed in Waco, Texas.
Almost forgot how much fun VOR flying is.
Friday Harbor, Settings included for tech detail.
Smooth flight on airports like SFO i lower terrain lod sliders on approach keep objectslod above hundred, for buildings become important, trees and bushes medium to low for they are less important this give plenty headroom for around 24 to 30fps to stay less stutter free on approach.
This i do before at least 1000ft
On take off on heavy scenery airports i do vice versa, after 1000ft crack up
DA40NG (DANG) Adventure.
Some serious climbing ahead.
Hope the weather hold.
The weather did hold… but the mountains were higher than the aircraft alt ceiling. Had to re-route, find and divert to new airport. Quite a challenge for a Flatlander. My usual hunting ground are the coastal areas. Ah…these are West Papua Mountains. I am on the way to Maluku and Philippines
Aw even the christmas tree is shaped like the turbine compressor stages of the engine core! Wonderful!
It’s a “christmas egg” in the FBW installer. Click on the A380X installer and follow the clues
DA40NG (DANG) Adventure.
First takeoff, Melbourne, Australia. Now day 7… 22 Airports visited.
Most challenging Flight: West Papua when realizing the Mountains were higher than my Aircraft could go.
West Papua, WASO Babo, Babo. shows no fuel for this Airport, but is has a fuel-pump.
A great 4h53m flight from Ketchikan, AK (PAKT) to Lihue, HI (PHLI) in our beloved N343BW Longitude. Stiff crosswind on our ILS approach to runway 35, but a gorgeous approach with amazing skies all worked out great and we nailed the landing despite the winds. Welcome to Hawaii. Our 50 state tour started at John Wayne/OC, CA (KSNA) on October 16, and concluded today in Hawaii. What a ride it’s been! Headed home back to KSNA next! YT link to landing vid:
Wow…That Cockpit looks cozy. I wish I had one like that for my DA40NG.
Almost 5 hours… I call that endurance. My longest flight was not even 3 hours. Please tell us what movie you watched during the flight…he…he…
This morning I flew along the southern part of Australia from Mount Gambier to West Sale in the Pitts Special S2S. It’s an excellent little biplane to fly. I had a bit of a bumpy landing as I didn’t flare a little longer to bleed off some speed, but I had a great time flying it!
West Sale…Have been there many times. Nice place to fly To me landing is an art. Mostly I get it right… My bad habit… I come in way, way too low. Think it has to do with me needing a loo badly after a long flight.
My first Island Landing. Jefman, Sorong (WASS) Indonesia, West Papua.
There is a nice Pagoda on the Island…but sadly not modelled in msfs. At least I could not find it.
Factory complete and currently I have a contract to deliver 20,914lbs of emergency medical supplies to Rothera Station, in 9 days… I’ve had to call one of my other pilots down from Iceland to help, but its going to take them 2 days to get here.
In the meantime, just leaving here to take the first smallish batch completed by my factory to at least get the ball rolling. ETA about 4 hours air time.
Take off was not so straight forward, 32kts cross wind with gusts of 43kts made it a challenging one.
Weather at destination, maybe some snow, but visibility is supposed to be good enough… we will see (or maybe we won’t!). You never know what you are going to get weather wise! but thats the fun of it!
BTW Tempted to get the HPG H145 - anyone got it?