Really nice of you to do that and let me know. It was a really fun adventure. Thanks for watching.
Not sure if you’re aware but I’ve given myself my own “project” of flying over every USA city that has photogrammetry, which is basically like 47 states. A few states ago, from watching your videos you gave me the idea to fly from an airport of the state I was in, to the next state I’m visiting. But I don’t record those flights but I do make them as it seems appropriate.
Learn anything on your travels? Any landmarks or points of interest that surprised you or you didn’t expect?
Calgary to Vancouver night flight clear skies full IFR. Perfect other than the approach taking me against the landing path for RWY 8R. Knew that was a bad idea but whatever. Not sure what I was supposed to do on arrival.
Just missed that guy.
DA40NG ‘DANG’ Adventures.
Last flight for today. Made it to Kuala Lumpur Intl
Nice Airport with some really Big Birds. Felt a little intimidated.
It took me half an hour to get where I was supposed to park.
This is One Big Airport !!!
Today in MSFS, thanks to MS and Asobo, something amazing, which was make Detroit look decent.
(I always associated Ford=Detroit, but the tallest building in Detroit is Chevrolet as seen at the 2:22 mark )
I absolutely love your videos EggMan, never cease to amaze me. The music choice is awesome and goes so well. I assume you fly first and then add the music later?
Buttered the A320 :))))))
Yes, I fly first, record the flight and record the replay. Music is normally just whatever YouTube allows me to pick from their catalogue of allowed music. Glad you like it
Return leg, another big flight! SCIE in Chile back to home base in Argentina, SAWH.
Clear skies and 19C in Chile, intermittent rain in Ushuaia, Argentina.
Carrying 96,000lbs of weight, it took ALL of the runway to get in the air, and even then it was on the limit, scraping the tops of the trees at the end of the runway luckily beyond that the Bíobío River, giving me ample time to acquire some kts and altitude.
Wikipedia tells me: “The Biobío River is the second largest river in Chile. It originates from Icalma and Galletué lakes in the Andes and flows 380 km to the Gulf of Arauco on the Pacific Ocean. The major tributaries of the river are the Malleco and the Laja.”
I flew the 737 MAX (Bredok version) from Bogota to Curacao. I had a little problem getting the engines started, but I had a great flight and landing overall.
Flying some cargo over random islands. Thousands of gallons of finest coconut milk, sugar, fine liqueur, and surfboards - the cargo compartment was filled up to the brim.
The most important thing:
Setting the cockpit and interior temperature to a cozy atmosphere of 75° Fahrenheit which is about 22-23° Celcis.
The design of having the engines build into the wings in a fluent design is awesome compared to the casual design that is used in 90% of all current planes: just having turbine nacelles hanging under the wings.
That´s why she is called the “Cloudmaster”, the name an airplane can get.
The engines are still in good condition, and not overheating even with cowl flaps almost closed.
The Cloudmaster is rather difficult to bring into a stable approach and not as easygoing and “F-16 jet” like.
I could not align the nose with this runway and crashed unfortunately. This aircraft cannot be flown with sharp banking and steep turns into the final approach, but it was my second attempt to land. Maybe the coconut milk will arrive next time!
(The islanders were still happy because the crashed plane did not catch fire at least a few palettes with 2000 gallons of liqueur, and some guitars for the evening campfires could be salvaged from the wreck…)
This failed landing awakens the wish to finally get a good looooong final approach visual landing guide. Again there was non even if the flight was pre-planned the airport was not marked als POI, and no visual landing guide was visible. This time I would have needed it because this airplane is way different to fly than the CRJ and really needs a long stable approach…
Got her down at SAWH, this was tough landing as had a 28kt crosswind. Also, I still am having issues with the approach on AP, in the end I took it off the gyro-pilot and hand lined it up and landed manually.
This beast gets blown all over the skies with a cross wind like that, it was great fun!
Got her down, -237.40fpm, a little hard! but no issues and again, was hard work with that cross wind.
Unload the cargo into the factory for manufacturing.
Look at those waves…
Oh and stopping was easy as I managed to engage the reverses this time… finally. Didn’t need the brakes at all.
DA40NG ‘DANG’ Adventure.
WMKJ, Kuala Lumpur to WMPA, Pulau Pankor
Does not look much…right. Well, the Rwy is 04/22. What has that to do with anything?
22 is a nice low approach over the water and about 100ft past a cliff, really nice and easy.
04 however is a real (REAL) challenge. I lined the Aircraft up just fine…but getting it down onto the Rwy, just clearing the tall trees…yea…sigh. I tried twice and then landed on 22 with a tailwind.
Yea… and then there was this Airbus H 135. I was offered a free ride and after that… The Owner offered to instruct me on how to fly the thing. A very tempting offer indeed. I need to sleep on that one.
By the Way… Pangkor is an Island in Malaysia. Lovely place to rest after 14 days travelling. I might stay for a while.
Flew the Tardis over Gallifrey Citadel (links in video description) - #FS2020 - Tardis at Gallifrey - YouTube
Purchased a copy of the Embraer EMB-110 Bandeirante POH and started digging into it and detouring to the Normal Procedure checklists to run through them, compare to the condensed checklists I already had and see what is/isn’t functional in the Nextgen XBOX model so far.
Printed 28 of the 494 pages for easier reference:
Spent more than an hour in my parking spot working through all the startup procedures and prepping on taxi and flight steps before finally rolling toward the runway just in time to take off at sunset for a beautiful flight from KFLG to KPGA. Not able to gaze constantly at it with my head buried in the instruments working the deeper procedures to the extent the model allowed and practicing a couple HDG-managed procedure turns on departure transition and approach fix. Crabbed a night landing in Page, AZ with a fun 16kt crosswind component.
More practice in the FlyingIron Spitfire, tonight in one of my most favorite places in the world, the San Francisco Bay area.
(HD version is still processing, so apologies …)