What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

I worked out - with help from Google Search - how to get my very old (it uses an RS232 to USB converter) MS joystick to work, and to allocate buttons and what not, to various functions. That took a long time but I got it working, miraculously. The thing I liked, unlike the previous versions of FS (and I go back a long, long way) is that I could get the POV to operate as a proper trim switch for ailerons and elevators, just like in my real aircraft, the Vulcan. The rest of the buttons I don’t care much except the trigger which I use as brakes.

So I got airborne and crashed. Then I found out that the control responses could be fine-tuned. That was done - in small steps - and proved to be a most valued calibrating facilities. Then it was late and I went to bed.

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here it is :slight_smile:

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Became pro-IFR pylet today :slight_smile:


Congratulations, sir! I’ll be passing 50 hrs today (still a newb). I’ve soloed on the four aircraft I fly most (152, King, CJ4, and Longitude), and finally figured out how to engage and use autopilot, though I’m finding it sometimes buggy (or I’m making a mistake somewhere. Loving this game despite many needed fixes.

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Nice! I am reaching to 100 h, but why i dont see any archiviament there? I have got 22, but i see nothings! I know that isnt the wright topic for this, but i see your photo and i dont want to intasate the forum with more topic. Thank for support.
Here a photo:


Hi Filioppo
I’m not answering your question at EvidenzPLz

Firstly: Well Done :clap: :clap:
Secondly: I wanted to ask to you why you have so much free time. No demand for pastry at this time?
With your Friend marker it was easy for me to see on the sim world that you have been flying everywhere at all hours of the day to get your 100 hrs.
Keep doing that and try to be the youngest pilot on the forum to first reach 500 hrs (without neglecting your pastry chef training of course).
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.


All day spent tried to make it work. The download of base cgl folder is stuck, it goes to 90% and then stops to 0.0Mb/sec.

Oman, Africa at night:

I do LOVE this sim!

Oman, OOMS-31L departure:

cruised around the Devil’s Tower to see if how the USA Update looked there and was impressed. Also impressed how the secret government team at the “dark side of the moon” cleaned up after their doings there back in the late 70s.


Today, I did the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in a flight sim.

I switched from using a stick / HOTAS to a yoke.

A guy posted a Logitech yoke on Facebook Marketplace for a really good price, so figured I would pick it up.

The transition to flying with my left hand with a yoke with my right controlling throttle, vs 25 years of (virtual) flying with a stick in my right hand and throttle in the left is proving to be a massive challenge for this old guy. The whole “teaching an old dog new tricks” thing, I guess.

Let’s just say it’s making my landings a LOT rougher than they should be.


Everyone grumbles about the airliners in MSFS, including me. But I always find absolute bliss and amazement when I fly VFR in a single-engine. Today I flew the G1000 172 from Montgomery field in San Diego (KMYF) to San Luis County Regional (KSBP) complete with the busy Coliseum Route VFR transition route through LAX airspace. Clear skies, calm winds, and gorgeous scenery for the roughly 2hr flight.

If your sticking to high and fast airliner life, your missing one of the greatest gifts this platform has provided the sim community in over 30 years. The ability, heck, the DESIRE to fly over FREE high resolution scenery with all the details of a real-world flight, low and slow. Exactly how flying starts for all of us.


Nice! Eons ago, My first BMW 328i was ordered directly from BMW and shipped out of that port. :slight_smile:

Flying our history. Love it.

Hello young man, I use warthog hotas and honeycomb yoke and like how I’ve read countless times in Rod Machado’s books and seen in youtube’s real world flight instruction videos, the key is to hold and use the yoke as lightly as you can and not wrestle with it.


when it gets stuck, pause and close the game. then restart it and restart the download…it will pick up at wherever it left off previously. That’s my experience

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Ok, i solved! And ones you get 100h the orange logo begin silver!

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I flew the A320 from Paris to Madrid


Thanks dear.
I did it like 100 times till now. Its still stuck, probably bad internet. see my full rant at

New Downloader Required- like Steam or EPIC Games store - frustrated while updating to 1.11.70 - Self-Service / Bugs & Issues - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Carrying on around the world, I tried to land at CZST (Stewart Airport), but there where too many clouds (meant to be snowing) so diverted to PAKT (Ketchikan) for the ILS approach to runway 11.

Will try again tomorrow for as hopefully the live weather will actually have snow after the update!

Like I said, lot’s of cloud…FL310 and only just out the top :slight_smile: