@mixMugz has a great solution for that - UI mods and tweaks (full pack) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
Took a simple vfr tour of Tokyo. I’ve been there once, when the world update japan was released. Its a big world, so I decided to fly locally in the toyota area. What scenery density and beauty.
A beautiful day in Norway so flew from a private airstrip ENVE to Stavanger ENZV. VFR all the way. Take off was interesting with snow on the ground and mountains ahead. I flew a long deviation whilst I climbed to a safe height, 6500 ft. As soon as I was able I descended to fly Lysefjord, passing Pulpit Rock - a real stand out feature - with some scenery popping. But, a big but, how does the sim work out the change from the frozen fjord to ice free waters? The line dividing the two was clear to see. Brilliant. The entire coastal region was clear of snow which was a contrast to yesterday’s landing in Bergen on a snowy runway.
I thought I recognised that city… And indeed I do, that’s the National Diet Building! (I now know that, thanks to coming here).
As for me in Tokyo, I’ve just finished at Tokyo Dome 1/3, got tomorrow night and Tuesday night to get through. I didn’t bother to pursue my ‘World Airlines’ idea here on this trip though, and after Tokyo, I’m going to Hiroshima on Wednesday I think. I’m not going to Yokohama on this trip like I initially intended to before I got here, but that’s okay, I’ve got another trip in mind for Yokohama.
On the 3rd, this Sunday of my 2 days off here (Sunday and Monday) I’m going to The Shinto Kanamara Matsuri at the Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki though, and that’s between Tokyo and neighbouring Yokohama, but, I’m doing Yokohama on another trip.
But Kanamara Matsuri is this annual event and it’s happening on my day off, and I was hoping to do that maybe I guess, but I never knew when it was, turns out it’s this Sunday, while I’m in town, on my day off, so I’m doing that.
I’m also seeing sakura on this trip, near Osaka I think, or somewhere, Kansai to be exact; what a wonderful time of year to be in Japan! It seems.
Revisited my FSX flight to Kai Tak with the new MSFS version of the Concorde
MSFS is an overall visual evolution in flight sim tech from where we’ve started!
The sim is everything I’ve imagined it would be in this particular scenic approach into Kai Tak
I am not seeing Concorde anywhere on Xbox yet, DC designs just have an old Sopwith-looking thing…
Does the nose go up and down on MSFS too? I miss Concorde, I remember seeing them as a child over London.
You’d see the odd Concorde from time to time in and amongst the usual traffic.
It’s still in the works for the Xbox.
Do people still buy DLCs for PC or are they all free?
I see a lot of community stuff.
Most stuff is payware, but I’ve heard some things are free on the PC. You’d have to ask a PC person about that. I think some liveries for aircraft on the PC might be free, for instance. But for the DLC from either 3rd parties or Asobo (meaning aircraft), you’re paying for those.
There are literally tens of thousands of freeware liveries, sceneries, and even some complete aircraft available for PC simmers. Some are great, most range from okay to really good. Plus there are a LOT more payware aircraft, scenery and mod options than are available on XBox or the in-sim Marketplace.
A funny thing happened on my way to the Oscars… in my case, Bing had no Academy Museum, doh!
We got a call to whisk someone away, but I guess that person changed their minds. Just the facts, Ma’am.
Former CBS Television City and Farmers Market
Peterson Auto Museum and old Bullocks restored as part of the Academy Museum
Bank building overlooking both - LA needs helipads! You know, good ones like the freeware creators are making for France, Germany, the UK… waaaaaaa!
Quick peek at Echo Park and DTLA
Griffith Observatory and Mount Lee
Universal Studios mod looks perty good. I’m leary of photogrammerty mods as folks get too grand, either taking too much imagery or enhancing it to a frame-robbing finish to make it look sharper. Small areas are better.
exciting stuff!
I took a limo to & from Tokyo Dome for last night’s show… Went out early for a spot of sightseeing, I’m on TV this morning, got to be at the studio around 10 am, promoting my Tuesday show and my music, I guess.
In my sightseeing though, I was at Budokan when I noticed the sun was coming up…
I’ve never been out yet for sunrise in Japan, so I decided I wanted to see it from Tokyo Skytree, for some reason.
Then I decided I knew where that Asahi Billboard I found was…
Turns out I did/I was right!
Then it was off to Tokyo Skytree!..
…But I decided I wanted to see the sunrise from Rainbow Bridge instead… & Do to Rainbow Bridge what I did to Golden Gate…
Then I decided I wanted to see the sunrise back at my hotel, so I raced back to it to beat the sunrise to see it on the roof of my home base here in Tokyo this week…
I saw the sunrise over Japan this morning, from Tokyo, my first time seeing the sunrise here.
‘Land of the rising sun, and whatnot.’
Then I decided the sun was up, went off to see if I can see Mount Fuji from Tokyo in this/MSFS, I can’t.
Gustaf iii airport is scary. I practice final approaches there