What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Today three friends made a flight with an A320 and a B747, from Punta Raisi to Milan LINATE.


but i think the G1000/3000 must be used like you described
the Workingtitle CJ4 switches automatically to LOC1 then Approach is armed.
You should try this aircraft
Its really great

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Got stuck in 9th leg of the balkan bush trip. I was not the only one who stuck there :wink:

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I like those wide-format screeshots. Very nice.

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I’m flying to all the airfields in the Central African Republic. I found out that they use Caravans there in real life. Only a couple of the airfields are marked in the game so I added Userpoints in Little Navmap , i got the coordinates from Wikipedia.

Real world links if anyones interested


May I ask: do you have Gatwick 3rd party or just the standard airport?

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I have just the premium/deluxe version of fs2020, no 3rd party stuff from marketplace.


Ok thx. Having a little bit of a hard time lately with 3rd party airports. A lot of CTD’s.

I’ve not had any ctd on series x for a while not since SU7 and SU8 updates anyway. I don’t play the sim all the time though.

Went to O-East, saw this American metal band play tonight ‘Plan Damage’

Anyway, had a good time, hung out, left around 12:30 am
and I celebrated the start of my last official night in Tokyo

Shoulda’ been in Hirsohima already, but then things changed and now that’s Tokyo, one more day, tonight, well, later on today should I say, is my last night at the Tokyo Dome. ‘they’re filming it or whatever’ for Amazon and THK are involved too
 It should be cool.
Getting paid £8,000,000.00 for this trip which by my calculations = to f’king £1, 000,000.00 a day right
 I can’t complain

So I left O-East around half 12

got to my hotel like 5 minutes later, which is 5 minutes quicker than driving, but 15 minutes quicker than walking


Is it worth it?

I too see that, and I am also tempted to enhance cities, but, c’mon

So many places in the world
 X amount of funds, real talk
 Not fantasy lived out on MSFS keys to the world smiles.

I wonder

Who here loves flying for the aeroplanes more?
Who here loves flying to see the world more?
Maybe it’s a bit of both, I don’t know, but sometimes, I wished the world was more enhanced on the basic version. Also, since Microsoft

Since Microsoft works with or is Turn 10 & Forza Motorsport, why not have a marketplace for liveries from the community too on MSFS? - for the console releases that is.

If these forum walls have ears and eyes from the game developers of this

’Do that, what I just said, please.’ :smiley:

I was merely testing the stability of the EGSS airport mod, when I came across this beautiful sky.

This sim can really catch you by surprise sometimes!..


That’s a beautiful mod, but he did not put in an active helipad. The cold one is there.

Bush Trip Tasmanian Odyssey


How to turn off annoying HUD and unlock assistance options.


Continuing my TBM930 world tour flying from DIAP Abidjan to CTD somewhere there

Did another flight for the On-Air airline manager addon. I Took a few tourist sightseeing around Jacksonville FL. The red marker is the waypoint where the sight seers will snap there photos.

I have to say that the water looks really good in this sim even on medium settings!

The piper Archer III.


Didnt do much Flying today, reconfigured my Alpha and Bravo throttle quadrant for all my different 3rd party planes
It took me a while, but pleased I did it. Tomorrow a different day a full day on the new Boeing 247D maiden voyage
cant wait.

That is very nice indeed!

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It’s a great mod! For sure it hasn’t covered everything 100%, but I’m loving the details on things like the monorail, TNT/Fedex depot, buses, Ryanair ramp, fire training area, etc .

It really brings the airport to life!

EDIT: Also, I’m not too sure about the PAPI 's on Rwy 22. I know that they generally deliver less useful information the closer you get, but from the video, it was almost as if it thought the touchdown zone was at the runway’s threshold.

yes , that is a fun thing to do, flying to unmarked strips
hint, a lot of those in new zealand.

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