Max performance departure +2000 fpm LTFJ Turkey headed East to Karachi.
You cannot beat the feeling.
Max performance departure +2000 fpm LTFJ Turkey headed East to Karachi.
You cannot beat the feeling.
At the moment - on the Turkish coast with the Mediterranean Sea, just passed Aldana. A gorgeous low-hanging cloud bank below at around 3000’.
Flew the Junkers JU52 on my new world tour starting in Beaver Island Michigan and flew to Buffalo Niagara International Airport
More creator work on Stornoway and Barra, Hebrides, also a hospital helipad. Weather was far better than the last time I went a few months ago.
I left the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo around 11:45 am for Kawasaki for the annual Kanamara Matsuri at Kanayama Jinja Shrine that started at 11 am but gets into full swing at 12 noon with a parade around the corner to it at Kawasaki-Daishi Station, according to Google.
As seen in James May: Our Man In Japan.
I arrived down at the Kanayama Shrine just before Noon.
Turns out, even though this was the furthest I’ve been out all week, it was still closer than I thought.
I came back a little underwhelmed by Kawasaki in MSFS, was glad to be back though;
Today was the first time I’ve seen rain here in Japan, the furthest I’ve been out all week and, to be honest, based on this trip; The rest of Japan, where I want to go after Tokyo; doesn’t bode so well if it’s going to be the same quality as Kawasaki was in MSFS today.
I don’t know until I get to those places though.
I’ve done Kanamara Matsuri 2022 on MSFS as it was happening today though.
Kanamara Matsuri is this annual Shinto fertility festival that James May went to on James May: Our Man In Japan.
I liked how the live weather in the game correlated with what Google’s telling me what it’s like there now, that was cool.
And today’s weather makes the sunrise I saw here yesterday all the more special now.
haha nice cat, i bet it likes autopilot, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Continued on from Luena (FNUE) to Cuito Cuanavale (FNCV) today. Started off nice and sunny with clouds here and there, but then not very far from my destination it turned to 100% clouds. Luckily when I started to descend to land I got my visuals back, which was a huge relief. I did a handful of landings before only with the glass cockpit’s aid, but it is so much easier if you can actually see the land.
Added Sonic and Tails’ Tornado and took it for a flight through some rings at the Grand Canyon #FS2020 - Tails' Tornado at Grand Canyon - YouTube
Do you have all chaos emeralds to go Super Sonic?
After trying my luck and losing most of my money at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL, I decided to go try my luck and fly to Nassau Bahamas and lost the rest of my money. Well…now the repo man is coming for the Corvette and the plane
Thanks! Good thing weather allowed for a visual approach.
But today I figured out what I did wrong: I set the AP to HDG and then activated “APR” assuming it would follow both lateral (LOC) and vertical (GS). But for the LOC I must activate “NAV” on the AP (while CDI is set to LOC1). Then activate APR to captured the glideslope.
So managed to perform a nice ILS approach. Now, to figure out why the “GENERATOR OFF” warning isn’t going away … probably should RTFM but it’s more fun to mess around like this (and not crash).
I like how the big aircraft leave an imprint on the ground:
The generator is off and I don’t know how to turn it on, but everything worked well:
I swear it is on what is up:
And today, some stuff I hopefully never need to do IRL: took the FK9 for some emergency training: landing with “stuck throttle” (full RPM). I was wondering what was easier: enter a normal downwind leg and shut the engine down in that leg, or fly overhead the field and cut the engine then.
Both worked out well, but using the normal familiar circuit felt easier. Not sure if I should fly higher than a normal circuit though, some additional altitude in an emergency might be useful.
Also, a problem I had not considered: the full throttle limits how fast you can descend.
Prop is windmilling, the engine is off:
Even time to vacate the runway:
Today’s flight - KBID to KPVC in Live Weather, there’s a big storm shearing off to the Southeast.
The weather effects are amazing. You can see the rain bands ahead of you distorting and reducing visibility, and if in doubt - cross check with NEXRAD. I was almost immediately in the soup, but it was a gradual loss of visibility as one would expect on the climbout - by the time I was over BI Harbor, it was almost in gloom.I passed through multiple bands from departure all the way to the south end of the Cape. The sunset made for a beautiful dusk arrival.
Great 42 minute flight up from Key West, FL (KEYW) to Orlando Executive, FL (KORL) in our beloved Longitude. Shout out to @davidamills for helping me fix the dark screen bug. Shot the ILS to runway 07. More photogrammetry issues, but we landed safe and in gorgeous Florida weather! YT link to full flight video:
Flew from Buffalo to Mountain View Canada in the Junkers JU52
I spent my last day off here in Tokyo before tomorrow night’s big finale at the Tokyo Dome on Tuesday night by doing technology shopping/sightseeing in Akihabara in Taito this afternoon before going to Disneyland.
The weather was worse than yesterday, more rain, started off with low visibility.
I’m going to O-East tonight to see this American band play, and that should conclude my last day off, also, today marks 7 days/a full week since I got to Japan/Tokyo.