What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Take off in the F-16 from a variety of exotic European locations, doing high speed low alt valley and mountain runs, acrobatics close to busy cities, bridges, buildings, etc. testing the aircraft’s max G capabilities as well as top speed at sea level and at height…

Finally, once I’ve had enough, land the beautiful beast. Ahh… Never gets old.

From GMMN-Casablanca (Prealsoft) to LICC-Catania (Beautiful model of the world).


Flew the Fenix A320 from LOWW to LOWI, Austrian livery, flight OS903. Executed a special LOC DME East approach with circle to land RWY08. The midday temperature was 31 degrees Celsius today in Innsbruck, unbelievable :scream:

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10 pics to a post, please.

@Stoveyblue71 Yes! that is Otto from Airplane, but that’s not important right now :wink:
Inflight Music: 101 Strings Orchestra - MacArthur Park.


ANA A320 flight from Tokyo to Hiroshima.
Everything was fine, plane didn’t lost RNAV approach (runway 28, scenic and dangerous) and, surprise, VFR map worked too!

(Xbox Series X, not beta version)

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Last night I did a red eye flight in the Junkers JU52 from OPPI to OPKC


Flew the Junkers JU52 from OPKC to VIPX and saw an crazy ai baron 58 doing circles while on roof in the background

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Test flight with Fenix A320 in San Jose area.


Happy Saturday evening from Sunland and LA… checked out the KBUR v2 update from ORBX and was non-plussed. The buildings are very dark now and the helipads are still not active, just there. Oh, well.

LA always looks fine in the sim in this light. The May Gray day was something with a tad of rain.


Taking the Fenix out in the new Jestar Livery thanks Impulse_Simulations. Also using custom fixed camera views from Axeldude. Heading out on a overcast afternoon in Sydney heading up to the Tropical Hamilton Island.


Had a nice sunset flight in Brazil with the Cessna Caravan.



Humanitarian flights around the world with my new Finex A320. I am a priority in every airport. This will keep me busy. :smiley:


Pushed on to Basel LFSB then down lo Lyon LFML, working around the swiss alps in my 172. Onto Marseille LFMN then to Turin LIMF over the next couple of days. Its not without problems getting to Italy from Western France in a Cessna.

Had a short but fun flight from HTIR to HTDO.

I did the whole flight on manual, no autopilot and to make it more fun, as low as I dared

But if it’s low and fast then it should have some of … yeeeeehaw

I nailed a real smooth landing too

…well almost. As I was taking this landing photo, MFS decided that the plane got into a centrifuge while in active pause and decided when I released the pause that I just crashed the plane :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Two reloads after a crash then, on the third, logged for the night.

Fun times.

Did a flight from Detroit to New York in the PMDG 737. So freaking cool to land at LaGuardia with Manhattan on your right.

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Flew down from Zurich to Milan after waiting for the arrival of World Update 9.


Late afternoon patrol around Malta. Good to see our RN chaps formed up and ready…