I flew a DC3 (converted from FSX - gauges not working) from Hamburg to Bremen.
Picture not showing the flight but the plane …
As of right now, I’ve just flown over the Blue Mesa Reservoir, in Colorado. Started in Denver, to have a look at the Rockies. Not sure where I’m going, just heading vaguely southwest. Should probably land before sunset, though I’ve got fuel to take me to Las Vegas if I like, and that shouldn’t be hard to find in the dark.
-Launched the game
-Had the “insert disk” bug than realised it was because I wasn’t logged into my windows store account.
-reload the game, fill a flight plan and prepare to take off in a greek airport.
-Game crashes again and again before I can take off.
-spend about 3 hours figuring out the azure bug.
-restart the game for the 10th time, takeoff.
-notice midflight the “can’t change mach to kias” bug.
-crash at landing because the aircraft can’t get under 0.4 mach with autothrottle on.
What a wonderfull experience !
Nothing today too, still bugged
Started my Round the World trip with the A320N
Queenstown - Sydney Complete
Sydney - Brisbane
Brisbane - Cairns
Cairns - Denpasar
Denpasar - Jakarta
Jakarta - Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur - Yangon
Yangon - Dhaka
Dhaka - Hyderabad
Hyderabad - Colombo
Colombo - Mumbai
Mumbai - Karachi
Karachi - Dubai
Dubai - Sanaa
Sanaa - Mogadishu
Mogadishu - Dar Es Salaam
Dar Es Salaam - Antananarivo
Antananarivo - Maputo
Maputo - Cape Town
Caoe Town - Windhoek
Windhoek - Luanda
Luanda - Libreville
Libreville - Abidjan
Abidjan - Dakar
Dakar - Casablanca
Casablanca - Madrid
Madrid - Paris CDG
Paris CDG - Manchester
Manchester - Dublin
Dublin - Reykjavik
Reykjavik - Oslo
Oslo - Warshaw
Warshaw - Moscow DME
Moscow DME - Bucharest
Bucharest - Milan
Milan - Tunis
Tunis - Athens
Athens - Cairo
Cairo - Kuwait
Kuwait - Tehran
Tehran - Lahore
Lahore - Kathmandu
Kathmandu - Chengdu
Chengdu - Guangzhou
Guangzhou - Shanghai
Shanghai - Beijing
Beijing - Seoul Incheon
Seoul Incheon - Tokyo Haneda
A real nice flight is Brussels - Amsterdam during sunset or night. Just stunning !
Crashed. I got ■■■■■■-off with myself so I went out for a coffee.
VFR at 2000’ southwestbound across London at sunset in the X-Cub, watching all of the lights coming on. Live traffic and weather certainly adds to the realism. Amazing! Apart from overshooting turns, the X-Cub’s autopilot works really well.
Edit: Then 5 miles from landing, the engine quits! Don’t rely on the HUD fuel gauge. The only real fuel indication is the wing root sight tubes, and good fuel planning. Good emergency training, though, finding a lighted playing field in London to land on!
Wow! That’s mighty ambitious.
I assume you checked out this post: [FREEWARE] RANGER CREEK Airport - W21 ?
There’s a link to his page: https://kimjoongjae91.wixsite.com/mysite/project09
He’s got AYYZ as a free download (on his webpage), also inspired by those youtube videos.
I just finished my flight along the coast of the entire African continent, then continuing towards India before heading towards Papua New Guinea. I’m switching between Cessna 152 for areas I’d like to explore visually, and the TBM930 for areas I just want to cross. As soon as the G58 is working properly I will start using that one too.
I’ve literally met a wall though, as I’d like to land at LLMZ, by the Dead Sea, but there’s some bug that wont let me cross the 0m boundary.
Cheers, and happy soaring!
To answer the OP’s question:
I was searching for the highly advertised live weather. Didn’t find it. Again. Have only occasionally been successful since January.
Too bad.
Started the sim to check the Live Weather bug. Still wrong! Three days it’s been wrong! Restarted my PC and back to the sim. Behold, the Live Weather was right! Started a flight to check the LOD bug. Still bugged! Exited the sim and watched a movie with my wife.
Installed SimToolKitPro, did a first flight planned with it and am now back-loading my flights into the STKP flight log (well, those that were ground to ground and not just test flights, or Icon water to water flights).
I was fighting the AP for control of the pitch trim. It wanted to pitch up to 100% on take off and I wanted it to pitch down to neutral. As soon as I pitch down, I can see the pitch trim go up again. Turned AP off to regain control of the pitch trim. This is with a Cessna with G1000 after a successful ILS landing after which I wanted to take off again to practice landings.
Did a quick VFR flight out of Leeds-Bradford (EGNM), which is my local airport. Aim was to fly up to the Dales and fly the ‘three peaks’, however, when I got there there was no ‘V’ for my VFR, so looped back via Harrogate and Leeds before returning to EGNM. (Robin DR400)
After that (day off from work ) - did the next leg of my RTW - from Zanzibar (HTZA) to Entebbe (HUEN) including a crossing of the vast Lake Victoria. (TBM 930)
After almost 150h in the TBM and Caravan, I’m now learning the ways of the Citation CJ4. It’s been a pleasure, especially with the mod by Working Title.
I came from work yesterday evening and hat to tweek my graphic settings. Because of massive fps drops.
Before, i installed the english language speech packs to prevent ctd’s after takeoff.
I loaded a saved Flight from EDDF to EGLL and it ended in a beautiful flight with live weather (awesome overkast sky).
Here in Germany we had also bad weather in the evening.
Even the winds were pretty strong in high altitude at 226/76. The A320(A32nx) had problems to speed up because of headwind.
But as i said it was a very good flight with no issues and a save landing in Heathrow.
The last time i had not so much fun with the sim.
Did a few OnAir runs in the C172…so i can upgrade to my fav TBM.