What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Flew the DC6 from CFF4 to CYDA the good news is I went from dirt airfields to the point where I’m now starting to get to airports with paved and gravel runways :slight_smile:

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Today I ordered a used copy of Sublogic Flight Simulator II off ebay to go with a vintage Atari 800XL I recently acquired in a bout of nostalgia. Includes the original manuals and navigation maps that I remember poring over as a child!

Gonna celebrate the 40th anniversary of Flight Simulator in my own way. :smiley:


Took a leisurely cruise from a dock near Laguardia to the Statue of Liberty.


I’m not normally someone who bothers with game ‘Achievements’ but the ones here are great for learning and improving skills, at least for me.

I ticked off Service with a smile, Flights of fancy, Stay on Target and Saddle sore this week. All while trudging my way towards Instrumental - I’m a GA flyer mostly but trying to learn IFR procedures and increase the types of aircraft I can fly.

Saddle sore did exactly that, LAX to Kansas City International in the G36 Bonanza. Took exactly 7 hours, 59 minutes and thirty five seconds and I thought I’d missed the achievement but thankfully it was generous and popped up. Those, near, 8 hours reminded me just how stable and forgiving the Bonanza is.

It also gave me plenty of time to buff up on the G1000 as I’m a steam gauge fan so I watched some videos and fiddle about during the trip. I normally fly in VR but wasn’t about to sit for 8 hours with a hot box on my face, though I now recognise landing is much easier in VR than on a flat monitor.

Next up, landing challenges and continuing to learn and improve my instrument flying skills.

Have a great weekends flying everyone.


Enjoyed the morning sun over Narsaruaq.


Watching this today…!!! :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :joy:


San Francisco Bay shipping.


Reading in the Fenix chat that TODAY two updates with one of it being the legendary IAE turbines, are planned. And that the bleed air, engine, and some other ECAM pages were completely rewritten to maximize realism too.
I am way to excited to fly now, and relax and prepare mentally for the new enhanced Fenix tonight! :smiley:
By the way: Awesome boats! Why not adding some offshore and turbine boat racing to the flight sim - I absolutely loved these races in “The Crew 2”.


Helped someone get the AP working on the VL-3, took it for a quick spin. Don’t fly the GotGravel Vertigo, because you’ll never want to touch the stock VL-3 again. :slight_smile:

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haven’t seen this update news anywhere on the discord chat?

Boats, some helicopters and driveable cars are already in MSFS. Boats and Heli’s are then more the rescue types, youtube has some movies about this

all day trying to know why my bing map textures not loading

Beautiful evening flight in the HJet from Key West to Cancun.


en route to Honolulu with Alyson Johnson and Cpt Arash


Rock and ship hopping St. Barth

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I’ve made it a personal learning goal to fly all the turboprop types that come standard with the sim. So today I tackled the dreaded Asobo King Air. I did improve it using JD’s Mods to the Flight Model and integrate PMS’ excellent GTN750.

I flew out of my home base KBID - the T/O was a bit squirrely, I should have pitched more aggressively - had those power poles added by Gaya actually had wires, I would have struck. I then got brave (never do this IRL lol) and bypassed a quick test flight to KUUU and went straight to Provincetown. In retrospect that was a smarter idea. Newport has too many trees on the 22, 16 and 34 approaches. PVC is pretty flat given it’s surrounded by beach head. I did have to clone my JT-A control profile and replaced the mixture with the Condition Lever. I literally spent ten minutes trying to shut down because I didn’t have a mapping and the gosh-darn things wouldn’t go to Cut-Off using the mouse. :smile:

I credit Krepelka’s Notes from FSX days to help me with type-technique. VSpeeds, handling, and especially operational notes on climbout, cruise, approach and landing. It was a little fast - I was about +10 on final crossing the boundary but hey, that’s what reverse prop position is for lol. Very helpful if you have a copy from FSX days!


Across the pond is out of there, WOW

Me myself trying out some settings on the way to Male… showers and thunderstorms


Flew the dc6 from CYDA to CYXY

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I discovered that aside from the Philippine CG livery mod, there is a more generic PCG livery already with the H145 (put in by HYPE?). I kept wondering why there were no other markings except for the basic paint and CG lettering. If you fly this, make sure you pick the CGH-1451 AND CGH-1452 liveries to get the more articulate markings.

Flew the DC6 from CYXY to CZST

It’s interesting, only one of the two PCG units has a radome, and some other small equipment mismatches. All bought on limited budget, so it’s not surprising (I’ve followed Ph Defense Matters for years).

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