What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Just like back on FS '02, I distinctly remember having a total failure while flying the Learjet 45. Literally everything shut off and so began an emergency landing.

Electrical system & engine failure(s). Was only able to drop my landing gear about 30% before lock-up.

Funny thing is, I don’t run Failures in the Sim. Probably botched something on my SUP.

Best case scenario, find a wide street/highway and hope for the best.

This, happening about 15 minutes after takeoff from KLAX.


Exploring north of Anchorage up the Kink river


What a great 32 minute flight from Mammoth Yosemite (KMMH) to Napa County General (KAPC) in the Longitude! Sim was stable, flight at FL280 was beautiful, and with a purely visual approach to runway 19R, an adventure! Welcome to Napa!

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I flew to Shinshu Matsumoto Airport in a welfare vehicle for a hospital visit.
This welfare vehicle has a good view of the rear seats.
I thought my son was only looking at me, but it seems that he is not, which makes me both sad and happy.
Lake Suwa is as beautiful as ever.


still in the analog king air CYWK to CYGP then CYGP to CYIF via CYNA facing a strong wind :scream:

that was yesterday , lot of misadventure


Used to fly Dalhart TX to… Anywhere West when you’re driving anything unpressurized. The hump just East of Santa Fe is your best Southern pass over the Rockies. Love MSFS but it still doesn’t quite capture the real beauty of the desert SW. Still a great flight nonetheless.


Went back to one of my old warbirds – P-40 Tomahawk at Lake Tahoe. Made an embarrassingly bad takeoff, flew around the lake a bit, and made a much less embarrassing landing. :smiley:


Analog King Air from John Tune (KJWN) in Nashville to Mesquite, TX (KHQZ).


Had great service from ZFW Center on VATSIM!


860 mile balloon flight from British Columbia to Manitoba with Live Weather. I think I might be able to take this thing around the world if I play my cards right with the winds. So this is RTW leg #1. I’ll just pretend I have a pressure suit and oxygen so I can tap those high level winds.

Launched from CYCG in the morning. Looks like the tower wasn’t open yet:

Ascended through thousands of feet of cloud to get up into the jetstream and over the Canadian Rockies.

I flew close by this railway bridge POI in another balloon flight. Neat to randomly wind up there again and see it from 35,000’.

Sunset over Manitoba stole the show though:

I grossly underestimated how long it would take to get down from 40,000’. I started my descent an hour before sunset hoping I’d be able to pick a landing spot with some twilight left. But I wasn’t even half way down before it was just inky black everywhere.

Fortunately I was over farmland of the Canadian Great Plains so figured my chances of randomly hitting open ground were pretty good. I aimed for a street light and came down in a plowed field next to a farmstead. ::phew::

A few miles to the east and I would have wound up in Lake Manitoba, and a few miles to the west was solid forest, and I had about 10% fuel left at that point. Won’t be making that mistake again.


Very sensitive thing!


A bit of fun with a flight to Heathrow with my buddy Dan for a touch and go in the F18’s, then on to Bristol.

We were also joined by ‘Nightmare01’ iirc in another F18 all the way to Bristol. Don’t know who you are, but was fun flying with ya! :+1: A fun chilled evening :call_me_hand: :grinning:


I am doing a KEWR to KSEA…midway thru the flight now :slight_smile:

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Flew the dc6 from CYHZ to CYYT with a refuel stop at LFVP


Happy Landings!

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Flew the dc6 from CYYT to CCH4

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Did a manual VFR flight from John Wayne / Orange County (KSNA) to Santa Monica (KSMO), crossing directly over Los Angeles International (KLAX) following the “Los Angeles Special Flight Rules Area” guidelines for VFR aircraft.

In real life you’d have to tune into the LAX tower and get permission; the sim doesn’t implement this little quirk of FAA world :wink: so I just stayed on flight following. It was a clear day; windy but consistent, and made for a lovely little trip up the coast in the Flight Design CTSL, which remains one of my favorites for VFR.

(If you can’t live without an autopilot on the CTSL, there’s a mod out there that upgrades the little Aero GPS unit to a fake G3X. You can control autopilot on screen – in zoom! — or via bindings.)

Feels weird to just fly over LAX roughly mid-field! But hey, that’s where the landing/taking off planes aren’t as long as you’re at the correct altitude. :wink:

Dangit, now that I check I was not at the right altitude. :smiley:


Enroute KJFK-KORD traffic going the opposite direction.


Did a long endurance flight with the dc6 from CCH4 to CYFB to reach where I started the Canada DC6

We have one more day until November starts up :slight_smile:


Back to flying the FBW A320 after a break from airliners