What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Had my first go at the Citation cj4 with the latest mods - just a simple VFR flight out of my local airport. Had to watch a U-Tube vid first to find out how to even start it! Considering I’ve never flown a jet before (well did 2 hours years ago in the BA737 simulator at Heathrow) think I did quite well, even doing a "greaser back at EGNT.

What a fabulous machine, I’m really going to have to spend a lot of time learning the systems though.


This is why I love this game


Practicing my landings. Flying from N12 to KNEL. While there snapped a shot of Hanger 1 at Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering. The area in front is where the Hindenburg used to tie up and where she burned.


finished my tour of SE Asia and took The Queen to Honolulu from Tokyo. Had a horrible landing last night, so took off, did a circuit and landed again twice. Smooth as butter.

After 280-hours (all real-time) it is now time to say goodbye to the old girl as I feel I have hit the limit of the standard 747-800 in the sim. Sad to see her go

I now have a fresh Flybywire A32X installed and managed to start it up and get in the air.
It is time to rewire my brain to an Airbus and get to know her. Wow… spacey and bright cockpit in VR!

last shot of The Queen… for now anyway


is this add-on? Nice shot.

Took the CJ4 from Indianapolis to Dublin GA (heavy rain and RNAV approach was dicey). Then headed to Montgomery AL for sunnier skies, then turn around to one of the busiest airports (KATL). Last leg picked up a family of six for a VIP flight to Grand Bahamas, co-pilot and I will spend the weekend there.

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From Marseilles to Sant Tropez. I was meant to fly to Genoa, but MSFS crashed when WMR went to sleep mode (I was on lunch). I will continue flight to Florence later.



No add-on. It’s on MSFS. Practice my landings there every day Know the place well, I live only a few minutes away.

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Enjoying some VFR with a couple of flights on VATSIM with the DV20 and DA40 around the South of the UK (Looking forward to the update!). Diamonds are a man’s best friend :rofl:


CTD, after a really nice flight.

More RNAV practice, Nagoya to Shonai. Turned out to be a turbulent one over the Japan Alps and then a storm was hanging over Shonai. Failed the first approach but it took on the go-around - needed as the overcast was quite low (no pix as I was really involved in not hitting anything.)


Set out to Madeira… to see her again :blush:

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On my trip from home to around the world with the Savage Carbon, last time I made it to “somewhere on the East Coast of Greenland”.

This leg of the trip, I had to figure out where I was, and find a nearby airstrip so I could hopefully score some virtual fuel to continue my trip.

The main challenge was locating where I am, with only the coast line and a vague idea where I could be. I had two main reference points: the orientation of the coast line and the inlets along the way. The orientation was key, because there were countless inlets.

I had a vague idea of where I was, with a guess that I was here:


So I took off and decided to follow the coast Northerly. Which should’ve brought me to that water which had an airfield a bit further:

However, following the coast I noticed I was going east instead of ~ 040 as expected. So I had to look for some piece of coast that was tracking east. Best candidate was this, which made sense considering I came from Iceland

So I turned around heading West, following the coast.

It was tricky trying to orient myself, but what I did know was the coast would go West for a while, and then turn more to the North. This would bring me in an inlet which had a small airstrip called “Sødalen Landingstrip” (Sødalen Landingstrip - Greenland)

I didn’t explicitly find it, but I landed where it should be. I’m assuming it’s not in the simulator.

Given the land features, I was pretty sure I knew where I was.
To double check, I checked the coordinates of the strip with what was in my save-file:

Landing strip:


My position:

Lat: 68.164806
Lon: -31.513228

Those points are about 250 m apart, so it’s good enough for me.

Photo book

Weather was GREAT to start. Not a lot of wind and clear skies!

Climbed out and followed the coast line, I was tracking East, which was not what I expected, so I was not where I thought I was …

No problem, turn it around. Some clouds in the distance appear …

Still tracking West, clouds are coming closer. Those clouds are ICING HAZARDS.

This little hill was crucial in confirming where I was, at this point I was confident.

There’s an airstrip around the corner!

Not gonna lie, a little dissapointed. Trees seem to appear only when I’m really close, but this can be my graphics settings.

More trees than landing strips, I’ll just imagine it’s there … maybe under the snow and ice?

There’s some fuel behind these trees! Otherwise I’m stranded for the rest of my trip.

And we made it. Navigating Greenland will be interesting.


sat confused at the Flybywire installer telling me it is installed, but I see no additional A320 available.

Can someone please confirm if this actually modifies the existing A320? It seems more funciton than last time, and gave me a ‘chat is not moderated’ warning on the MCDU, but looking for confirmation.

got her off the ground, entered a basic flight plan and did a couple of laps of YMML
managed to re-route mid course, but still missing much in the MCDU setup

found this vid an irl A320 pilot put together (one of many). Really helpful, so thought it worth sharing

Not Mount Saint Helens?

787 flight from Punta Cana to Buenos Aires


I continued my flight from Northern Mongolia to Barcelona (with some detours). Did all the Stans today. Kurkmenistan Kazakstan, Uzbekitstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgizstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The mountains of Afghanistan were impressive. I’m in the Daher. A very versatile A/C gos high goes low goes fast goes slow. And it works superbly well.


Went up the coast of Brazil in the Pitts searching for Jack (of all planes) and comparing the in game scenery with the Google maps and Bing maps along the way. (No fancy nav in the Pitts.)
Set it up as VFR but requested IFR along the way to get a heading from ATC. Quite surprised that ATC actually let me stay at whichever altitude I liked.
Just made the tarmac at Curitiba as the sun set.
Lovely flight.


Brought the newly acquired "Silver Bullet (CJ4) back home to Newcastle from Leeds where I took it last night, both in real conditions and of course IFR. Both occasions the flight plan didn’t “take” so going to have to do some more work on what I’m not doing right - thank goodness for U-Tube! At least I’m getting some hand-flying in!

Then having completed a greaser in marginal cross-winds I’m faced with a C152 taking off the other way! Amateurs! :sweat_smile:

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This makes a change, Heathrow atc be like take off at 9L instead of usual 27R, 2nm trip for me lol

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