On my trip from home to around the world with the Savage Carbon, last time I made it to “somewhere on the East Coast of Greenland”.
This leg of the trip, I had to figure out where I was, and find a nearby airstrip so I could hopefully score some virtual fuel to continue my trip.
The main challenge was locating where I am, with only the coast line and a vague idea where I could be. I had two main reference points: the orientation of the coast line and the inlets along the way. The orientation was key, because there were countless inlets.
I had a vague idea of where I was, with a guess that I was here:
So I took off and decided to follow the coast Northerly. Which should’ve brought me to that water which had an airfield a bit further:
However, following the coast I noticed I was going east instead of ~ 040 as expected. So I had to look for some piece of coast that was tracking east. Best candidate was this, which made sense considering I came from Iceland
So I turned around heading West, following the coast.
It was tricky trying to orient myself, but what I did know was the coast would go West for a while, and then turn more to the North. This would bring me in an inlet which had a small airstrip called “Sødalen Landingstrip” (Sødalen Landingstrip - Greenland)
I didn’t explicitly find it, but I landed where it should be. I’m assuming it’s not in the simulator.
Given the land features, I was pretty sure I knew where I was.
To double check, I checked the coordinates of the strip with what was in my save-file:
Landing strip:
My position:
Lat: 68.164806
Lon: -31.513228
Those points are about 250 m apart, so it’s good enough for me.
Photo book
Weather was GREAT to start. Not a lot of wind and clear skies!
Climbed out and followed the coast line, I was tracking East, which was not what I expected, so I was not where I thought I was …
No problem, turn it around. Some clouds in the distance appear …
Still tracking West, clouds are coming closer. Those clouds are ICING HAZARDS.
This little hill was crucial in confirming where I was, at this point I was confident.
There’s an airstrip around the corner!
Not gonna lie, a little dissapointed. Trees seem to appear only when I’m really close, but this can be my graphics settings.
More trees than landing strips, I’ll just imagine it’s there … maybe under the snow and ice?
There’s some fuel behind these trees! Otherwise I’m stranded for the rest of my trip.
And we made it. Navigating Greenland will be interesting.