What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Carried on my tour of the UK, at least it wasn’t raining today in the East :rofl:


Left a snowy LOWI to head South West down to Gibraltar.

I really should have ignored ATC they insisted that it was an RNAV 27 Approach, even though the wind was 070 @ 13 KT. It made landing interesting.


I marvelled at the fact that in 40 years Ive gone from this:flight-simulation
(Yes, that is the legendary cutting edge Psion flight simulator for the Sinclair ZX81 which looked awesome, well, sort of, when I was 11…anyone complaining about the state of the UK update take note, we’ve come a looooooooooong way baby!)
to this:

Quite a lot of weather over the lake district requiring some low level antics across Thirlmere but a cool sunset over the Irish Sea tonight as I flew across Morcombe Bay towards Blackpool


Is that sound normal?

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KVNY - KBIH, slow cruise over Death Valley, listening to Ferdy Grofe’s Grand Canyon Suite.

Hope there is really that much snow in the Sierras… Ooops, it is correct, when you get closer the snow is quite sparse.


Yeah that’s how the Tardis sounds :slight_smile:

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Finally got Sedona challenge… first time… C152 (nice) with 20 knots wind (ouch) and a mountains approach… which was curved and messy (halfway)… touchdown went ok though, speed ok… no bumps.

Definitely going to try to improve my score, but at least I have a score now :slight_smile:

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What did I do today in MSFS.
Absolutely b&@@#r all because it’s not working for me

I’d forgotten. It’s been a while since I watched it.

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Apart from fantasizing about how the flap-thing got into the release build, I have been doing more practice runs of my next IRL flight. Because I wasn’t able to go today. 12 kts southerly wind is just not great for the P92 at our airfield, sadly. Next try, Monday!

It will be interesting to compare how the views match up.

One thing I have found in MSFS is that windmills do not stand out as much as they do in real life.

Where I fly, there are four windmills with a small city in between, it’s extremely easy to spot. The city is there, the channel next to it is beautifully and realistically visualised, so are the highways and railways. But the windmills are barely visible. I also think they are still not facing into the wind in the Sim.

Some of the other landmarks (like IKEA) are very easy to spot though!

I use the FlightDesign CTSL, because it’s the closest to a Tecnam P92, in the sim.


Flapless landings in C172. Three go arounds before I figured it out (wider traffic pattern, throttle idle just after turning base).


Reinstalled the software from scratch (a “clean install”) in an attempt to mitigate CTD events.

Hope you have better luck than me. I am doing a second reinstall to see if i can get it working.
Question, how many Gigs is your reinstall.
Are you using Steam and what process did you use to delete the MSFS files

I was trying to follow river Thames as suggested in this trip https://worldtour.flights/flightplans/219.
However, the destination airport EGCR Aston Down Airfield was in clouds and rain. After almost an hour trying to get around it I had to land EGVA Fairford (airport at screenshot).

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Took off from EGSC in the DR400, followed the A10 North, and kept going till I hit the Norfolk coast, then followed it all the way around till I got to the Thames estuary, then followed it up river to land at EGLC.

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My reinstall is about 150 GB, plus a smidge.

I have an MS Store (NOT a Game Pass) version, so I can use the Apps feature in Win 10 Settings (see screen shots below) to “Reset” the software.

Two things I found interesting this time around.

  1. The installer placed all 30 aircraft in the Content Manager. Last time I only got the 152 and the TBM.
  2. Installed size is 112GB even though the installer downloaded 150+ GBs.


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Thanks @EggMan283494… really enjoyed navigating this whale


Tried to land the St Barth challenge, with the flap issue.

It wasn’t pretty … (after two crashes and two go-arounds)

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