What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Does it have a flap issue or a flipper issue?

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Thanks for the info, much appreciated
Ok, my reinstall is 153Giug, so sounds right.

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I flew the C172 steam gauge version from Cork Ireland for a sightseeing tour to Blarney Castle, the Rock of Cashel and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Bridge, returning to Cork.

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Sat for 24 hours watching it fail to download another compulsory update that will break what I have. If I ever complete the download. The logs on my PC show I have downloaded 38Gb of a 21Gb update
 What a crock of ■■■■. I’d complain, or put in a support request, but they either don’t read them or don’t care about them.

All the updates do is stop me using the software I have have paid for, either by not letting me use the software because I don’t want to update, or by breaking what I have.

No issues at all. This whale flies like a bird.

I imagined the Guys at hype media train and their freeware helicopters let loose in the MSFS world!


Recently stock ATC has been quite good but not yesterday. Flight planned from Wilmington to Bermuda using LNM. Needless to say FS rewrote it. Took off with clearance to 7000 feet. Just I reached that height when I was cleared to FL210, in a DA62 with a service ceiling of 20,000 ft. Cancelled IFR. Had a meal. Retried the flight plan and ATC wanted FL240. Request for a lower altitude denied. Cancel IFR. Do a few other things. Try to get IFR and told to descend to 15,000 ft. Complied. Tailwind down to 60 kt from 90 kt. ATC told me to expect runway 12 ILS. I have lost track of the next orders but I descended to 12,000 when I was about 20 miles from Bermuda. Told, repeatedly, to climb to 19,000 ft. Cancelled IFR. Contacted Bermuda and to make a straight in to 12 with a 27 kt wind at 357. Safety decreed I land on 30 which I did and got a right dressing down for landing without permission. Flight time was 3h 16min.

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Today i wast trying and retrying the new landing challenge, to get the bestest score as possible. Im 16 in the word! Not bad! :joy: :upside_down_face:


Today? I configured again my preferences, same as yesterday and probably what I would do also tomorrow if I had time to spare.

Fully reinstalled 3 times since friday night

Nothing, simply because I don’t feel like doing anything about MFS since WU III UK broke things again.

“oh no, not again” or was that the bowl of petunias?


Took the 208 out to see the Cerne Abbas Giant.

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Modded the aircraft.cfg file and rented a C152 out of Denham to go and have a look at the “new” London, in between dodging all the other sightseers doing the same!

Generally quite impressed, even when I got a bandwidth warning as I approached the City (just “ignored” it) although I did see a few areas where the photogrammetry was definitely off plus a few that didn’t seem to have anything - this may of course have had something to do with the internet connection and wasn’t so bad when I overflew the area again on my return to Denham.
The framerate dropped below 26 at times, making for a slightly juddery flight but, as I said, on the whole I was quite impressed.


Tried several times to land on the helipad of a hospital with an X-Cub. No success so far, need to come in at just the right speed. :wink:

You can pre-download the area using the manual cache.

Beware, the interface is beyond terrible and almost killed my PC. I tried creating a 16GB manual cache for London on my SSD, it somehow reset to 50GB when I clicked on create cache. I only had 46GB available on my SSD (system drive) and you can’t stop the process. When there was only 2MB left on the drive windows got very unhappy
 The game simply hung and I had to end task eventually as it never came out of it, even after freeing up more space. (Deleted hyberfil.sys hybernation file for sleep mode)

It wouldn’t let me modify or delete the corrupt 46GB file from inside the game, had to exit the game again to force delete MANUALCACHE.CCC (otherwise it’s locked, and you don’t want it in the recycle bin either)

Anyway, I create a 50GB manual cache on my storage drive instead which took 13 minutes to create an empty 50GB file. Oddly it still shows as 0 bytes, directory it’s in as well, yet the space is gone from my drive. After quitting the game the file is suddenly there, 53.7 GB. This software
 (submitted a ticket to zen desk)

Dragging a rectangle around London and trying to download the data, CTD lol.

Maybe you can not pre-download the area
 Trying again anyway, smaller rectangle maybe

CTD again trying to resume download, crashes while estimating time to download without actually downloading anything.

Resizing cache to 100GB currently and trying a smaller area, inner london.

Another 13 minutes later, quit game, MANUALCACHE.CCC is now 107.4 GB.
Restart to try again fresh.

CTD again trying to download this, again on estimating time to download

Does it work at all. I have flown that no problem without cache.

Lol the selection moves around over the background map when you move up and down, how do you even know what is going to get cached.

Anyway tried that rectangle, medium size only (not selecting any high detail squares), still CTD on trying to download. I give up, that’s 2 hours of what did I do in MFS today ugh.

Stubbornly tried one more time to create a small manual cache from a fresh (newly created) manual cache file. Area around Empire state building, same thing, CTD trying to download. Simply broken.


Managed to get to Scotland on my UK tour
impressed with The Kelpies and Wallace Monument. Also checked out my favourite paragliding site again in Scotland again
Myreton :slight_smile:


what’s the panel look like?

Flew over the Scottish Islands today
 :relaxed: fantastic work, check out EG78,

There are all kinds of great things you will find nowhere else
 especially in the water