What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Holy Hitchiker’s Guide!


That’s defo tomorrows trip! Scotland has always been attractive but that looks, well, awesome!

Did a load of circuits in the apparently ‘unlandable’ DA20, then did the same thing in the apparently ‘unflyable’ A320. Currently just on my way into Rome with the sun going down having spent a couple of hours doing some nice chilled flying over Italy.


Manual cache is broken. Very much so.

Tried to fly the TBM from Orlando to Indianapolis which resulted in a CTD. After that I had enough. I wish that this beautiful sim would run more stable…

Thought about trying a flight, but was hesitant to waste 1-2 hours to only crash to desktop again. Still like to, but not sure if I can take the let down today… Will probably instead finish setting up all my FSX add-ons on my new PC…

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Good flight from NJ to MVY. Cancelled IFR over northern tip of LI as my 5000 Enroute became FL18, then 24 after handoff to PVD APPR. Requested following up until feet dry over the island. Flew a good pattern into RWY 24 but missed the turnoff and had to recross the active. That ramp is dark. I almost creamed two other parked A/C getting into the right angle to face the Marshaller.

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Have you seen the V22 to download?

Hey can you tell me where to find this please?

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Trying to avoid the mountains at 26k feet. Guess where I am or was.


That’s exactly what I will do next. In FSX I can at least finish a flight and the OOM is predictable…

@PiperDriver0624 Ah yes, the old OOM crashes. Sadly, they don’t seem so bad now…

To my surprise I did have a pretty good flight in the DA62 last night. I did have an odd engine start issue, the throttle would move but the engine wouldn’t increase. I shutdown the left engine and re-started and it was fine. (another ghost in the machine i guess) Couple times my FPS would drop to 7-12FPS and I could see the bad stutter but it passed. Was odd, as it wasn’t a really populated area. Mostly 40-45FPS for the whole flight which was passable. Just don’t know why I’m down from 50-60+ FPS from the last update.

Lost in the forest…

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@FlippinFlow: right? I’m installing FSX:SE as I‘m typing.

I‘m also experiencing different flights. Some go super smooth with no problem. And then I have flights that just keep ending in CTD’s. Super frustrating. And I don’t know why and how…

I did another test flight over London to see if it works better on a Monday, it does a bit, less data throttling. I still have to pause every 10 seconds to let the sim catch up, only flying 110 knots. (Following the Thames at 60ft altitude).

It’s downloading faster on a Monday but still some throttling which it then blames on me (low bandwidth warning while it was only using 40% of my bandwidth, speed test confirmed it and used all my bandwidth, 100mbps) My ping times to the servers used along the way were 16, 20 and 17 ms. It did frequently max out my bandwidth (yesterday 20 to 40 mbps) but also got throttled down to 40 mbps for some stretches.

Long slow flight later, 6.12 GiB downloaded from London City to Heathrow following the Thames at 60ft altitude. At Heathrow I drove to the other end, turned around to fly back over London on AP (straight line) at 500ft, to see how much more data it would ■■■■ in.

Along the way I decided to snap a picture of London Bridge from around Tanner St, lined it up, decided to switch to a higher rendering scale for a cleaner picture and the game promptly disappeared, no error message, just poof gone.

The straight line to Tanner st at 500 ft consumed an additional 1.7 GiB of data (rest was in the rolling cache now)

Anyway, amazing technology, but still a bit early for the state the internet is in. The data could use a lot of refining / cleaning up as well. Some UFOs along the way

And a nice waterfall in the Thames

A hot air balloon ride would look amazing, slow enough for the sim / internet to keep up! With the data in the rolling cache the experience is improved but I still have to pause to let the sim catch up, reading it from SSD is not the bottleneck, processing the data is. (My CPU is only 2.2 Ghz, and FS2020 only uses 40% of it)


Nothing due to the new Bug!

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Wow really? 40% with a 2.2Ghz?! Guess it might depend on your settings. With a quad-core i5 @ 3Ghz my CPU was pegged (95%+) with the first couple updates. My new rig is running between 4-5GHz with 8 cores on an i7 and I’m at 20-30% utilization in most areas. M2 drives also made a huge difference, they are many times faster then a traditional single channel SSD. Odd thing when I get stutters it’s not spiking the CPU… Now if I just didn’t CTD…

I have an i7, FS2020 doesn’t use the extra cores so it gets reported as only half in use at most by task manager. Hence you see that huge drop going from an i5 to an i7.

I have a 2.8 GB/s SSD, plenty fast. RAM is my biggest bottleneck (16GB, 2667 mhz). I ordered new faster more RAM almost a month ago, still hasn’t even shipped ugh. When it stutters it’s spiking the pagefile use in my case.

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Did a training VFR flight in Belgium as I could do IRL with the ultralight. Started at EBZH, did a circuit and full stop landing. Then departed again for a flight over EBZW, via Diepenbeek and Hasselt to EBST (not in the sim). From there, passed over my house and then did a practiced forced landing (succesfully). Then returned to EBZH.

I didn’t have my map so it was pure visual navigation. It was very immersive if I’m honest and very easy to recognize where I was. The forced landings, where you need to find a good field fast, especially.

Can’t wait to finally go flying for real again (blast, you winds)! But hopefully I will not do a forced landing …

Photo book

I live here!


Forced landing, nice brown field.

Still alive:


And back home (try to spot the airfield):

An hour, just like a real flight lesson:


Love to know where to get this please?