What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

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This is what I got up to today; NZQN - YSSY - YBBN.


chasing the sun…


Bench marking data usage in London

London City airport to Heathrow, 500ft altitude, Autopilot, noon, clear skies
Slowing down to give the game ample time to keep up (25% sim rate at max terrain with PG data)
8 test flights, identical conditions, checking data usage before and after the flight

         No PG Data   vs   PG Data            

Terrain 200 0.32 GiB 6.2 mbps / 4.38 GiB 85 mbps
Terrain 150 0.29 GiB 5.7 mbps / 3.49 GiB 68 mbps
Terrain 100 0.19 GiB 3.7 mbps / 2.73 GiB 53 mbps
Terrain 50 0.13 GiB 2.5 mbps / 1.58 GiB 31 mbps

Total data usage and converted to average mbps needed for a full speed 7 minute flight (In a Beechcraft Bonanza). The avg is just an avg though The PG area stops a ways before Heathrow and the initial load already downloads the data around London City Airport. You likely need well over 100 mbps for the dense middle part over London at max terrain detail, regular speed.

Anyway, slowing down the sim rate allows the sim to keep up, traffic and water still animate at normal speed, you just fly slower, giving you more time to take in the details!


Thanks for that benchmarking.
Seems anybody under 31mbps won’t get the proper effect. I normally run at Terrain 100 so my max 35mbps isn’t going to keep up. Looks like PG is getting the heave-ho!

Perhaps your results would be better in one of the other threads though, one of the UK Update ones.

You can still enjoy it with the rolling cache. Unfortunately the manual cache is broken atm, but if you do a slow fly over (quarter sim rate) first, all that data will be downloaded to the rolling cache.

However note that getting the data is only one part of the chain. Even when I have all the data in the rolling cache on nmve ssd I still get ugly data as the sim still falls behind. Network traffic is idle, and reading from SSD is plenty fast (mostly idle) however my CPU (2.2 GHZ) is too slow to process all that data fast enough. With rolling cache I can maybe fly at half sim rate at that detail level without everything slowly turning into blobs.

Of course with lower terrain detail and using rolling cache, after a while you should find a balance where it will stay looking good.

Tried Devil’s Tower again with the Aero ultralight aircraft… Quite easy actually, maybe a little too easy… landed in the mud instead of rock,


Took a flight form Katmandu (VNKT) to Paro (VQPR). Very short flight but the hardest thing to do in the Simulator to date. Did not take any snapshots was to busy trying not to crash. I now understand why there are only 15 pilots in the world approved to make this flight with Bhutan airlines into Paro. I would not even want to be a passenger on that flight. Whew!!!

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Excellent vid, love the music selection and great shots!

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Flew from Berlin to Athens in the 320

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Flew from KMIA by VFR to KATL by Imagesim with no CTD.

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Oh god the moire :wink:

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I had a nice flight from Islamabad to Kabul with a TBM (with the UN livery). Great to visit places I would not go in a million year in RL.


Checked on the elephants. Glad to see they are practicing ‘social distance’. Didn’t notice any masks, though.


I also did the Mt St Helen a few days ago. One of the most impressive view on MSFS I think.

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I tried to fly the sim today, I couldn’t AGAIN, hope that helps

Well, before the outage I managed to get a quick flight from Grand Bahamas to Ft Lauderdale Hollywood Exec using Live Weather no less. I’m really rusty on ILS procedures, completely forgot to switch to APR mode after passing the IAF. LOL. But it looks beautiful down there in Sunny Florida!

Then I fired up the sim again to get screenshots to help someone navigate how to change the G3000 from inches to HPA.

I wanted to take the Savage Carbon out in Greenland again, because there was a 40 kts tail wind. But I won’t be going anywhere with that weather. On the plus-side, the Savage Carbon’s Cabin Heat Defrosting works!


I did some OnAir jobs today in my 787

I flew from:
DAOO to EGSS with with a A320 size cargo job that has 3 drops in Germany at airports too small for the 787 which I will do in my A320 tomorrow rather than fly the 787 back to EGSS back empty.

EGSS to DAOO with the second half of the cargo job that put me at DAOO yesterday and thus started from DAOO today.

DAOO via LIEA to EDDE with two jobs, a cargo of glass goods to LIEA and 300 pax to EDDE.

EDDE to EGSS a transfer back to EGSS empty so the 787 can have its 100h inspection and I can fly the A320 tomorrow which is at EGSS after its 100h inspection etc.

MSFS wasn’t restarted at all, neither did I go back to the main menu, started at 10:00h UTC and ended at 23:30h UTC with ~10h of flying and the rest waiting for cargo or pax loading/unloading.

Did some touring the last two days… got up early in LA to fly the waning hours of the UK… EGGP-EGGD

EGNT-EGYD (Hope some creator brings Cranwell to its RAF Academy brilliance)