after taking a break from my around the world in a cub tour to let the stutters be fixed, I got back in my cub, did a few circuits and touch and goes at the local airport Starks Twin Oaks (7S3 ) and did flight around Portland to get back current.
Todays Route on my World Tour did take me from MMAI - MMZP / MMZP - MMLF / MMLF - MMQT / MMQT - MMTM / MMTM - MMFN / MMFN - MMCV / MMCV - MMZC. I really like my Flightplan for Mexico because i see a lot of this awesome Country this way
I broke 900 in the new landing challenge on my first try. Yeah me!
I flew to KMRY (Monterey California, just north of Big Sur) at sunset in the Baron, with a sexy woman.
(Well, it IS make believe after all, isn’t it? And she IS my wife after all…)
Grinding on FS Economy… and hoping to reach $800k to buy Cessna 208 Caravan.
Didn’t get any screen shots of today’s flight. Took the Cessna 208B up and around the Island of Maui, HI for a short flight.
Planing a commercial Airbus flight for the morning!
Looks as though there are great changes in Betio (the town with the port) since I lived on Tarawa. Thank for prodding my memory. I will have to fly there. In days gone by the only aircraft were RNZAF Sunderlands (alighted on the lagoon) and a lone USAF amphibian landing at the airport at Bonriki.
Sunset flight to the British Virgin Islands in the JF Arrow III with the GTN750!
It’s a beautiful morning in Chicago. I’m drinking coffee and waiting on 3CK for my first sold-out regular passenger flight! I know, I know, $25 for a ticket. Soon I won’t afford that coffee, but it is how it is! Oh, and I got a French passenger. Bonjour!
I am continuing my south americas tour too. Already in argentina from SAVH Las Heras to SAVV Viedma with some sightseeing left and right (lago musters f.e.) with my trusty TBM.
I wish the argentinians still have an eye for their beautiful country, even in hard times.
Foxtrot Alpha, updated and now its a stutter fest!
forgot my flight from the UK to France, Shoreham - freeware WIP - to Octeville - another freeware WIP, in my shifting to enjoy flights in the Benelux and French territories. Made landfall over Cherbourg checked out some airports in the area - most have not been addressed by the scenery makers pay or free. Cruised around Normandy then over to Le Havre and a nicely designed Octeville airport.
I fixed MSFS for the most part woohoo…started reinstalling yesterday and was getting the blazing fast 20 speed, I know my laptop can do 70, so I started dealing with the net speed issue, read and did just about everything posted on the net using netsh etc…to little to no avail. there was one setting that yielded 1 extra Mbps but still was no were close.
So I opened up the dreaded program uninstall feature of windows10 … and I proceeded to kill:
3 intel programs / drivers
3 logitech programs / drivers
and there wasnt much else left to get rid of.
rebooted restarted the download now we’re getting 90Mbps … 2 1/2 hours later download / install is done proceed into the sim, turn everyfreaking thing on PG multi live aircraft weather etc…
Launch from Burke Lakefront … the 1st thing I notice is that Cleveland actually looks like a town…
USS Cod still pretty lame render but … FPS still stinks but Im hopeful.
I exited rebooted and restarted same routine, FPS is now running at a pretty steady 20 fps, take off in the A320 still looks good, PG is alot better then it has ever been, the mystery haze has disappeard.
Next flight the same except we’re in the 152 and PG is off, 35 fps constant, mystery haze still not there,
live traffic is still on but only saw 1 plane in 2 hours and I couldnt intercept since he was in a tube.
So if this keeps up and things stay good … pictures at 11:00 if I can tear myself away…fingers xx
Sure has changed. Never been there myself and the guys who took part are all gone. Didn’t refer to it as Betio since most would not know that atoll was the actual location. Flew round trip from NGTA.
I got a new PC and purchased FS 2020 after something like a 20+ year break! Tried my first real flight today (went through some lessons, but not all yet…I did do the one on navigation) from New Jersey to North Carolina. Things were going well until I got within 50 miles of the airport and realized I wasn’t being prompted on how to handle the descent or enter the airport’s traffic pattern. Just had the one persistent waypoint on screen showing where the airport was located. So, I scrambled to get my plane down and visually line up as best I could.
What did I miss here, and sorry for the newb question! Thanks!
Was it VFR or IFR? If IFR you should plan your STAR and approach ahead and pop it on the flight plan. Do you have a flight planner? Little Nav Map is free and will load your flightplan on the sim which installs it on your flight computer, depending on which one you are using. BTW, welcome back.
Welcome to the flightsim community.
Enjoy the beauty of flight!!