What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

well didn’t flew that much today, I have been mostly digging blender documentations & related thread , trying various importer/exporter add-on, installing 3 distinct versions because nothing seems to be very stable on this matter , good news i finally succeed in model import ! :partying_face: so I spent most of my day learning usefull shortcuts, features etc made a first draw with extended cabin limit and no wiper on the king air

next step will be to learn about 3D painting for my C208 and of course exporting (:scream:) my news models to msfs wich may give me some headache
My first attempt wasn’t that good even if the wiper wasn’t there anymore and my cockpit camera was able to travel in the whole aircraft it wasn’t really a success … :roll_eyes:

Work In Progress
