What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

I took a 6:00am flight KMQY KTYS in the C172.

As Real as it Gets ™️ ACHIEVED!

Motion simulator powered up.
Buttkicker, ON.
VR engaged.
Hot cup of coffee at my side.
Noted kneeboard strapped to my thigh.
PDF Viewer displaying my custom checklist in-sim.
Yoke-mounted ForeFlight Synced, DIR KTYS programmed.
GPS & frequencies tuned on my RealSimGear 530&430.
Weather obtained.
LiveATC.net playing appropriate frequencies in the background.
Heading bug set via physical knob. (Yes, I can find all the buttons with my headset on!)
Taxi & Departure granted.
Cruise established.
Knoxville WX and expected runway noted.

Looking out the window & seeing the Kingston stacks (pic attached) at dawn…
