What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Today, I did a 90nm, 2h21 glider flight at Brazilian Central Highlands with AS-33 ME. It’s a very beautiful region in real life, but with extremely poor scenario in MSFS (no world update in Latin America after 2.5 years!). From Alto Paraíso (“High Paradise”, SDXF) to Minaçu (SWIQ), both at Goiás state, passing by Veadeiros Plateau and Tombador Range.

Before take-off.

Need more altitude. There is a good cloud there!

Exporting a Little Navmap flight plan creates these oddities with the AS-33 height calculation (it calculates height above cruise altitude, instead of above the ground, except for the destination airport). 2,400m ASL was more than enough, though.

The medium glide slope was far better than calculated on the top of the last thermal.

Floating lights at SWIQ!

Flight path. Note the detour south of Serra do Tombador 1 waypoint to get more altitude.

It was an interesting altitude profile.