Today’s plan is to finish off my journey down New Zealand’s North Island with a quick flight to Wellington International (NZWN) from Gisborne Airport (NZGS).
I’ll take the F/A 18. The trip’ll be over in no time.
H’mm, that’s some nasty weather ahead. Never mind, I’ll just head for that gap in the clouds.
Well, that didn’t work.
Overflying Wellington.
No matter, Wellington International has ILS. I just have to … when did I last fly the F/A 18? Come to think of it, have I ever used the ILS in the F/A 18? Not that I can remember. Possibly diverting might be the responsible aviator’s choice. And in this case, mine too.
Land ho! Now I just have to fly to Paraparamua (NZPP)…
Safely down.
Now you might think that that’s that, but I’m not so easily beaten.
Onward and upward! (But not too far upward, because of all the clouds.)
Not going to let a little rain stop me.
Wellington, no doubt named after the boots needed to live here.
Not the easiest landing in a thirty knot headwind, but I’m down. I’m in the H160 so I’ll just taxi… not in a thirty knot wind I won’t. Oh well, shut down where I am.
And the picture above is me shut down, with the rotor brake applied, in a thirty knot wind. Notice anything about it?