What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Long-ish haul in the PMDG 737-900ER from early morning PHNL to sunny ^h^h^h^h^h rainy, miserable southern California and KLAX in “reverse ops” landing west-to-east due to weather.

Lining up on 4R at Honolulu

Gear up and climbing out, turning south and east.

Facing the rising sun, about to turn eastwards on the SID before heading out to sea.

Turning northeast over Molokai, heading “feet wet” for the long overwater leg.

Descending towards southern California, all socked in with the gross autumnal weather.

Final approach on the ILS to KLAX runway 6R … yes, still above minimums and runway lights are (barely) in sight.

At the gate.