What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Flying from VEMN to ZPPP in a DC-3. Having trouble learning the DC-3 though. This was an exceptionally popular route from 1942 until 1945. Poor weather was common and weather forecasts were poor to nonexistent. Himalayan updrafts occasionally exceeded 100 mph. In three years, 594 DC-3s (aka C-47) and similar aircraft were lost and 1,659 humans were killed/missing. Many planes crashed into the cloud covered mountains (aka cumulo-granite).


Got so hyped running Wilga through the race course at Gable Field I had to take a crazy slalom in downtown LA, with fumigator in the on position!!


I usually do. Most controllers are only online during night time, which is of course understandable, but I prefer to fly AND see stuff outside, so adjusting the clock is kind of like the only way to have ATC and daylight.

Finally had some time to fly, it has been almost a week, so I did a Boston (KBOS) to New York (KJFK) in the HondaJet:

There was no ATC online, so it was quite uneventful, but at least I managed a really soft touchdown. But I really should work on landing on the centerline.

Video later here:


Can you ever get tired of this bird?


Explored Seattle a bit after finally getting rid of the "bandwidth too low " thing.


had a little bad weather flight above US

then since I realised my B350 was in an airfield with no FOB so I have been struggling above south africa to find a place where to found some fuel, scary stuff I had to travel more than 110nm with 80gal remaining, so I chose to give up gaining altitude in order to give myself a better chance of reaching my destination safely. ended with 20 gal remaining :sweat_smile:


Thursday flight: Jetstar Airways Airbus A320 from Ayers Rock (YAYE) to Mackay (YBMK)


Today in MSFS I flew in this part of the world that has photogrammetry and covers a major border between two countries.

Any guesses where this is?


After a nice hop across Oregon from Bend to The Dalles, I thought to myself “I can totally pull off this landing from third-person perspective while recording” but, my friends, I was wrong. :smiley:


The IAF C17 heading out of Leh after delivering a load…


Hello @Fartoolong3532,
Please keep this topic on-topic. We don’t want this topic turned into a guessing game. If you wish, see this topic:


I achieved 1000 hours, while flying beautiful flight in US: KBTV :airplane: KSWF
It was a bit cold, but nice visibility all the time. Quite strong crosswind during flight (20kn from east), also got bumpy on descend, but there was no wind at the destination airport and managed nice smooth landing.
I used VOR navigation for cross referencing, but VFR navigation was quite simple, just following river and lakes.


Ouch :sweat_smile:

When I started MSFS (and I haven’t simmed in decades before) I used to fly third person view, but after a while I had to admit that it is much easier from the cockpit view


Had another go on London City (EGLC) this time from Brussels (EBBR):

Landing was pretty bad:

  1. I announced myself late, at 5nm out, just as a departing plane was about to enter the runway. Luckily he was smarter and managed to stop on the holding point. He did tell me off and he was right :sweat:

  2. Though I managed the softest landing so far (EGLC has a glideslope of 5.5 instead of the usual 3) I was almost off the runway on its right

I mean, just look at it:

As usual, maybe next time


Grats on the 1000 hours! :partying_face: :champagne:

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Walking around New York with a Cessna 172

Spectacular Statue of Liberty



That looks like a tremendous flight for the ICON A5.

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If anyone is considering flying out of KOKC or anything in the Oklahoma metro there is some really bad wildfires rn so it might be interesting

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I tricked people in the Polish group into thinking that there is a WU regarding Poland :smiley: April Fool’s Day :slight_smile: