What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

The helicopter is very nice, how do you see London, I mean the photogrammetry???, because I see it very badly, in the photos you have posted it is not well appreciated

Following the highway to Lodz

Landed at Lodz, waiting for passengers

Lodz City

Landing at EPWA

Parked at EPWA


Hello everyone,

On 13 February this year I took my first flight from London to Amsterdam, two months later I returned from Dublin to London visiting all the capitals of the world.

198 flights, travelled 84 276 Nm (156 081 Km) - total flight time 244 hours and 40 minutes! (Ten days in the air, madness)

Map in 8K:

I recommend anyone to go on such a trip, it’s a good geography lesson :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your attention :bangbang:



Congrats on the conclusion of your epic journey! What’s your next mission?

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That’s pretty incredible!

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Amazing!!! And, congrats to you!!!

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I crashed the Concorde twice this morning! I’m clearly missing a step or two in my setup; I think I’m failing to properly set the CG via fuel trim tanks and may not be engaging the fly-by-wire. :smiley:

On the plus side I’m able to light up all 4 engines, including afterburners, and can reach Vr successfully. I’ll call that a win for first couple attempts. :wink:



I’m new here buttttt I flew out of my home airport and flew down to mco and buzzed the magical place of Disney and then landed at mco. My kids are down there with their mother and I had to work and it sucks because I love going to Disney. (I used to work at KILG)


flying again the goose around KPDX, since I didn’t touch it for months, I have been struggling because I used a trim thinking it was the elevator while it was the aileron one :man_facepalming: after 10 minutes finally found it s location (hidden below the pilot seat on right side, while the aileron trim is easy to locate on left side)

and did few hoping in the king air from namibia to angola

that was yesterday posting it because it deserve to be highlighted as it was insame flight as usual when flying above chile SCRA → SCES → SCTT → SCCF :heart_eyes:


@deancbrown, @CaffeineHero , @MrTonySM Thank you for your kind words :clinking_glasses:

@deancbrown what I’m planning, I don’t know myself. Especially as this was my second trip around the world (also Hjet), the first was like this:

Maybe now I’ll learn to fly something bigger, or VFR around the world (but it will take a very long time), but I think I’ll do a trip around the USA, they are very well-made in the sim.

Greetings to all!


Welcome to the forum!

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Hello Halcon. This Heli is by Cowan Sim and it’s in the Livery of one of several Companies that run Sight Seeing trips over London.
As to the Scenery,…We’re using Orbyx’s London Pack which adds some superb renditions of many notable landmarks. The standard London Photogrammetry is one of those areas which are notorious for the dreaded Post Apocalypse Melted Buildings and unless you have a powerful connection this effect is not unusual. Our Connection is OK but if you look carefully you’ll notice sagging roofs in some places.
The included Vid may help you remedy any issues that are expeienced in London and other places with dense Photogrammetry.

Kind Regards from us.

I finished my journey from the top of New Zealand down to Queenstown with the leg from NZMF Milford Sound to NZQN Queenstown. This leg is an amazing experience, flying along the valleys and trying to get altitude to clear the ridge, it’s only short but I recommend it to others.

First up there’s a nicely modelled small marina at NZMF, I’d come back with my boat if the ice would melt, but having just had summer and with 20C outside it doesn’t look like this glacier will ever melt in the sim. Maybe I need to wait for an ice yacht in the marketplace. :wink:

I took off on 11 for the straight out departure through the valleys. Sorry no pictures of this bit as I was fully occupied hand flying and visual navigating, trying to gain altitude knowing there was a high ridge to be cleared.

If you look on the MFD which is set to absolute terrain you can see the valleys, from this position I took first valley on the right then left at the T-junction and up and over the narrow ridge into the valley on the other side.

I climbed all of the way and made it but without a lot of clearance! Would have been on the terrifying side IRL think. I’m not sure there was an escape route either, I wouldn’t like to try a U-turn in this narrow valley in the jet.

Having the inset map on relative terrain was perfect for navigating this difficult landscape.

I came into NZQN using the RNAV F approach via IBABU, which leaves a long crooked final.

Finally made it! Golf clubs at the ready, I packed the plane up, until the next time. I’ll be back!

I must commend the NZ aviation authorities on their ICAO name selection, by far the easiest and most logical set of abbreviations I’ve seen anywhere. But what is with the sim having both NZQN and NZQT?


Did an entire night flight from Dublin to Edinburgh. Weather got very sketchy in Edinburgh and I lost my magenta line for a while.

Recovered with a great ILS approach but came in a bit fast on landing.


A nice calm flight along the Oregon coast in the AN-2. Love the cockpit view in this one. I finally figured out which one’s the fuel gauge!!!


EasyJet A320 from Nürnberg (EDDN) to Kristiansand (ENCN)


Delta Air Lines A320 from Washington-Dulles (KIAD) to Boston-Logan (KBOS)


For sure not done in one day. Took me about a week, but today in MSFS, I finally finished this really cool massive stadium fly over Mile High representing military aircraft from the A-10 to the upcoming B-21 Raider.

Fast Forward to the 6:50 mark for the start of the anthem. It took me probably over 10 hours just for that epic 1 minute fly by. Worth it!

Also almost broke my system. Had to lower graphics settings and turn off multiplayer.


Hamburg (EDDH) to Copenhagen (EKCH) in the HondaJet:

It was a short flight, but I had good ATC coverage and some real busy traffic at Hamburg. Tower made an amazing job handling all these planes :saluting_face:

Full video in a few hours: