Flew the ATR 42 600 across Greenland and flew from BGKK (Kulusuk Island) to BGGH (Nuuk)
Been there… was XO of USCGC cutter and pulled in for a few days for a mid patrol break back in ‘88 and again in ‘89. Fantastic time in that unspoiled tropical paradise.
Once again the wonderful C152 (JPL mod), this time from KMYF → KL08 → KPSP, via JLI 114.0 and GPS. I used actual METAR and calculated for ground speed and wind correction angle, my calculations came out correctly! Learning and fun together, how satisfying!
Turning after departing from KL08.
Soaring over the STOL practice area…arhm, golf course.
On the ground in KPSP.
Happy virtual aviating!
Attempted to discover how to fly a plan with two touch and go landings and two full stop landings. I was successful at executing the plan but not very successful with the ATC. Of course it bugs me that MSFS doesn’t consider a T&Go as a landing, but at least it didn’t terminate my plan.
The Plan:
Depart KLNA Lantana Florida rwy 04 to the west
Enter FD38 Wellington Aero Club pattern for Touch and Go (self announce)
Cruise to F45 North Palm Beach County GA, for full stop landing on rwy 9L (w/ATC)
Taxi to windward end for takeoff 9L departing to north (w/ATC)
Cruise to 64FA Naked Lady Ranch, enter pattern for the long 10 grass strip (self announce)
Perform grass strip T&Go departing NE
Contact KSUA Stuart ATC for landing rwy 12 and ground to preselected GA parking.
I was not able to find the T&G self announce in the haste of performing the first T&G, but did at 64FA. I was amazed I could even find the 64FA grass strip totally surrounded by unrealistically numerous trees in MSFS.
The KUSA clearance was issued when I was several miles away, which seemed weird but it was for the planned runway so all was good. Ground did not display arrows to parking, only “Taxi via taxiway to GA parking”.
started a little flight in my king air wich was parked for too long time imo, starting back at Brazzaville (congo) to Okondja, in Gabon
then flew the baron from Grenoble to corsica (bastia), I definitely need to practice it more, I always forget something or do some other stuff in the wrong way …
also did a round trip in italia from Perrugia to Ponte Masone in wb-c172
I flew EGPH Edinburgh to LIPZ Venice in the Vision Jet. Simbrief said it was beyond range of the jet but the world map said I’d get there. I decided to try it and divert to Innsbruck if I couldn’t get there.
Spoiler, I made it with about 40 mins of fuel left.
I didn’t take any pictures until Italy. There was low thick cloud in Edinburgh and all of the way over Germany. The sky clear over Austria. I wasn’t going to write the flight up but then I spotted Lake Garda, and well how could I not?
Coming into Venice…
It was an enjoyable flight, but I had to contend with loss of ATC voice, ATC not following the IFR approach and telling me to climb at stupid times leading to me landing without clearance. Ground telling me to taxi across a runway where an NPC airliner was trying to land, and black screens just after touchdown. But it didn’t CTD and the scenery looked amazing once the clouds had cleared, it helps to be glass half full around here.
The Sting had an Update today and so we took this supremely elegant machine for a flight.
Then we put the kettle on.watched this film and experienced some fond memories of the Ark Royal with her Phantoms and Buccaneers.
The Beloved Co Pilot just commented on the film and said that when the Rolls Royce Spey engined Phantoms went on exercise with the Americans they almost destroyed the US Navy Carrier decks owing to the increased power and heat generated by the Spey.
BCP really is a Mine of useful info.
ps. Here are the Royal Navy Phantoms wrecking the Decks of the USS Saratoga.
Flew the ATR 42 600 from BGGH (Nuuk) to CYFB (inqulet Canada)
Had a grand time reliving MSFS 4.0… I still feel like a kid every time I fire up the (more modern) bundled Cessna.
Flew the ATR 42 600 from CYFB ( Iqaluit) to CYSK (Sanikiluaq)
Lucky you!
Saturday’s longer journey from the Cypriot city of Paphos, to Manchester in rainy England
LCPH to EGCC, Distance flown: 2 025 NM, Travel time: 5 h 02 m
Flew the ATR 42 600 from CYSK (Sanikiluaq) to CYOW (Ottawa)
Another flight of my laid back, “Don’t know which airport but do know which direction”, world trip.
(Screenshots taken in VR)
Just after takeoff RW 03 LLBG
A few cloud layers over Cyprus
FL200 over the Turkish coastline
Weather on arrival
STAR GELK1D Before turning back towards LTAI
Quite a few on Approach
Sunset at the ramp