What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)


Transporting heavy things and looking good at the same time.


Micronesian beautiful beaches and airstrips


Saturday flight: Vietnam Airlines A320 from Manila (RPLL) to Da Nang (VVDN)


Flew from north to south in corsica, to end my multiple hop flight by nice


then took my lidl c208 to continue my trip around usa, reaching Kansas after Nebraska

last flight of the day has been in the bonanza A36 from Cedar City, Utah to Monument Valley (near navajo mountain)


“Red over White, You’re Alright.” - VASI Rule of Thumb

“Double-check the Velocity Vector. That’s where you’re going intersect the ground if you keep going.” - CasualClick :sunglasses:


H-125 from Loveland to Estes Park and then a bit of paddling with the Doggo.


Tested GSX for the first time during a flight from TNCM to TIST.
( st Maarten - st Thomas ) it’s a nice short flight and the approach to Cyril E. king airport is beautiful.


Flew the ATR 42 600 from CYOW (Ottawa) to KBID (Block Island)

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AKL - NPE :new_zealand:


Flew the ATR 42 600 KBID (Block Island) to KORF (Norfolk)


Almost got run into a mountain by ATC on an IFR flight again :smiley:


Made some new friends…


Today I decided to travel to a slightly different part of the world, a flight from Bangkok to Kaohsiung in Taiwan.


Flight time: 2:58h, distance flown: 1353 NM


This looks very cosy.
You can almost smell the trees and smoke + the gentle snoring of a happy Pooch,…Or is it the Missus ?

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Flew the atr 42 600 from KORF (Norfolk) to KSAV (Savannah)


I bought the AN-225 when it came out but unfortunately due to a bug with the Xbox WASM support I was unable to use it. Happily with WU13 this was fixed, and I thought it was time I tried my first flight.

As it happened there was a replacement car for the Singapore Airport Skytrain that needed to be transported from Bangkok, and the Antonov was just the ticket for this job.

After loading we departed from VTBS for WSSS loaded with a full IFR flightplan. I’d not done any learning on how to fly this thing, I figured I’d pick it up on the job. I had a checklist to follow and I mean, how hard could it be?

Well there’s no pictures early on in the flight because the pilot was 100% task saturated. Takeoff went OK but there were a few dodgy moves during the SID. I discovered quite quickly that the autopilot was unfathomable and just didn’t seem to do anything sensible, so while hand flying the departure with one hand I quickly found a YouTube video that would teach me how to use it (thanks to Jonathan Beckett for that one!). 15 minutes later I had the autopilot working flying a manual heading, and a while after that I managed to get it working in NAV mode.

I quickly realised the next problem, as I’d spent so long on the ground opening and closing doors and loading cargo, then following full manual start procedures for 6 engines, the sun was setting and it was now getting dark quite rapidly. My plan of landing before sunset was suddenly replaced by a nighttime landing in a huge aeroplane that I really didn’t have a clue how to use.

Still, at least the sunset was pretty.

I quickly scrambled around in the rapidly darkening cockpit to find the various light controls as I know from experience, once it’s black in the cockpit you can’t see any buttons and it becomes 10 times harder to fly.

It was proper dark because the moonrise was later, but at least the stars were pretty.

I managed to figure out the VNAV setup on the flightplan and manually controlled the autopilot to descend while it flew the STAR. It was mildly frenetic but we managed to get close enough that I took full manual control to fly the rest of the landing.

Somehow I managed to land this beast quite well, against all of the odds. I just about managed to fit it in some parking.

Only afterwards did it occur to me that removing the cargo through the nose was going to be a bit of a problem with where I’d stopped.

Here’s one of the Skytrains at WSSS that my one is going to join.

I’m not sure what was more remarkable about this flight. That I managed to fly this thing and land full IFR with no clue as to what I was doing? Or that somehow the ATC voice didn’t drop out, it gave me correct instructions for flying the arrival, time didn’t slow down, the frame rate was mostly OK, I didn’t get any black screens (OK there aren’t really any screens) and I landed at the 3rd party WSSS and the xbox didn’t CTD? Result!


Having arrived in Singapore I decided on a night time heli tour of the city, keeping the Soviet theme going with my KA-10M.

And while I was flying around there checking out the laser display at the Marina Bay Sands, well I just couldn’t resist an Inappropriate Landing!


Trying Out Bendix/King KAP-140 #autopilot in the #indiafoxtecho #LongEZ

Today I figured out how to establish HDG+ALT hold at my desired altitude and heading, and how to use the NAV+ALT to follow a flight plan.

Not able to figure out how to initiate attitude hold for a two-minute level turn hold - Do I need to switch to the G3X glass cockpit version to gain attitude hold?

(Don’t pay attention to the uneven fuel levels - forgot to switch tanks while focused on the autopilot, but at least I remembered to put the gear down and enrichen the mixture before landing this time!)