What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Trying Out Bendix/King KAP-140 #autopilot in the #indiafoxtecho #LongEZ

Today I figured out how to establish HDG+ALT hold at my desired altitude and heading, and how to use the NAV+ALT to follow a flight plan.

Not able to figure out how to initiate attitude hold for a two-minute level turn hold - Do I need to switch to the G3X glass cockpit version to gain attitude hold?

(Don’t pay attention to the uneven fuel levels - forgot to switch tanks while focused on the autopilot, but at least I remembered to put the gear down and enrichen the mixture before landing this time!)



Since I sadly missed the Wilga Pyrenees STOL rally on Saturday, I felt that it was my duty to fly the course at least once, so I did it, and wow, just wow what a great flight! I did practice over the first half of the course a couple of times last week. I love those majestic mountains paired with the evolving real weather, plus the challenge of getting from point to point without cracking up! I have to say that some of the strips in the recommended scenery are INSANE, (LET1 I’m lookin at you). @Baracus250 once again a masterful selection, I shall have to join the group for the next one! I posted a couple more photos than normal, since this is such an epic flight.

Ready for departure (forget which one) after a coffee refill.

I found a rainbow!!

Trimmed out, blissed out. Ahh yeah.


My fuel management skills were a success, I squeeked by somehow (the other tank was close to dry also).



Oh nice one! We only managed half the legs in 2 hours yesterday so gonna do the other half soon. Hope you can make it! :slight_smile:


Today I took part in Vatsim Paris (LFPO) - Sttutgart (EDDS) event. I flew Fenix A320. During a flight I suddenly heard familiar voice - it turned out, 737NG Driver was flying on the same route. I’m a huge fan of his videos so I was very happy to see him online.

Below you can see few pictures from the flight and link to 737NG Driver’s video - if you listen very carefully you can hear me - AFR037 - as I talk to ATC :laughing:

737NG Driver’s video


Sunday flight: EasyJet A320 from Bergen Flesland (ENBR) to Basel Mulhouse Freiburg (LFSB)


Oh I love the picture from the final with runway in mist! :heart:
But the way how do you take your mfs pictures? Do you save screens straight to hdd? - if so how? They’re always so great in quality!


Taking some workers to Area 51…


Janet Air!


Some excerpts from my VFR in the Caribbean Tour:


Shhh, top secret. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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[EDIT: in such health conditions, my brain short-circuited. It was 101 degrees at 12 knots, an important crosswind with strong gusts.]

With injured toes, but wanting a break from coding the next features of MSFS Livery Tools, I randomly selected Tegucigalpa (MHTG, Honduras) with live weather, but I didn’t notice beforehand the wind (101 at 12!) and did not imagine how strong the turbulence was! With my Cessna 172 waltzing in the runway, I took off with the stall alarm buzzing intermitently and then looked at the ATC window. :astonished:

Great sky, huh?

You don’t have to trust my words: wind 101 at 12.

Not being able to find another place to land, I chose to land fast without flaps to avoid stalling on a wind gust.

At least I got a beautiful image on replay.

Who sees this beauty don’t imagine the elevations on my path and the wind gusts.

I don’t believe it was 101 knots. Some time ago, MSFS was showing another unit and it might have happened again, but it’s still a super strong wind with great turbulence.


After landing at Tegucigalpa, I went to North Korea and took off from Kangdong (ZKKA) end followed the river southwest to Pyongyang, where I flew over the May 1st Stadium and found someone in what seemed to be a Hercules H4 amphibious plane. As “planned”, I tried to land in a random place inside the city. Tried a bridge, but the sim said that I had hit the water.

Some weird wind generators north of the airport. Not sure if it’s an MSFS bug or an addon problem.

Arriving at Pyongyang.

May 1st stadium.

Landing and observing my fellow aviator.

It seemed like a simmer playground there! :smile:

Landing at a bridge (but it has a wrong collision shape).


Flew the ATR 42 600 from KSAV (Savannah) to KMCO (Orlando)


Wind 101 degrees at 12 knots?

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Plane must be made of paper. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Desktop ! Thanks.

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Flew from Subic Bay on Luzon to the eastern Taiwanese coast on my round-the-world tour:


After the preparations from post #2579, today it was time for the first VFR flight from Wellington (NZWN) to Nelson (NZNS).

The Live Weather was pretty bad with low visibility and rain, so I decided to use the “NZ Weather – Wellington Strong Northerly” preset from @zkd0s .

It was a short flight and everything went fine except when I reached the coastline of the South Island near Blenheim and the clouds prevented me to follow my planed route over higher terrain and under airspaces with a higher bottom shelf to fly under it.

I decided quickly to follow the Wairau River to be able to stay clear of the clouds and under the charlie airspace (from 3500 - 9500ft) of Woodbourne Airport.

Unfortunately, in the rush I didn’t realized that the delta airspace is from ground to 3500ft and so I flew in it unintentionally and was not cleared to do so.

Looking at the terminal building nicknamed “The Rock” while taxiing on A to RWY 34:

Holding short RWY 34 for the Sounds Air Pilatus on final:

Leaving Wellington behind via the Kelburn VFR departure route to the northwest:

Bye bye North Island:

The described detour via the Wairau River and shortly after the accidental airspace violation as you can see on the tablet:

On the way to join left downwind RWY 02 at NZNS over the Tasman Bay:

Time to turn base over the Waimea Inlet:

On final RWY 02 but a little bit slow:

Welcome to Nelson Airport:

I was invited in the tower and enjoyed the view on the apron and landscape from the tower:

Note: All pictures come directly from the VR-Headset. They are only trimmed but no post processing is added. Sometimes the edges look a bit blurry, that’s because of the Fixed Foveated Rendering option of the OpenXR Toolkit and isn’t visible in the headset.

I’m not a real pilot and all my knowledge I learned by myself, but I try my best to follow all real procedures as good as possible. So, if you have tips or found some errors in my flights or procedures please let me know so I can get better.


You’re doing great!  (And your images are excellent too.)

Don’t let anyone tell you different - you do you and enjoy the sim!

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Darkstar from KNUQ to PHNL.