What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Thank you very much. I try my best.

Exploring the sim (also on ground level) in VR is so immersive, especially the beautiful handcrafted airports/sceneries.

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Yes! Iwas not in a good day yesterday! :smile: Could not walk much, could not stand, could not do anything. My brain had a short circuit! But it had a very strong gust anyway. The plane was shaking a lot and the the stall alarm was buzzing too much in low speed. Sorry for the wind speed mistake. :sweat_smile:


I was getting depressed by all the whining about everything and all the PC vs Xbox conflict, so I decided to engage in a healthy dose of gratitude:






While I have less than 2 hours in the MSFS Cabri G2, I decided to see if I could land on the grass in front of the Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk dining hall (if I could find the kibbutz).

My hover-taxi at Haifa LLHA started out pretty bad (runway incursion) but eventually got to the hold-short line for rwy 34 and was cleared for takeoff.

I flew North up the coast till I recognized the Kiryat Yam beach and followed the road that circles around Savyonei-Yam. I recognized the big bus station they built after the bridge and the intersection to the “Old Akko-Haifa Road” (Road 4).

It was a little hard to recognize the kibbutz at first and when I got up to Ein HaMifratz, and the turn to Akko, I realized I must have just passed Kfar Masaryk. I circled back and managed to set down safely. Interestingly, the giant trees around the plaza are not modeled by MSFS, while everywhere in the U.S. they model a forest for each single tree.


Without photo scenery and custom buildings, it didn’t feel real at all but “I was here” none the less.

I continued on to an airport that only MSFS seems to know about LLJU Jadeida Makr. The Arab village exists on the ridge line that I think had a park I visited up there.


I managed to land on the runway, still quite a challenge for me, and nudge the bird clear of the runway to park at what seems to be a mythical airstrip.


Great fun for my first MSFS flight in Israel

#Israel #guimbal-cabri-g2 #kibbutzim #LLHA #LLJU #haifa


Great post. Thank you!

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I finally reached the Pacific at the mouth of the Columbia River after having departed at Cape Cod on the east coast 3 weeks ago, flying along the Great Lakes and following the Oregon Trail on a coast to coast VFR flight in the Blacksquare Analog C208B.

This screenshot is shortly before landing at Astoria Regional KAST.

From here, I want to take the analog Caravan up the coast to the Alaskan backcountry for the summer months.


If you are up to a new challenge here is an idea for that.
Check how 2 pc, 2 msfs license, connected with wideview and use headtracking on each pc
using one headtracking device.
It is a test flight setup and need fine tuning, and used aircraft is C172 asobo scene is in Peru near Nazca.
The flight is without sound but take a look at how image is moving.


did various flights above philippine to Malaysia

WBGL 1st attempt

2nd …

:crazy_face: ( I’ll spare you the details od the parking part …)

then had to do a mails delivery from Italy to germany (feeling so little during 3h30)

also made a short flight in africa, from brazzaville (Congo) to douala (Cameroun) discovering that Equatorial Guinea own a big island wich I didn’t even know the existence, it surprised me with its huge mountain (pico basilé)



Didn’t have to go far to give my new Cowan H-125 it’s maiden flight. Thanks to some great folk on YouTube, I got the hang of the sim’s helo control settings. Without AP, flights will be shorter, unless I can figure out to make trim work better. At any rate, the 125 seems more stable than the H500.

So, what better test flight than Van Nuys to my neighborhood in Sunland. Not hard to figure out as I was awakened by LAPD orbiting the house. Well, that had all that a first flight would need - short, familiar, letting me focus on the aircraft.

Oh, yeah, loved how the sim weather caught today’s haze.


With practically no ATC online, I decided to go on with the Albatros world tour, going on from Jose Maria Cordova (SKRG) to Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International (SKCL)

I just love how insanely powerful the Albatros is compared to the civilian aircraft I fly in MSFS. Climbs like a rocket while still doing 300kn without breaking a sweat.

Video later here:


Started off a Little trip trough the Alaskan Backcountry.
So I Took of in Mccarthy and headed down south to Icy bay with a stop at Jakes bar & Young bar.


My tour of Alaska is coming to an end. I shall continue my VOR/DME - no GPS into USA now, I think. I’ve had enough of snow for a while - so I’ll come back up to Canada later. Popped out of VR for a quick screenie - not the greatest. Getting a good feel for the DC-9.


Hello @STEU3R (and ALL as well),
If you could keep your posts limited to 10 images this will assist those on slower connections and mobile devices.

You may post more than 10 images, just create a new post for the next batch.

Thank you.


Today it was time for practicing some serious crosswind landing for the first time. Short, yet entertaining video I think.



Decided to plan a flight out of KABE Lehigh Valley Intl in Pennsylvania today that ended up exposing some of the limits of the artificial intelligence ATC at controlled airports. (I usually fly out of uncontrolled GA only airports.)

The map indicated wind 062 degrees at 11 knots, so I chose GA parking at hangar 10, close to rwy 6 to give the shortest taxi.

I fired up my LongEZ and tuned ATIS only to hear “ILS rwy 6, landings and departures rwy 31”. Indeed there was no “Select Runway” like at an uncontrolled field, so when I requested taxi they cleared me to “… hold short rwy 31, contact tower when ready”. ATC panel became totally useless with no way to cancel the clearance. (I had a suspicion that if I requested IFR departure they would have given me rwy 6 and perhaps I could have cancelled IFR in flight.)

I taxi’d as cleared and when at the hold for rwy 31, my AI ATC switched to tower freq. and I was cleared for take off on 31.

Once up, I turned east as planned but then decided to cut it short and requested full stop landing. I was told told to turn left for landing runway 6. I was feeling good as I joined downwind for rwy 6, but was then told “follow the traffic to land runway 6”

I looked left and saw heavy metal on final to rwy 6. Guess the ATC doesn’t enforce separation behind the big boys. I extended my downwind a bit just in case the turbulence might be modeled in MSFS, and then proceeded to land without incident. (I didn’t want to be one of those spinning airplanes I’ve seen.)


#atc #vfr #ifr #spinning-parked-planes


Hi, I’m curious about how you capture images directly from VR. So, how do you take screenies without interrupting your immersion?


Good Approach and Landing Runway 28 (this is my account).


Subscribed :saluting_face::point_up: nice approach over this bay and smooth landing :butter::butter: