What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Took the de Havilland Vampire out for a spin this morning – a little too aggressive with the barnstorming, but I had fun until my untimely demise. :wink:

DH-100 Vampire by SwissMilSim
Edwards AFB scenery by nickb007


Plunked down for the new Flight Replicas Fox Moth, and what better way to inaugurate the first session, than with a beach landing near Torrey Pines, in San Diego. This plane bleeds off speed in a way I’m not used to, landings feel good, crosswind handling is a bit iffy. Overall it’s fun to fly. I love the little passenger compartment! Good first impressions. Such a cool plane!!


Arriving into Hamburg from Frankfurt…


Testing 3 addons in a quick video at my local airport. It’s a big difference for me flying the Cessna since I started using those one.


So today I inaugurated TWO new planes, in a process I like to call “Treat Yo Self”. First the Fox Moth, which I posted earlier. The second addition to my hangar is the lovely Rans S6-S Coyote (taildragger) from Flyboy Sims, and this plane does not disappoint!! A very good-feeling plane, hard to put down once you start hopping between airstrips. I took the Coyote from High Voltage (Parallel 42 scene), to Sharktooth Ridge, where I managed to set down a perfect flapless landing. I can’t get as short as I can with Wilga, but it’s pretty good for a new ride. When I had to end my flight session, it was much harder to make that last landing, because this plane is really hard to put down. It just makes you want to cruise around all day.

Departing from Sharktooth Ridge.

Living my best virtual life!

Where to next?!?



Welcome to the weekend!


Some flights ago I was fascinated that Amsterdam Schipol runway was 11 feets below sea level, so I really had to check out Bar Yehuda (LLMZ) which is 1240 feets below sea level:

It was also a great opportunity to check out the Vision Jet v2.0. I had to fiddle around for quite a while to find where VAMS has gotten, but still a very nice plane to fly.


Motueka-Whangarei, passing over Mt. Taranaki

On final

And a VOR to VOR flight from Ljubljana to Milan

Venetian Lagoon

Lake Garda


No flying for the last several days as I have been spending time in the hangar getting caught up on necessary maintenance as suggested by @Baracus250 (so, now you all know who to blame! :wink: )

  1. Installed Addons Linker.

  2. Installed SonicViz Aircraft Manager.

    • I bought the combo that includes Location Manager.  I don’t see a use for Location Manager right now, but it might prove useful in the future and the combo wasn’t any more expensive than a couple of slices of pizza and a pint or two to wash it down with, while swapping lies with other sim pilots in the Pilot’s Hangar.
    • I don’t see much use for Location Manager right now, but it could come in handy later on when I want to start somewhere in the middle of nowhere at ground level.

Addons Linker:
I’m really not sure if this is going to buy me anything at this stage of the game, but I’m getting the infrastructure in place, primarily to help tune setups as my needs mature.

Aircraft Manager:
I ended up trashing and reinstalling my entire MSFS installation because a couple of my controller profiles got me confused.

Since the ultimate cause of the problem was traced back to having the wrong controller profile associated with the wrong plane, the wrong controller hardware, (a generic gamepad instead of the Saitek X52 flight controller), assigned as the primary flight controller, along with one or two other stupidities on my part, @Baracus250 suggested Aircraft Manager as a way to manage what are becoming increasingly annoying controller configurations.

So, I’m spending time sorting out my aircraft’s flight controls and putting infrastructure in place that will allow me to integrate evolving control configurations with (hopefully) a minimum of confusion and angst in the future.

Not as much fun as flying, but necessary maintenance is important too.  :wink:
(Now WHERE did I leave that bottle opener?!!)


Have a coke and a smile?

MSFS earlier this week provided me with the smile-

Today MSFS provided me with a Coke :slight_smile:



I spent most of the afternoon very low flying a Mini 500 around the Sydney area. This heli flies nicely when the wind is calm, as it was today, but it’s a right handful when taxiing if it’s gusting 5 knots!

I forgot to take any pics, I was checking out the Orbx Sydney cityscape, and there’s lots to look at. I did get this one of Luna Park, which is was in the world update.

Later I went for a quick spin around Washington DC.

And then on recommendation from another thread I flew it up the middle of Marble Canyon from L41 and that was great.

No pics from inside the canyon, I needed both hands on the stick and collective doing 90kt around tight turns just above ground level.


After a few hours of heli flying I wanted to finish the day with the Vision Jet. I decided on a flight from PAVD Alaska to CYDA in the Yukon Canada. Mainly because I thought I could dodge the CTD this way. I’m pleased to say it worked, a very successful flight mostly at 10,000ft and entirely hand flown.

I have the Orbx DEM installed, I don’t know what they look like without it but the mountains looked great with it.

I made a mistake by not looking up the approach chart for CYDA. I just used the Garmin to plot the RNAV GPS with altitudes for me to hand fly. I didn’t realise how steep this approach was so I came in far too hot, couldn’t lose altitude and overflew the runway by at least 500ft high.

I had to declare missed and then climb quick because there’s not much room to manoeuvre. I circled back and rejoined the approach at 4,700 ft and this time I came in nice and slow and landed on the numbers.



What a great time I had flying “Friday Night Flights - 9pm EDT - Helicopters to LUNA PARK

Since recently switching to MSFS 2020 from X-Plane, I had only flown the MSFS Cabri G2 a couple times for maybe a total of 30 minutes in the cockpit, so this event was a great “on the job” opportunity to gain experience with takeoffs, cruising, altitude and speed management, formation flying, AND LANDINGS.

I “discovered” this event only a day before and set out to prepare as much as possible. I accepted the Discord invite, and then loaded up the provided pln file to discover it had a runway start, and the Wallacia YWLX grass strip airport did not have any starts that allow cold and dark, non-runway start up. I quickly built some PARKING-GA-SMALL starts for the existing airport using the SDK, and was pleasantly surprised how well they worked.

Next I pre-flighted the first leg of the plan in the G2 - out to Warragamba Dam. Wow! What an impressive sight. (BTW, I was flying 2D on a 24" 4k monitor).

Since I had been just starting to investigate VR flying with my Quest 2 head-mounted-display, I thought I might try flying the event in VR. I fired up about 10 minutes before the event and after 15 minutes of not getting the Quest 2 Link past the “three dots”, I had missed the group takeoff.

I threw off the Quest 2 and restarted MSFS 2020 (which seemed even slower when the group is chattering about the flying). While that was starting I switched my Discord settings from the Quest to a Plantronics Voyager Legend Bluetooth headset. Since I was late, I chose the pln file with the runway start, and rushed to takeoff.

I knew the heading to the dam, (and confirmed by looking down at the Garmin 430), pulled the collective up hard, pushed the cyclic full forward and quickly was zooming at 100 KIAS to catch the group.

When I arrived at the dam, folks were already showing off by landing on top of the dam:

LazyK0alas had already landed his “non-CabriG2-heli” which MSFS displayed to me as a fixed-wing jet.
Another non-CabriG2 pilot was displayed as a fixed-wing B222 twin with the landing gear down the whole flight.

There was one point in the flight where I was doing clockwise circuits around a point of interest and all of a sudden my attention was grabbed by a fixed wing coming right at me - since it actually was a heli doing counter-clockwise circuits it was moving slow enough that I could deconflict, but boy did my heart stop for a second (after which I actually remembered to grab a screenshot…)

Leader LazerBolt suggested we change the time to nearing sunset as we approached Sydney Harbor, and announced he was “setting down on Shark Island for a 10 minute group break”. I didn’t know what was Shark Island, but the place he was heading looked to be about 2 pixels big and I need a runway to land the G2 on at my heli skill level. I circled around and around looking for a spot to land and spotted a ship with what looked to be a bunch of helipads on top. I’ve never been very successful at helipad landing attempts (in X-Plane), but since I had turned off damage detection for the flight, I decided “now was a good time to practice a helipad landing” (right, at night - in a group flight - with no prior attempts in the MSFS heli). I almost did it, but slipped off the edge at the last minute and ended up on a dirt road next to the ship (alive? How does that happen?):

After the break we viewed the Sydney Opera House, and then headed to the Luna Amusement Park (and of course LazerBolt flew under the bridge to get there).

The group hovered near the park marveling about the modeled detail ( the rollercoaster, ship swing, tower fall all have amazing animations going on ), while I (who didn’t know that hovering in the CabriG2 in MSFS is a million times easier than in X-Plane) did circuits above the group again.

Eventually the folks started setting down in tiny corners of the park, so I looked around for the nearest runway to set down on. Bradfield Highway was all lit up and basically deserted looking just the thing for this noob heli pilot. I put her down more gently than expected and waited for a car or truck to drive into/through me, but they all seemed to be driving in the other lane, so I lived to shut down without incident.

The flight lasted an hour and a quarter (1h 17m) and was the most fun I have had in forty years of flight simming.


Glad you liked it, i couldn’t take my hand off the stick either…flew the Carenado Gee Bee


More short field hopping in the amazing Rans S6-S, the more I fly this plane the more I like! Just some jaunts between Cedar Mountain (42CM) and Mexican Mountain (42MX) scenes from Parallel 42 (are you detecting a theme in my flights yet?) I love the Parallel 42 stuff, the terraforming on Cedar Mountain is really cool and covers a large area. The S6-S is simply PACKED with magic dust, Flyboy Simulations is to be commended on a very fun and addictive aircraft!!! Flight model is superb, textures are top-notch.

Nice steep departure from Cedar Mountain.

The hop part. I forget which heading I was even on here.

Camp at Mexican Mountain. Parallel 42 already pitched a tent for me! How thoughtful of them.


Saturday flight: EasyJet A320 from Marrakech (GMMX) to Malta (LMML)

Distance: 1232 nm
Flight time: 2:41 Hours


Daylight mission to lower Cherbourg peninsula and back to Exeter.


I mounted my Alpha and Bravo underneath my desk using these:


Of course I got the LED option. :wink:


Currently doing a flight from Lahore Intl (OPLA/LHE) - Karachi Intl (OPKC/KHI) on a a320, long time I didn’t do a flight in Pakistan and the a320. I for some reason got a free air newzealand livery for the a320… Can I get some more?