What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Debrief NIGHT Flight KCHA!
Sim & IRL pics below.




Nice paint job! :+1:

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Flew one more leg in the Megalopolis bush trip:

This time I did not get overconfident and ended up just where I was supposed to when I was supposed to. Contrary to what MSFS tells I find it easier to navigate these flights about 4000’ AGL instead of 1000’


Took an actual Piper Warrior (N161SM) for my first flying lesson in over 20 years. It’s eerie how much this real photo looks like it could be a screenshot from the sim. The Garmin G5s are the reveal here. I was surprised how much easier it is to trim the plane straight and level in real life. Rolling out on a specific heading was much harder, though, as was keeping that heading/altitude consistently (my instructor requested 2000, but for some reason I kept dropping to 1800). Watching for real traffic is quite sobering, and taxi operations turned out to be the hardest part. My initial assessment is that time spent in the sim really does help to boost your skills and awareness!


I reached south of Baja California peninsula in my trip around Pacific in DC-3 in real weather: MMGR :airplane: MMSD


In terms of VR screenshots, I have mapped WIN+PRINT to my streamdeck, and now I can take a single-button screenie whenevers. Whatever you’re looking at, it captures. The downside is reduced resolution since you capture the VR image:

After my flight is complete, I’ll go in and crop/edit the ones I like. You can drag and drop directly from the screenshots UI in Windows. Not a perfect system, but it works. I’d LOVE to see some kind of skeumorphic virtual GoPro or something of that nature.



One more leg Megalopolis:

I really wantetd to properly stay inside the cockpit, but I just HAD to properly look around several times.


SAMU flight, Narbonne to Toulouse


So, don’t do anything that might put you in the hospital. Cheers!

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Flyin’ low
in FM, another Microsoft franchise.

flew into SFO … saw this biwing plane … I want one of those…


on closer inspection IT IS A TRIPLANE


I just came back from my holiday in Alaska, (WOW breathtaking scenery) downloaded a lot of Airports, decided to relive my Holiday in MSFS in my new Comanche 250 :smiley:.

Think I will try seaplanes next, this has inspired me more on GA aircraft, normally I fly airlines (CRJ PMDG FENIX)


I think it’s rare sight of an airplane being born.


Love the new scenery for Khoram Abad Airport (OICK) in Iran prepared by “Fun of Flying”! First time flying there with the new scenery. OIII-OICK-OIII


As part of my Pacific tour in DC-3 I decided to cross Gulf of California at night: MMSD :airplane: MMPR
I thought that flying over the ocean wouldn’t see much, so it would be fine to fly at night. The problem was that I really didn’t see anything. I departed VOR SJD R120. After some time I lost the signal, but then I picked up VOR PVR and continued towards it. So I had direction, but I didn’t have distance. I was hoping to see some lights of islands 50nm off coast. That would be signal to start descend. Also I was hoping to pick signal VOR TNY that I could use to triangulate my position. Unfortunately I’ve never seen any lights and haven’t picked TNY signal. And I even forgot to note my departing time, so I couldn’t calculate more precisely, where I was. Until the VOR indicator started to turn and I knew I was almost above it. But I was still at 9500 ft. So I descended in 360 spiral. Then I saw Puerto Vallarta on my left. I received clearance to approach 04 straight. Landing was smooth, but then I didn’t know, where to park. It was so dark. I think I even ran over some parked aircraft. That’s one reason I don’t do much flying at night. Some airports are too dark.
Also lesson learned: I forgot to check phase of the moon. There was no moon light tonight.


We were running an amazing National eSTOL Event with @BurstixTV, @ANN0V , @ADK and our Partners of NationalSTOL yesterday!
HIstory in MSFS has been made as this has never been before :partying_face:
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And then I started The Apennines bush-trip in WB-Sim C172 in real weather. I did first 3 legs: LIPE :airplane: LIRQ :airplane: LIQB :airplane: LIRZ
Italian countryside is really beautiful. Weather was nice and sunny, just a little bumpy.

From sauce, I guess Bolognese sauce come from Bologna (I may be wrong):

Very first look at numbers seems like a long runway. But only half is usable.

To renaissance, if I remember correctly, it started in Florence.

And yesterday I also planned New Guinea challenge bush trip. I spent so much time planning it that I didn’t have time to fly it. But it was already challenge to plan it. Checking runway lengths in high altitudes. Finding mountain passages not above 12000ft altitude. Calculating fuel to not rely, that there would be fuel at those high altitude airports. But more details, when I fly it. Maybe next weekend.


And I did another short leg of Pacific tour in DC-3 in real weather: MMPR :airplane: MMZO
I planned a longer flight, however, there were big cumulus clouds around MMZO and I planned only VFR. I couldn’t find way around, so I was forced to land in MMZO.

And just after I landed, the weather seemed a bit nicer.