What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)


Love that screenshots, but please be careful with those square windows!!

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Only a problem for the British Comet. Cheers!

I continued in my tour around Pacific in DC-3 in real weather: MRLB :airplane: MPDA
Weather was pretty nice. Only a bit turbulent on the descend.
As I reached cruise altitude and switching fuel tanks, I accidentally shut off right engine. So I had to restart it.
Landing at Enrique Malek airport was strange. The runway 04 was tilted to the right. So when I touched down, I was not sure if I touched both wheel, or there was something wrong with my right gear. But in the end it was nothing wrong with DC-3, the problem was with the runway.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 22_01_42
Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 22_07_34
Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 22_29_02
Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 22_38_06
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 23_06_51
Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 23_11_27
Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 23_13_12
Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 23_30_31
Microsoft Flight Simulator 23. 10. 2023 23_32_21


From Chinook Ultralight Airpark to the Pacific Ocean in the morning with some TGLs


First flight inibuilds EGHI


American Airlines Airbus A320-214 N126UW landing Rwy 31L at KPSP Palm Springs (iniBuilds).


So when the USAF isn’t using their F22s, they apparently keep them hidden at obscure airstrips on the Argentinian* coast.

Still swithering over whether to buy the H160. It’s a bit faster than the H145, it has wheels which is nice, and of course it’s a really beautiful piece of work.

On the other hand it’s very expensive (the H145 was expensive, but I bought it in last year’s Black Friday sale, so not quite so much) and offers lots of additional features I don’t see myself using, like persistent states and damage** modelling, and of course its fancy takeoff trick which I might use once.

Anyway, I’m flying the H145 this week to see if that helps me make up my mind one way or the other.

*Brazilian - if only my flying were as good as my sense of geography.
** I meant to type ‘failure’. But apparently there was a failure.


After two restarts, including one where all my Assists got reset, I got a quick flight in today. Final Approach RWY 34 Newport State. While the G3X right now is the worst eyesore out of all the Garmins, Marc’s GTN750 makes everything acceptable, including a poor man’s VNAV for a visual approach. Fly the Blue Range to Altitude Arc as AOPA Pro Tips says.


From Athens to Kos with the TBM 930

Weird situation in Athens, where the METAR was giving IMC conditions, but the ATC menu did not allow me to request an IFR flight and ATC did not allow a VFR departure, so I had to make ATC “ignore” the weather. But I could file for IFR as soon as I was in the air.

Nice looking approach into KOS (RNAV)


First long flight in the Connie. Ideas is several legs from London to Darwin. I know I’ll be dealing with that wonky landing situation, but experience is the teacher. Other than that, the plane flies fine. This will not be contiguous, however.

This flight, London to Roma


Fun with Wilga in Papua, New Guinea. So many fine hours spent in this wondrous airplane, she feels like an old friend.

This departure required a rather steep climb. The altitude makes it way more challenging.

After visiting a few local airstrips, I finally decided to set up camp and chill for a bit.

Happy Flying!


I finally got the time to take the Longitude to the skies from Marseille (LFML) to Nürnberg (EDDN):

I had pretty good ATC coverage with the exception of Italy, but on that part of the flight I was at FL450, so no one was ever in any proximity. There was quite a substatial tailwind, at one point I was doing 557kn GS, which is I think my very best with the Longitude. Even the landing got pretty decent, though that is partially thanks to the assisted rudder being back to ON. I don’t like that I have an assistance on, but it is going to stay on until I get myself some rudder pedals, twisting the joystick to do rudder pedals while on final approach was just something I wasn’t good at handling. I guess there is a reason why it’s not the way on any real airplane…

Full video later here:


Flying round the vast hinterland of Rio de Janeiro - the bits you never see in those beauty shots of Copacabana or Ipanema.


Flying MPDA :airplane: MPMG on my tour around Pacific in DC-3 in real weather. Today I reached Panama City, the connection between Pacific ocean and Atlantic ocean. It was really nice view to fly between 2 oceans. Unfortunately the destination was in fog. I was prepared to go to alternate. Then it seems the fog was not that thick. So I continued my descend. I got cleared to land, but I couldn’t see the airport. Then I saw it on the left. I knew the approach was not good, so I just turned upwind. Only then I realized it’s another airport (the canal was on the right and not on the left). I don’t think it would be good to land at military airport in Panama. So I crossed the canal and joined base 01 MPMG, but did go around as I was definitely not stabilized. When flying the circuit at least I enjoyed nice view on Panama city. I didn’t expect there would be some modeled buildings. The second approach was not perfect, because I tried to take good screenshot of the city. But I landed successfully.


Dusted off the Mooney (w/ Turbo Mod) - Ft. Lauderdale Exec to Exuma Key - about 1:33:00 at about 210-212 true. FAA Phraseology Mod worked perfectly fine - held short at RWY9 for an inbound bizjet and was cautioned about an inbound on the downwind while taking the active. I remembered to use the speedbrakes because it is slippery on the approach just like the PIREPs noted.


More fun in Papua New Guinea, this time with the Black Square C208 Caravan. Hopping from airstrip to airstrip gets pretty addicting, and the 208 is a nice handling plane that can get quite slow for you. Used live time and weather, and really lucked out with the beautiful conditions.

The turboprop means no worries operating at higher altitudes.

Aaand we can land there.

And even there!

Not all of them are on the sides of mountains.

Down the valley to some lower elevations.

Papua New Guinea is nonstop entertainment!


Amazing pics! Amazing grahpics.

I really like the detail in this picture you took-


Love the shot through the passenger window!

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