What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Yesterday (is that allowed? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) I flew the Fenix from Adelaide YPAD to Sydney YSSY.

I then flew on to Auckland NZAA but I’d dropped the camera down the side of the seat and couldn’t find it so no pics for that one.


Today I was on shift operating HIOWAA from EGHI, using the H145 action pack with the excellent “random and anywhere” mod from fs.to.

The first dispatch was to the Isle of Wight where a plane had crash landed. The great British weather was doing its thing which made VFR mildly challenging.

I found the site and landed, the doctors were quickly on scene to stabilise the patient.

Patient loaded, preparing to go.

We flew back to Southampton General Hospital and the patient was rushed to emergency.

Just as soon as we were down another emergency dispatch came through, so we were back in the air in no time. The call was for a girl injured at a high school in Salisbury.

Patient on board, Salisbury District Hospital wasn’t ready to take her so it was back to Southampton General.

A busy shift finished and back to home base.

Even the sun was threatening to show between the clouds.


Nice lazy Sunday flight ferrying tourists back from Sin City to SLC in the PMDG 737-800. Sunny and clear Lost Wages skies gave way to heavy overcast and cold rain with icing conditions during the descent toward Salt Lake. Garbage weather + dramatic landscapes = cool screenshots though.


Finished a 3 hour recording and edit in a 2.5 minute cinematic video, the result is beautiful. :star_struck::innocent:



I dunno about this new CFI doing check rides… :smiley:


Today I flew from Harrisburg to Philly, enjoying the Samscene3d city scenery of Philadelphia, in the A36, my fav default single engine retractable piston in the sim.

I love choosing city pairs that allow for 30-60 minute flights, especially enjoying the green scenery of the US East Coast.

I also flew the Astro One in China’s lovely Yunan province, where the Himalayas meet the desert and also green countryside near the desert.

I have been unable to get my photos to transfer to my laptop because these places are so lovely for VFR flight.


Yikes–CFI like that, one needs to call ‘Ghostbusters’ if they are still in business.

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Just awesome!

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Pattern work at KPAE in the 152 Aerobat, using live weather. During the session the weather slowly degraded, and wouldn’t you know it, ATC calls to say we’re IFR now, and that I’m cleared for a full stop landing. First time that’s ever happened to me!


Circuits and Bumps at KBID with the new SR22T. Dialing in the index power settings to get the Vspeeds just right. Still have to work on the base to final, I’ll have to fly an extended downwind leg.


I got home late last night, and I purchased the JustFlight Fokker 28 today. I waited years for this aircraft, ever since she was first announced as being in development for FSX, and I’m not disappointed! After a quick perusal of the manual’s high points, I jumped into N949FK at Santa Barbara (skin by CptAnubis, airport by danielsjam, both available at flightsim.to).

I departed off Runway 25 and climbed to the west for some basic flying and photos. Having spent too many years in glass cockpits, I’m very happy to have a classic jet in MSFS. No FMS, magenta lines, or T/D points here, and very few switches with an “Auto” position! It’s all timing, tinkering, three-to-one, and fuel flow.

I’ve always been partial to “stubby” jets, from the DC-9-10 to the 737-100. But this shot of F28.1000 N949FK just north of the Channel Islands near Santa Barbara makes her look almost sleek!

At FL180 and 300 knots, heading north over Point Conception State Marine Reserve with Santa Barbara in the distant background. It was here that I realized that the fuel flows and quantities are all in kilograms. I wish there was a way to change that to pounds (maybe there is…I should probably read the whole manual).

Back on the ground at Santa Barbara. I believe Captain Anubis’s skin is based on Lockheed Jetstar N313JS, seen here at airliners.net. In addition to stubby jets, I like retro liveries just like this one. It appears that Austin Powers vomited down the airstairs!

That’s it. I’ll take her out again tomorrow, and already have some ideas for future flights, thanks to timetableimages.com. Good night! :love_you_gesture:


I flew out of an uncontrolled airfield in a Luscombe 8A, in real life, in '07 and as my friend and I were flying out of Pegasus Airpark, a fine grass field, about 25 mins into the flight, on an overcast but not rainy day. we thought we saw a flash of embedded lightning.

We turned around and on final, as we agreed, my friend (since he owned the Luscombe) took over and landed to clear the 50 foot pines at the eastern end of the runway.

I taxied for him so he could relax as we parked his aircraft, rain started to fall, and by the time we left Pegasus to go have breakfast, an incredible Thunderstorm, with hail, came thru for almost an hour.

I hope one day, for the Xbox S, someone models the Luscombe 8A. It was like the Piper Cub, but could be all metal or with a fabric wing, ours had a metal wing and it met Light Sport requirements which meant no physical was required.

The Xbox S is missing the Erco Erccoupe C/D, and the Luscombe, both of which I have flown in real life and I hope one day a developer will put those into the Marketplace, they are a joy to fly in real life and are what some VFR simmers remember most.


Sometimes the weather gets you, and sometimes…the weather…well, it gets you! Glad you guys made it back before the skies opened up!

The Lyons’ Luscombe 8A for FS9 was one of my favorites back in the day. I’d love to see a new one for MSFS!

I had that for FS9, I loved flying it, it flew quite like the real one did.


Boeing C-17 Globetrotter over Eastern Australia


Made it, Ma! Top of the world!

Interestingly, the U.S. Bank building heliport is a default heliport, not part of either Orbx helipad set. Which makes sense, since one is all police helipads, and the other all hospitals.

Downtown Los Angeles is in fact lousy with helipads - at least five of which can be seen in the above screenshot - but they are part of the photogrammetry, not deliberate inserts. I managed to land on two of them without falling through them, but I didn’t try them all. I’d like to think they are all landable but I’m not buying you a new helicopter if they’re not.

At least the wind in LA was nothing to be bothered about. Not so in the North Sea this morning, where it was blowing 25-35 kts, and not too fussy about the direction it was coming from.

Still, at least the driving rain had gone away by the time I had to stop for lunch:

I never actually took a shot of me landing in the rain, on account of being preoccupied with surviving.


Otto has five decades of experience - shame he left the airline…

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Rude not to enjoy that crisp cold air