What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Approaching Tbilisi(UGTB) from Yerevan(UDYZ)


Cardiff to Gloucester in the steam gauge C172, crosswind landing and tricky taxing due to wind


Wow, I have never seen Brussels this busy in the sim (mostly wrong gates, but still) :upside_down_face:


Nice. Very, very nice.

This has been on my list to do for a while but not got round to it, very good job.


Having had the Florida Keys come up in a non-FS-related context, I decided to fly the length of the Keys from the Bay Harbor Islands to the fabled Key West.

This I did, departing Miami International Airport (KMIA) in my H125 and flying the length of the Keys to Key West (during which flight I discovered that the H125 autopilot is in fact a notopilot - sadface emoji).

I was running SimEFB’s moving map to keep me a little aware of where I was - you might think I couldn’t get lost following the line of the Florida Keys, but I assure you I could - and so on arriving at Key West I was a little surprised to see on the map that this was not in fact as far as I could go. There are several Keys to the west of West, ending at the Marquesas Keys some 22 miles further on. I flew on and landed at what I judged to be the Marquesas Keys westernmost point:

Done! Except…

It turns out that a little less than fifty miles further on to the west of the Marquesas Keys there is another little cluster of elevated seabed known as the Dry Tortugas. Presumably so called because they were the inspiration for Prohibition.

I looked at the map and thought, OK, I’ve started so I’ll finish.

There was nothing of interest at the Marquesas Keys and I was expecting nothing else of the Dry Tortugas.

So imagine my surprise when I saw this:

This is Fort Jefferson, built over thirty years from 1845-76 and never fully completed. Still, it served its two main purposes, to protect the Dry Tortugas as a U.S. harbo(u)r and to prevent anyone else using it as a base to threaten the U.S coastline.

Interesting as it is, however, it isn’t the furthest west you can go in the Dry Tortugas. This, give or take a grain or two of sand, is:

Happily, I was unable to find anything on the map further west than the Dry Tortugas and so headed back east to make a final landing at Key West(ish) International Airport (KEYW). Hey, I finally figured out a way to shut down the H125 after landing. Not necessarily the way, but a way certainly:


New Zealand: Milford Sound (NZMF) to Mount Cook (NZMC):


im under ur airspaces, flyin ur VFR


“Exit Icing Conditions Soonest.”

Departing Goose Bay, the precip was pretty bad up until about 9,000’.


Bimini bound, RV-10.


An On-Air flight from KAXX to KDFW


Here’s the shot that crashed my XBox:

I’m seeing a number of examples of good PG in recent shots here. PG currently looks bad on my system for some reason. I hope it works itself out because that’s one of the main reasons I enjoy the sim.



Cardiff to Liverpool , live time and weather


I continued my Pacific tour in DC-3 in real weather: SCTE :airplane: SCBA
Today it was clear IFR flight. There was overcast in Puerto Montt and cloud cover almost all way to Balmaceda. So I departed rw 35 turned 180° towards VOR TEN. Soon I got over the clouds. However, after reaching TEN the cloud cover was at higher altitude, because of mountains that I had to cross. Then big part of the route was in clouds, strong winds, and icing conditions. But luckily not unmanageable. I just had to keep de-icers and carb heat on and sometimes took over from autopilot. Good thing was that VORs on my route had good range and I has signal all the way.
At the destination it was clear sky. So I received vectors for visual approach rw 27 with wind 291@24. Pretty strong headwind, but luckily no gusts, so I could have steady approach and smooth landing.


After seeing the Pasped Skylark parked at pretty much every airport I’ve landed at since - having upgraded to a more powerful computer - I allowed MSFS to display aircraft at airfields, I thought I’d better take it for a flight. Perhaps then it would stop nagging me.

I enjoyed the flight: the aircraft is extremely stable, as manoeuvrable as I need it to be, and although the visibility on take-off and landing is an extreme example of taildragger blindness, I managed to take off and land without (quite) going off the runway.

But note the open canopy. I fly in VR, and can’t sit up enough to see out of the blessed thing in level flight without sticking my head through said canopy. Opening it solves the problem, but also means that I shall never ever ever fly the Pasped Skylark in the rain.


New Zealand South Island to North Island: Taking off from Christchurch (NZCH)

heading north

flying over Nelson (NZNS)

and Wellington (NZWN)

making a safe landing at North Palmerston (NZPM)


Today i did this. With DC of DC Designs. :sunglasses::+1:

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Flying over north Colombia… visiting the Colon… but not all is well mapped by bing


Came across an absolute gem of an arrival route into Ljubjana, Slovenia.

The LUMUS4L arrival :pinched_fingers:


Enjoying the view from the LAX flyway