Srinagar - New Delhi
Flew from HQM (Hoquiam in Washington State) to OS9 (Jefferson County a/p near Port Townsend) in the A2A Comanche. I’ve been slowly learning how to fly this aircraft, mostly because I’d gotten lazy with MSFS and forgotten alot about “real” flying. A2A created an amazing simulation. I finally learned today how to deal with icing, pitot heat, and carb heat. I still have trouble landing as my joystick isn’t sensitive enough to flair without starting an oscillation. Perhaps I should try adjusting it.
Using classic radio stack but bringing up VFR map? Sacrilege!
MYNN back to Savannah Hilton head in the Tecnam p2012 traveler
I did not have the time yesterday to complete the Budapest (LHBP) to Prague (LKPR) flight, but today I did:
Landing was an autoland, I never tried it before, so I decided to do it now.
Continuing my world tour from Napels Italy LIRN
to Corsica LFKB. Just a couple flights and i am home in EHRD
Flew the MD88 from Savannah international to Atlanta international airport
First Hercules flight and all went well, but did the ILS wrong and had to line up manually. Komaki to Iwakuni.
Got inspired to reacquaint myself with the DC3. Spent a few days relearning. Now traveling the length of the country from VOR to VOR, plenty of stops. My crosswind landings can still be a bit rough, but getting there. First leg done.
Continuing my worldtour with my Diamond Aircraft DA 62 registered N215E from Corsica LFKB to Marseille LFML.
Flew the md 88 from Atlanta to KGLD Kansas (supposed to be going to Denver) because I miscalculated the fuel again so I had enough to get to that airfield so now my passengers are stranded at an airfield in the middle of nowhere Kansas
Interesting indeed.
Rescued my stranded passengers with the fs studios Embraer 170LR KGLD to KDEN
Her of the day indeed
Flew the Boeing 787 8 mod from Denver doing an experimental route to Idaho Falls regional airport
Two of my old home towns, flown in and out of them both numerous times (not in airliners, tho…)