What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Gorgeous plane and screenshots! +1 on the CPU question.

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PMDG 737 700 from TNCM to MYNN (Aruba to Charlotte is forcing me into some short hops to get back to Charlotte because I don’t have the PMDG 777 yet and there’s no 747 SP add on yet so I to take the long way back to Charlotte)

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We toured St. Louis in a “Pukin’ Dogs” Phantom today (yeah…not the best choice in aircraft, but at least we looked awesome). We continued westward to Kansas City, but you’ll have to wait until next week for that part. :blush:

You can read about it at the Pee-Wee and Nag’s Skytours (and Other Thoughts) thread.

A Fallen Angel’s Phantom.

Zounds! Mounds!

Must…resist…temptation to…fly through arch!

Stars and hornets, and a 33-foot tall alien.

One man’s junk is another man’s art.

Mister Mac, I’m home!


Tokunoshima to Kagoshima. ILS was askew at Kagoshima. Visual landing skills paid off.


I’m back to doing basic helicopter training at Lausanne-Blécherette Airport.

Now I’ve been flying helicopters in the sim since the H135 came out - but I’ve been flying in VR.

However I also have a Tobii Eye Tracker as backup in case the VR headset goes south. It’s fine for fixed-wing (except I once got horribly motion-sick flying fast and low because I’m used to the instantaneous response to head motion in VR) but I’d never tried it for helicopters.

Now, though, I’m doing so much helicopter flying that I thought I’d better give it a go.

Oh dear.

Without the sense of depth and movement provided by VR, control becomes orders of magnitude more difficult. I’m finding it near-impossible to judge how high I am off the ground, there’s a lot of ‘stirring the pot’ (overcontrolling leading to pilot-induced oscillations), and for some reason, I seem to spend a lot of time going backwards whether I want to or not.

Still, practice makes perfect, as they say, so I’m going to stick at it till I’m perf… er, not entirely useless.

I use Lausanne-Blécherette Airport for this because it has a helipad and seven helicopter parking spots strung along the runway, so I can move along them for landing practice then get a little hover-taxiing in going back to the start.

Of course you can practise landing in a helicopter by picking any random spot as a target. But the advantage of using helipads/parking spots is that the H gives you an exact measure of how far off perfect your landing is.

So one disadvantage of the default Lausanne-Blécherette Airport* is that its main helipad has always lacked its H in the default scenery.

Until now:

So thanks to whoever it was - in the World Hub, presumably - who added it.

And don’t judge my landing too harshly - it took me five minutes just to get into the box.

*There’s some rather nice freeware but unfortunately it uses a lot of the helicopter parking spots to park helicopters, which is not useful for my purposes.


Did some ground scenery exploration of Honolulu.
Thanks for the Air, Ground and Sea Simulator MS/Asobo🍺


a little IFR flight - “I Follow Roads”


Day trip along the coast: From Groton along the railway line to Warwick, island hopping back to the coast and to Martha’s Vineyard with several stops along the way.


“The barberpole is a destination, not a limitation.” - Stretch (N300DG)


Continued my Southwest journey in the A2A Comanche, today from Moab to Four Corners Muni in Farmington NM.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that Farmington NM is an outstanding photogrammetry site, and doubly delighted when I saw that the VFR approach I had haphazardly chosen took me directly over the majority of the town and surroundings. Pretty good for not planning anything in particular.

Happy to report that the approach and landing was textbook, my practice in the Comanche is paying off. It really is like a well-worn pair of shoes. I don’t usually keep score, but today I feel that I got the high score.

Farmington’s nice! Think I’ll stay a spell.

Happy Aviating!


Nice tailwind - Boston to Reykjavik in just a little over 4.25 hours - crazy!


Benchmark-Test over Vegas. I hope v2024 runs as good :grinning:




Flew the PMDG 737 800 from MYNN to Orlando international airport


Testing new aircraft:


Orlando to Charlotte NC in the ATR 72 600 but decided to divert to Hilton head island to a building up storm system


Brussels - Zurich…
Loads of FSLTL traffic!


Default or payware McCoy?

After many months of waiting I finally received my WinWing Orion rudder pedals. With the VKB Gladiator and STECS I bought earlier in the year I now finally have an excellent set of flight controls, which are also very good for helicopters (can remove centering but keep damping). So naturally I took the HPG 145, flew from Amsterdam, and did a mini tour of North Sea oil rigs.

Flying helis on a monitor is tricky, but with good flight controls it is at least now possible. Just the new controls without any practice made a huge difference to my flying, such that I managed to pull off a series of landings that were not only survivable, but would even be comfortable.


For scenery I used flight sim.to scenery map and aircraft was the payware atr one and I keep it set on live weather