What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

RDU-DEN with clear skies until the latter end with nice multi-layered clouds and evening lighting into DEN.

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And what a launch it was. I’m still amazaed each and every time to see the boosterts landing.

Sorry about going off topic

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Heading out of Mumbai…



Quite the dusting at KSEZ (Sedona) today.


Hi… what’s up? Not sure why I am tagged…


Did some port exploration of Tokyo, was hoping to catch some Haneda takeoff and landing traffic but my FSLTL injector is acting wonky lately. Those port cranes are absolutely gigantic in full scale VR.


Took a friend from London City (EGLC) to Manchester (EGCC) using Vatsim, finally mustering up courage to do voice.

It was really bad visibility on arrival, I just noticed the runway lights right at 200 feet above ground.

I did make some mistakes, like forgetting to turn landing lights on and pushing the wrong hotkey on final, thus gears up instead of AP off, but at least I noticed tha latter immediately and corrected it. I really enjoyed this flight and cheers for the ATC guys!

Full video later here:


My girlfriend’s kid is interested in aviation. They came over to the house yesterday and it was fun to introduce him to MSFS! We went up in the 152 for a little tour of San Francisco. Seeing the excitement and wonder in his eyes as he began his journey in a past time I’ve been at for 35 years was a blast! I handled the camera but he did the flying. We flew from KSQL (San Carlos) to KHAF (Half Moon Bay).
He’s a natural!


I used the ICON A5 to fly down the Moscow Canal.

Well. . . I wanted to fly from UUMO, (my usual starting airport - Ostafievo), land the A5 on the Moscow River and go sailing up the river to the Kremlin.  However, when I got there I noticed one teeny-tiny problem, the bridges, a LOT of bridges, that cross the Moscow river near downtown Moscow.

Oops. . . .

So, (like any smart airman does), I went for my alternate - I decided to go north, land on the large lake north of Moscow, and use the A5 as a speedboat and tour the Moscow Canal.

There was one teeny-tiny problem with that idea too.  The continuing issues MSFS has been having with elevation - especially along waterways - and it turns out that, (according to MSFS), there are several small waterfalls and several series of rapids along a navigable canal!  :man_facepalming:

So - I had to take off and fly the canal.  I’m still working on how to get pix and/or video, so I don’t’ have any video of the flight.  However, I can show you one of the major landmarks:

This is the memorial erected to honor the thousands of gulag prisoners who were used as slave labor to dig the entire canal - mostly by hand! - during Stalin’s reign.

Here it is on Google Maps for those who are interested.

And here is a link to that same place in Google Maps if you want to explore.


Just logged off as of a few minutes ago. KAPA to KDEN in the G2 and the reverse in the C337.

When it snows in reality, light pollution is increased ten fold, but for some reason, the Sim struggles to replicate that. (Cranked up the contrast/brightness in Drone Mode for the shot. Thanks again to @SeedyL3205 for the amazing tip.)

KDEN should have been visible on approach from quite a few miles, but didn’t show until I was within at least a mile.

Add to that, the issue of absolute pitch black (again, tying into the pitch black nights this Sim is apparently fond of). Switched Time-of-Day to around 7:30am for the flight back to KAPA.


Prague (LKPR) to Geneva (LSGG) on Vatsim in the Vision Jet. I just love this bird. Absolutely for novice hands, highly automated, not too fast, got time to figure out each part of the flight. As my usual luck would have it, destination ATC logged off before arrival, but still it was a joy to fly.


went to Denver today…


Did a (bush) flight from Kettle Falls (USA) to Castlegar (Canada) on a C170, basically flying low over Columbia River the whole time, 33 minutes.

Custom weather with a little bit of snow covering the area, beautiful and relaxing!


Some great views over Honolulu in Harrier AV-8Bs.
Also there are some absolutely amazing desktop background worthy quality screenshots in here lately! SanderCohen7 and Tuffbull7923 :fire::beers:


I lost one of my kitty copilots this morning. He was a good little man. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Here’s my last photo of him in the copilot’s seat.


So sorry for your loss, I know that feeling having lost my adorable Trevor in July.


Been there.

My “Copilot”, (a big cat named Benjamin who died years ago at 17), used to want to bump me outta the pilot’s seat.

He had a technique that, as far as I know, was unique:

  1. He’d come up to me, reach up, and tap me on the thigh.
    If that didn’t get my attention. . .
  2. He’d tap harder on my thigh.
    . . . and if that didn’t work. . .
  3. He’d pop out one claw, (typically the “middle finger” claw which was his favorite, and sharpest claw), and give me a pop on the thigh with it.

OUCH!!  Alright Benjamin, you win!!

[Jump onto my lap - purr. . . purr. . . (snicker, snicker)]

I feel for 'ya buddy.  So many people don’t know that cats, (and dogs), are family too.


Picked somewhere random for a short flight.

Ended up picking a small strip in the Amazonia and selected (SETI) airfield as my destination, followed along the river in the 172.
SETI was on the rivers edge and was quite easy to spot being in the jungle and the strip itself was quite long so fairly easy to land.

The airport marker on the world map is a little off though the strip is a little further than the marker shows.

Might start doing this more often as when I play MSFS I always seem to start in my home country, I really should explore more!


To bad none of the bridges over the Columbia have been modeled. :frowning: