Something I started doing is looking for good farm fields to land on in an emergency. Supposedly it’s a good skill to develop when flying single engines.
My community is having a tournament. I may have to enter and win it all!
I use A Pilot’s Life V2 to monitor my piloting quality. Once i’m up to cruise I turn it over to the first officer to mind ATC on long flights and go do something else until we’re getting close to starting our descent then will return to land.
The funniest thing was people complaining that they lost their hours in their virtual logbook, and us saying it doesn’t matter because people often don’t fly the long flights for real …
They said we were mad and biased and that all MSFS 2020 pilots sit at the controls for all the hours they are in the air …
I fly in VR with a G2. On long flight, or really anything over an hour, I bring up a second window in VR that displays my desktop on my second monitor. On that monitor I stream Netflix, Prime, HBO, Youtube, whatever I feel like watching. I also work from home so i frequently will work while in my cockpit in VR in the middle of a flight (just last week ran an entire meeting for an hour while talking through the G2 headset and having the meeting up in my cockpit). I have even played other games while inside the sim in VR.
The 2nd window that i pop into VR is all customizable size wise so I just make it a good size and place it right over the front cockpit window. I play in a recliner so I just lean all the way back and enjoy the movie, every ince in a while turning my head to check out the scenery or tweak a dial.
Love it!
I work from home so I swing my chair around and work. I swing back around and take care of business at about the STAR/Approach transition.
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