What do you think the surprise will be?

They announced a “surprise” in June.

What do you think it will be, new plane, new feature? New platform (maybe launch on PS5 lol)?

For me personally the best surprise would be nothing but bug fixes, ideally without breaking other stuff, now that would indeed be a surprise.


Top Gun release of course the movie is finally due out at the end of may, so June you get to be Maverick.

Or maybe its a MS surprise, ‘we underestimated the cost to run msfs in the cloud and we will be shutting down’.


Maverick is listed separately, so that can’t be it

Or maybe its a MS surprise, ‘we underestimated the cost to run msfs in the cloud and we will be shutting down’.

Hehe, that would be one way to get rid of the bugs :wink:

Honestly I think it’ll be something like reno, maybe red bull air racing, although sadly that has shut down IRL. I’m thinking some sort of “game mode”.

Better ATC!? Better Live Traffic?! That would be a surprise :wink:


a sim that works!


I’m Hoping it’s the Asobo ATR, because in my opinion, I think it would make more sense for them to do top gun Maverick dlc in the fall so there’s more of an audience of people who watched the film that would buy the dlc because they watched the film


Excuse my ignorance, but “Project Alice”?

DX12 implementation would be nice. It’s pretty useless as it is.


Just bug fixes would be nice. Besides that, top of my wishlist would be better Bing data.


oh yes please

When ever the devs can be bothered for fixing things they have broke in VR will be a nice supprise for me


Seriously hoping it will be multiplayer copilots :crossed_fingers:


While we’d all wish for this and these things ARE coming, I feel it would be more likely to have aliens reveal themselves to humanity than this happening in this time frame. lol


How about everything but the scenery is getting move to you local machine from the cloud and the only information we get from the cloud will scenery and position…

I would LOVE this! I so want to share my experience with others! I’m imagining two people, maybe even in the same room, in VR mode together on a GA flight (two computers obviously). Maybe they could add the second seat to the Ryan STA? Please? A flight in a Stearman or the Warrior would be so cool to let other people see.

I have a friend who’s deathly afraid of flying. I’d love to let her see what it’s like to fly in a small aircraft in an environment where she feels safe.

I suppose, then, how do you do the co-pilot/pilot model? Do you? Do they move as the VR headset does? If somebody uses the mouse to move a button or slide a throttle, the other person could see a hand reach out and do the operation… Oh, my, that would be a bunch of work…

Hmmm, wish list time?

As a side note, I love that I can get outside the airplane in VR and look around the cockpit and walk around the plane. I hope developers account for this in their interior models. Just Flight did for the Warrior :), I love that you can see the insulation around the door frame when you climb out. The P.149 looks pretty good, but the outer glass isn’t in the interior model. Not a huge deal though :slight_smile: I looked in and it looked just like a real one does inside… so awesome. And people wonder why I want opening doors and canopies. It’s kind of funny when you automatically reach your hand to rest it on the canopy and there’s nothing there :rofl:

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Be nice if we had multi-monitor capabilities.


Maybe the surprise will be a carreer mode, or a way to simulate passengers and economy. More to do in the sandbox.


One can only hope that it’s a better surprise than the one we got with SU9. I would be more than happy if we just got the sim in it’s current form working. FS 2020 is basically a good sim that has gone in the wrong direction. The best surprise for me would be no more surprises.


I too am hoping the June surprise will be the ATR. Can’t wait to fly it when it does release, will be an instant buy for me :slightly_smiling_face: