What do you think the surprise will be?

The surprise shouldn’t be basic functionality that the Sim should already have.
I’m guessing new plane. (hopefully)

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By “surprise”, I’m guessing it’s something unannounced. So probably nothing to do with Top Gun.

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The Blackshark AI is what’s used to generate buildings based on satellite / aerial imagery for areas that don’t have PG data available. Blackshark isn’t used in conjunction with PG data. Now maybe they’ll cut the AI loose on PG data to improve it at some point. But the bigger issue they seem to have with PG at the moment is their servers. There are many areas that have excellent PG data that sometimes work great and sometimes look like melted lanscapes.

Although I don’t think that will be this “surprise” that’s promised. I expect the surprised will be some sort of DLC content.

MS will shut down Asobo :smirk:

Agree, to me a performance increase is when they improve performance without us noticing any difference in graphics. If they can’t do that they should not increase performance.

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I think so too.

Well, given that Blackshark has been getting millions and millions of dollars invested into mapping services and map modelling in the Azure platform, and they now have the Google Earth founder on their board, I am expecting at some time that we will be presented with either improved PG or non-PG data. Microsoft is going to want to showcase what the newest version can do in order to better promote Azure services. MSFS has already been a showcase for Microsoft on what the Azure cloud stack can do. I expect at some point we will be presented with some kind of enhancement. But likely they want to get DLSS in first, and other optimizations.



Although it would be a surprise if the basic functionality started working :upside_down_face:

They seem extremely hesitant to add new options in the user interface… to make things… you know… optional

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And I would welcome said improvement! If the AI could be used in conjunction with PG data to improve the latter, that would be awesome.

The AI buildings look great, although they don’t stand up to close up scrutiny since they’re not “real”. Then you have the PG data which is “real”, including signage, etc, but can look wonky due to the nature of PG data being imperfect. to be able to combine both could produce astounding results. And I hope we see that at some point.

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Agree, on that. Maybe the surprise is more options in both graphics and weather. That would be a surprise to me.

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Maybe another airplane we can’t actually fly like that Orbis hospital jet they gave us? :man_shrugging:t2:


I hope they will announce new developer of MSFS.

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This would actually be a nice surprise. Perhaps they can find a way to properly include buildings at generic airports and better determine building heights so we don’t have hangars that are 12 stories tall.

Some very non-constructive replies in this thread are bringing the topic closer to being actioned and closed.

Think before posting - is it relevant/respectful/constructive/informative? Thanks.


Yes, like in FSX, where you had options to open multiple windows with different views.

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Oh wow…Multi-Monitor is really missed by me.
I love the graphics in MSFS but I ADORED the Multi Monitor support that came with XPlane.
I guess I can wait until they get it right. Hopefully, they will not release it BEFORE it is really WELL TESTED and actually works without SKEWING the graphics.

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The last surprise was about something not announced until revealed, so I expect the same for this time. Multi-monitor feature is already in development and was talked about even in the last Q&A. It’s on its way and it often talked about, so that leaves it off the list of potential surprises we could have, in my opinion.

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Famous flier - Amelia Earhart’s Fokker F.VII, “Friendship”, the one she crossed the Atlantic in, released on 17th June to coincide with the 94th anniversary of the crossing.

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A very plausible guess, I would say.

Could also be the Spirit of St Louis - it is the 95th anniversary this year.