What has your VR experience been like in Microsoft 2024 so far?

Mine has been far less than ideal. I haven’t been able to fly for more than 10 mins without crashing (which then of course is followed up by a two hour wait before we can get back in game)

I also lost about 20% in FPS for comparable settings. And there seems to be a litany of bugs and missing features. What I’ve noticed so far:

There is no way to bring up the vr toolbar. The assigned key to toggle the toolbar shows up as a?, no matter what key you try to assign to it.

There is no way to turn off live traffic at airports. It used to be that for every settings menu there was a separate 2d and vr panel, but that seems to be gone. The only remnant of it is the vr graphics panel in the vr menu.

Some of this maybe user error, but so far it seems to be a hot mess. Hope your vr experience has been better than mine. Btw Pimax crystal on a top of the line pc user here.


I was able to do a few flights no problems with Virtual desktop and my Q3. Performance similar to MSFS2020, really enjoyed it.

I did my PPL test and got the rank “A” :smiley: very happy and it was smooth. It seems like the small buttons are readable now compared to MSFS2020. No complaints, I will enjoy it if I can reconnect but back in the queue line for now…


Were you able to bring up the vr toolbar? Could you turn off live traffic at airports?

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Haven’t tried to remove live traffic but the toolbar is assigned to left shift by default I think. I tagged it to TAB and it works. I think I used another toolbar toggle than the one labeled “VR”. I’ll check tomorrow if I can connect !

Crashed before I could even start the default 172 and now having fun back in the queue. Is there a way to avoid the walk around stuff as that is just not for me.

Has anyone been able to get the dynamic graphics adjustment feature (to keep a preset fps) to work. In my case it does absolutely nothing….

you can bind something to show/hide the VR toolbar. I bound one of my other mouse buttons it works. The EFB is completely unusable in VR. Clicks do not even register on it.


If it is similar to 2020, then where is the improvement?


I tried everything to get a VR toolbar. How did you ‘bind something to show/hide’?

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So far, extremely frustrating. Performance seems to be on par with 2020 but nothing to get excited about, maybe has to do with the server load? Mountains and hills look crisper, that is for sure! But I’m not blown away, not to mention it takes 2-3hrs after a CTD to get back into a flight. When hitting ‘fly now’ it takes now also again 30-45mins to be able to commence a flight…MS/Asobo - this was a dark day!


I was finally able to get into the sim after several queue waits. I flew in VR with the Bell 407 around Denver and environs for about an hour. Took me a few pauses to get settings dialed in and I never did get all the controls set up. But did get the cyclic and collective and rotor pedals to where I could fly. VR frames, smoothness, and visuals were better than any I’ve had in 2020. I was able to dial up TLOD to 250 and move a bunch of other graphic settings up a notch from 2020. I’m still limping along w a Reverb G2 but driving it w a 4090 and i9 13900k. Unfortunately, my flight ended w a CTD after I’d tweaked a setting and then resumed the flight. I’m sure the next several days will be spent figuring out what causes glitches and how to set up my controls - it’s really non-intuitive - but my VR experience was excellent. Definitely a noticeable step up from 2020 and there’s a lot of tweaking yet to do.

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Had a short flight in vr with the Pico 4 and virtual desktop as per 2020, and it all worked exactly as before, so positive for me. No crashes, but then it was just a short hop, and no time to try tweaking stuff


for my part, VR is subpar as of now. I get a black rectangle in the middle of my fieldview, blocking close to 50% of the screen. It seems like the semi-transparent screen that displays a message about centering the view doesn’t disappear once closed.
No idea how to fix it yet.
I never had such issue in FS2020.

Excluding this issue (which basically makes the enjoyment factor close to zero), FPS and stability seems good. No CTD and the general feeling is smooth.

I am on the varjo aero, with i9-13900k and RTX4090, 64gb of ram.

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I’m getting much worse performance. I’d say the experience is about what I get in 2020 if i set it to DX12 mode. I have a 3070 with 8GB VRAM and my guess is that for DX12 that is simply not enough. My headset is the Reverb G2

  • I found that disabling openXR toolkit for fs2024 helped the fps a little bit.

  • I cannot get the toolbar to show either, even if i have bound a joystick button.

  • Also in 2020 say if you bind a button to show the ATC window, that button also closes the ATC window. In 2024 it doesnt and you have to close windows by clicking the X

-Instabilities and CTD when changing some graphics settings from VR

Thats what i have so far.


I had this. Manually lowering all VR graphic settings removed it. then increase again bit by bit.


performance on my pc compared to 2020 is pretty bad. I can barely scrape 40fps on low settings when I was getting 100fps+ on high in 2020.

5800x3d + 4070ti - Quest 3 Virtual desktop on Ultra

To remove the black box, hit ESC and then resume again and it disappears.


I have a big issue : Using Quest 3 with MSFS 2024 started from Windows (bought via the Xbox Store), using my Quest I am located ahead of the plane, not in the cockpit… I tried to center the view and everything possible, but impossible for me to be in the cockpit … Does anyone else have/had this issue ?

After ~5 successful VR flights, here’s what I discovered (Varjo Aero, 12700k, 4090, 64gb, DLSS 3.8, 366.14, OpenXR):

  1. Lost fps compared to 2020, but dropping back from DLAA to quality caught me back up. It helps that clouds and traffic no longer have such a huge impact, so a wash.
  2. OpenXR toolkit still works like a champ, though I decided to drop back on the post processing given 2024’s better color and lighting. Still sporting the virtual sunglasses.
  3. The VR toolbar is fiddly. There’s a show bind, but you have to position the mouse in the area for it to show.
  4. Sadly, they didn’t fix the loss of control problem if you accidentally leave the mouse cursor over a panel.
  5. The EFB is busted. Can’t click anything. This needs to be fixed asap because there’s no good workaround.
  6. Still the issue where head movement centers the mouse cursor, requiring you to remain deathly still to click things.
  7. You can enter VR in the menus again without waiting until the flight has started (recent bug in 2020, fixed in 2024).
  8. Walking around outside in VR is awesome, especially if you bind to an xbox controller first person shooter style.

All in all a pretty decent experience for day 1. Thanks Asobo!


So, I take it that DFR is not supported? Just like FS2020?

I had this black rectangle too. I was eventually able to remove it but I’m not sure how exactly. I agree VR is unusable when it appears. The black box was large and in the center of the view.

The mouse pointer was also an issue in VR. The mouse was in two different positions with each VR screen. For example, if I hovered over the heading bug dial and closed one eye at a time, I could see that only one screen was actually hover the dial. The other eye showed the mouse pointer off to the side. This made for very unenjoyable experience and hard on my eyes. The mouse was only in the correct position with both displays when hovering on a touch screen. I was flying the Cirrus Vision Jet using a Quest 3.