What in this update broke the fps?

I’m not being dismissive. I’m stating facts. Go ahead and assume what you don’t know. Everyday since launch, it’s the same handful of complainers. There are many people running this sim that are having fantastic experiences. I’m tired of the whiners that dominate these threads. Then when I make my report about my excellent experience, y’all get ■■■■■. Go home, get a hug from Mom and have her read you a story about the evolution of flight simulator.
Until then, I wish you a better attitude and higher FPS.

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I don’t give two craps what its been like since launch. I bought the game a month ago. It’s been running perfect for me since then UNTIL this patch dropped. So I created a thread documenting it and, guess what, others are also having the same issue that cropped up with this patch.

If you don’t like reading about issues, I’d suggest you vacate threads that pertain to said issues. You offer nothing (nothing!) to the continuation of threads like these where people are actually having problems. In fact, I didn’t solicit any information from those who it was working for. Read my thread title. You need better reading comprehension. You coming into this thread all high and mighty with a dismissive and diminutive attitude to those of us who are having legitimate problems only proves to clutter threads like these.

Create your own thread where you can expound about all the ways the sim is perfect and error free and “whiners” aren’t allowed to post and you won’t get a complaint from me.


You don’t seem very nice, and that’s coming from someone who isn’t very nice.


I´ve never made 1 critical post regarding the performance and had perfect performance…

Until SU3, now its bonkers and a stutter-fest.

There i said it. Call me a whiner or a part of the “same handful of complainers”

Im just stating facts :wink:


A doctor that take his own medicine.

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btw, as I have posted before, the only change from Monday to Tuesday was the update. The result, 30 fps to 15 fps max. A large number of people are posting the same issue. Asobo broke a game we paid for. They deserve to be hammered. QA at Asobo is broken. Great if you can still run it, but lecturing people with a game that the devs have admitted there is an issue with is being a d**k.

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Same here too…Exactly the same…!!


Dude, he didn’t take shots at anybody. He clearly is upset on an issue that many of us are having.

I never had an issue with the sim, until now. I too have FPS drops compared to previous version.

I spent $100 on this sim and for me to be getting these broken patches especially when I’m running a high end machine would totally get anybody mad.


Exactly same issue here and was running perfectly before the update…the fan now spin at high speed…never done before

Absolutely, it was running perfectly till the last update on my side, simply cause my computer is new

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But many of us are not. And we have a right to exclaim our joy. We also don’t appreciate being called Asobo fan boys. I’m 60 years old. I’ve been on sims since 1982. They all have growing pains. I’m very hip to aviation as I was an air traffic controller for 31 years. Even real airplanes break. It is not a perfect world. I’ve offered many tips over the months and have helped many newbies. However, I won’t help bashers,whiners and downright ugly attacks. Good luck.

I just want to say:

I’m sorry you feel like people are being nasty. As someone who has had issues on-and-off with the sim since September, I make a point of not getting snippy with other flight-sim fans who are trying to help especially.

So from one fan to another, thanks for taking the time to help others out with their issues and thank you for being patient even in the face of many peoples (legitimate, but sometimes nasty) frustrations.

You’re a valued fan and I hope you continue your gracious helping of players experience technical issues.

No, this is the “■■■■■■ off because the patch broke our sims and we can no longer play it” thread.

You would likely be as well if after the patch, your shiny 10900K and 6800XT that normally got you 50 fps was suddenly performing at 15 fps regardless how low you set your graphics at. People with the exact specs as yours are now seeing performance of 10-15 fps when they were running 50+ before the patch.


You are so off base. I am offering a good experience, but then again you don’t ask why. Do you even research and try to solve your own problems? I’ve had pesky issues on occasion. I use logic, experience, research and a lot of experimentation to solve my issues. I don’t come in here and bash the sim to smithereens because someone thinks it’s garbage. It’s not always a problem with the sim. Many things cause issues: old bios, bad drivers, windows not being updated, wrong settings and so on. I read every detail I find on release notes and then I know what to expect. Here is one tip I will offer you, try to resolve your own issues by doing the hard work. You just may have an “aha” moment.

Of course the question is “Why has update III maxed out CPU’s” but since many folks are reporting 100% CPU activity here’s an interesting YouTube by Hardware Unboxed you might like (or hate) Nvidia Driver Issues

…but here’s the deal. I’m not. And when I get back from Mexico, I can assure you of consistent 45 fps on Ultra as I always have gotten. The pc was specifically built for this sim. So my pc is running the operating system and MSFS2020. I fly with v-sync off. That’s always a big improvement. Listen Mate, I want all to have a blast. I’m sorry that things get testy in this forum, but I believe in resolving my own issues.

Sly I suggest you stop posting in this topic as it appears you haven’t even used MSFS since the last update. If you have nothing constructive to add then don’t add anything. People are having issues with the game and are trying to get it resolved.


I’ve been working in IT and programming for close to 30 years now. There’s rarely been an issue I haven’t been able to get to the bottom of myself given some time and investigation. But this one has me stumped.

My system is up to date. My hardware is fully functional and well cooled. BIOS, drivers and anything else have been updated. Any other stress test, benchmark or game I run screams. And before the latest updates, MSFS ran quite well for me in the mid 40s, dipping down to the low 30s in the stupid busy areas. But still quite acceptable.

Like literally I was playing before the update dropped. All was well. The sim updated, and I’m now pushing 15 fps. Even lowering my graphics down from 1440p to 720p, all settings on LOW and disabling all online services have no effect on performance. My CPU is locked at 100%, running 20 degrees hotter than it’s ever run with the GPU barely being used at all.

I’m at a loss here.


It’s not something you can fix (apart from some people who solved it by rolling back to an older NVidia driver).

Certain combinations of hardware cause this issue (and they can’t test all of the millions of possible hardware configurations in the PC space), and it’s up to Asobo to fix it. In the Q&A they stated they have already found 2 separate bugs, and have them fixed in their internal build.
They also said they were considering a hot fix. Nothing’s been confirmed yet though.

I am on the current update. My system runs clean and fast after latest patch. So thanks again for assuming what you think you know about my skills and system.