What is going on with the sim all of the sudden?!

Same here, initially SU15 was stable and smooth, the last two weeks however, I had 3 CTD’s (never had these before) and multiple times not being able to start the game (enter CD, looking for update). A sunset over London in VR is still mind blowing and I remain optimistic and in awe by the sim. However, nowadays there is a constant fear that something might break or goes missing.


After update the 1.37.19…the A320NEO V2 is missing…what are the developers doing here? If developers need to make a mandatory updates.At least let us know what would be know and let us make a decision to install it or not…otherwise,there were too many bugs everytime!


Since recent update, I have only the 3 original airliners with zero liveries. Seriously?!

Same here stuck at checking for updates.
The bad side of sims where you depend on external servers.
I hope this can get fixed soon because it is making the MSFS concept look really really bad.

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I am very sory for what players experience here.
Why me on Xbox S has no such an issues? And others do yes? Are you guys on PC?
I am beeing just interested.
I am having all other game issues.
But not performance or crashes or unable to update. (Maybe Xbox is auto degrading some game elements to stay stable? It occurs to me like that sometimes.)
Is it PC vs Xbox differences?

Ive never had this issue until the last week. I find on first loading i now get stuck on checking for updates. I now use task manager to force close the app and start it again. 2nd time usually works and gets past that checking updates screen. :man_shrugging:t2:

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i think most server problems,and this is xbox and pc :wink:

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Expo is on the way. Everything will be magically solved after Expo demo is over, not before.
Expo demo is the priority and it also needs server data and bandwidth.

It’s not the first time we see this kind of situations during the past 4 years but people forgets things too quickly. Just search in the forum guys.



I am picturing FsExpo this coming weekend, with a mass of Booths with Computers and X-boxes, all trying to run MSFS 2020, and all sitting there for hours, displaying “CHECKING ON UPDATES”


Hi “Checking for updates” team :wink: Same ■■■■ here since yestarday. Game wont even reinstall from complete deinstall.

That’s a new one, at least to me… but may be a key symptom of what is really going on …

For me, temporarily disconnecting from the Internet when that “checking for updates” occurs, get me past it, and to a loading & running MSFS 2020,.


I bet for a servers issue.


I bet that whatever it is, MS will be trying REAL HARD to get it fixed by this coming weekend, for FsExpo.

Thank you FsExpo !!! :+1:

I am quite liking Aeromaster12’s PlayFabAPI THEORY as to what may be happening.



MSFS 2024 is going to rely even more on servers than 2020. It will be an interesting experience.


no update possible, no internet connection to the marketplace, no bing data, what’s going on again wiht the sim?


How? I haven’t seen them communicate that

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PC version failed this AM. No option but to remove and reinstall. It’s not fast either…

I keep the PC install as small as I can so once it’s finished it’s 130G download I’ll have spend ages deleting all the unwanted content. I really agree with posters on here wanting missions, training and bush trips to free content on Marketplace so the base install is a lot lot smaller.



I’m not touching my install. This has got to be a server-side problem.


YES, disconnect the internet for a few seconds and a box appears says to update some marketplace stuff… Just press continue or update, whatever I did not read it clearly as I was too excited to finally get the sim goin again! Of course reconnect the internet again. That works, thank you so much​:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


In my experience the regular kind of regressions we get both in betas and updates shows an over reliance on manual testing and wholly inadequate automated testing.

Is simply not possible to manually test everything with every update, but if you get your automated testing right then it’s totally feasible to execute all of the tests with every update, and thus prevent such regressions.

Many systems can be hard to test, and a flight simulator is no exception in that way. As a result it’s important to design the software in such a way that it can be tested with automation, and if you miss the boat on that one it’ll be a long long swim to get to solid ground.

I know they have a QA team and I trust they are doing what they can, but if the software and systems testing is not put in place the job is basically impossible. From observation I would suggest that the majority of testing is actually left to us, the users. They’ve crowd sourced the testing.