What is going on with the sim all of the sudden?!

I am being hit with all three of these issues with the latter two appearing for the first time today:


The missing marketplace items was just escalated.


oh,and hang on load a flight,i have to kill via task managerā€¦
then it hang on check for updateā€¦i hope it load now


Allow me to take this moment to praise the excellent default aircraft.

Iā€™m up flying the Robin DR400-100 right now.

And hereā€™s a shameless plug for this thread:

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Let me pls say this,

at this time that some Online services were again off (and looks like due logical reason), how it is very important to us and logically to be afraid that sim will not be working as we wish :slight_smile: Hope all things will working ok so we can be happy with our hobbyā€¦

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now get the GPU error message,stop simming for today,
it is no more fun :-1:


Multiple connection issues after the recent AIRAC and World Hub community airport update.

Bing data loading very slowly or not all all. Often switching to Offline Mode.
Iā€™ve signed out of Xbox Live and re-signed in. Still shows Offline.

The sim is unusable right now.


time for a rollback to SU 14 i think,it get ridiculus :grimacing:


This gets thrown around a lot here ā€” ā€œunplayableā€ ā€” but this really is the worst behavior from the sim Iā€™ve seen since I arrived in fall of ā€˜21.

I hate the whole ā€œahhhh, the sky is fallingā€ mentality around this forum, but this server-based mess we are in right now REALLY doesnā€™t bode well for 2024 being even more server dependent.

The optics here are horrible.


I afraid to update after reading issues last days. I think somethings happening at background for msfs2024 preparations and effecting 2020.


Agreed. Iā€™ve always tried to maintain positivity, and Iā€™m not trying to sound like Chicken Little right now. But ā€˜unplayableā€™ is simply a factual description today. Itā€™s pretty bad if the recent AIRAC and World Hub community airport update is responsible for this.


Iā€™m right there with you on this.


i dont get it,
i had a few excellent days right after su15, it was a good update!
what happened?
the first few su15 days were, i think, the best the sim ever worked for me
then it all went to hell !
wasnā€™t there a Windows update around these days? maybe thats the problem

Unfortunately issues brought up in SU15 were not dealt with and they have now escalated into a very common problem for many, it yet again highlights a poor application of beta testing periods. This must improve, for too long these beta periods have not been good enough in dealing with actual issues raised and this after SU15 was in beta for so long.

The recent server issues coupled with the Checking For Updates issues (as above reported during beta) have left a sour taste and a visibly significant drop off in user numbers (according to SteamDB) since last week.

Server issues happen, they can affect many games but this Sim seems to struggle quite often, not addressing internal issues is however all on the developer and changes must be made. It concerns me that MSFS2024 will be the same.


for me all trouble start at SU15,before most stable
over 6000 houers
i do not think i will buy 2024,and if so,then steamā€¦even when i lost the few Marketplace aircraft


I normally find that when someone says ā€œthe optics are horribleā€ or similar, itā€™s an overreactionā€¦thereā€™s normally something positive going on too. But in this caseā€¦ with MSFS 2024 coming down the pipe at us, I couldnā€™t have put it any better.

In my job Iā€™vw always argued that QA is a culture set from the top, itā€™s not something that can be ā€œswitched onā€ easily due to the obvious commercial conflicts, although QA is always easy to switch off - youā€™re always an update away from thatā€¦

I think there are some obvious problems here with the way SU 15 was released in a badly sub-optimal state for Xbox users and the fact that much of an extended beta period was seemingly wasted - not to mention the casual pitching in of an aircraft in beta state which to me did not mix well with a beta that should be concentrating on the SU.

Iā€™d like to see an improvement in the QA culture here before Iā€™m personally willing to invest in MSFS 2024ā€¦


As ex-video gaming QA, itā€™s very painful for me to be on the outside looking in at these ongoing unresolved QA issues.

I donā€™t understand it.


Me neitherā€¦

This is knuttz I thought it was my computer but turns out itā€™s the sim again Iā€™m stuck on searching for updates could this be the update I received yesterday :interrobang:

Well, what is odd is that Iā€™ve had .19 since it released on 30MAY24.

The Marketplace and CTD issues I referenced in my OP are new-to-me issue that started today.

I donā€™t really think the issues we are seeing are tied to the release, itself, but are seemingly related to server-side issues.