What is going on with the sim all of the sudden?!

After the latest update we got yesterday, my Cessna Longitude is gone. I’ve followed all of the steps in the KB except renaming my Community folder but it didn’t come back. I even uninstalled FS and reinstalled it.

Next step is to uninstall FS Traffic and rename my community folder and create a new one. Hope that fixes it.

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Since SU15 the sim is terrible. Stutters and pauses which happen frequently and nothing in the settings resolve the issues the performance has tanked since the update.

I was a day one user and we have had many updates some terrible some good but sU15 has taken away all the pleasure.

Asobo / Microsoft please fix this


I ran through all of the Beta testing period and things were pretty stable until the last one or two “fixes.” I run a multi-monitor system and it seems that about any time I change a display setting in game on the experimental multi-monitor setup, I get a crash to desktop.

Granted, I understand that I am running Beta and “Experimental” features, but something clearly changed in the last couple of Betas as things had been relatively stable up to that point. And my VR flying seems off too.

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Same PC issues since recent mini-update. All aircraft, leveries, airport addons are gone. Only have the 3 original default aircraft with no liveries.


Wow, haven’t experienced missing aircraft or liveries, but have been stuck on checking for updates… killed the process and restarted and MSFS booted right up. I also hade it hang on starting a flight, but let it sit there for several minutes and the flight finally started. This was at a new location, subsequent flights in that area started just fine. Such behavior is indicative of server problems, can’t see why people would uninstall then re-install since that would exacerbate the load on the servers.

Anyway, just a bit of patience on my part and was able to fly Cam4 the email route from LA to Salt Lake in both the Ford Trimotor and GAS Stearman yesterday and this was after the latest mandatory update.

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For me it all works pretty much as it should. Sure, I get stuck on the Checking for updates screen occasionally, but that’s about it. It’s so strange that some are having major issues while others have little or no issues. How can that be?

EDIT: using a VPN seems to help with many issues.

I feel my sim is broken all of a sudden. The hanging waiting for updates issue and general performance not what it was, in VR. Variable to very low frame rates and an issue with the original stock A320 Neo (the version 2 and the FBW being frame hitters at the moment, no problems previously with the FBW) suddenly going off the flight plan into a steep left bank and spiral to the ground, sometimes, but not always, manually recoverable. This is with addons such as FSLTL, BATC and FSDesktop but ones that have worked very well together up to this last week or so. I have been impressed up to now just how well it has been working for me in VR (Varjo Aero), I would just load up and smoothly fly but not at the moment. Going to try a no addon flight to test.

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I’ve asked that question many times when others were reporting CTD’s and other crippling problems, while my comparable system was running smooth as silk. I was very happy after the SU15 release. I seemed to have lost some FPS, but things have never been smoother.

Now it seems the shoe is on the other foot. Since the most recent AIRAC update and World Hub community airport update I’m having nearly constant loss of connectivity, making the sim unplayable.
I can load the sim and play offline: I can load a plane and fly. But without Bing data it’s pointless.

It is letting me catch up on my SPAD programming, though. Silver lining and all that…

I’ve tried with and without a VPN.


The problem is NOT on your end. There are many users effected by various issues at the moment. All we can do is try firing it up now and again to see if it’s resolved yet. I see many users (not yourself) taking drastic steps such as re-installing the whole game again. The performance issue and downloading of MP content issue were what was effecting me. I got my MP content downloaded no problem this morning here in the USA, but then tried a short flight with the stock C172 to check things out and had no functioning AP among other related issues. I did have a small 650MB or so, update the other day which seemed to precede all of my issues that I have at the moment. Probably related to that.


That’s when my problems started. I thought that was the 1.37.19 update. But I don’t keep a close eye on which version I’m running, so .19 may have already been installed, and that update was something else altogether.


The most recent 600MB update was the periodic AIRAC update and World Hub community airport fixes.


Thanks for clarifying. I’m going to go back and scrub my previous posts blaming the 1.37.19 update.

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My only gripe (so far) about msfs 2024. Storage space is the least of my concern with the sim. Having an offline option is essential in my opinion, particularly for times like this. I understand the pretty scenery, live weather etc may not work, but at least the airports and airplanes should work.

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I’m offline now, but not by choice. I can load a plane onto an airport, take off, and fly around - no problem. And weather presets still work fine.

But the world topography looks horrible. No real-time traffic, of course. But the airport workers and vehicles still wander around aimlessly. :crazy_face:

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Experiencing maximum frustration ever since whatever the mandatory 500+MB update earlier this week was installed.
My bandwidth is around 950MB download and 850 upload. (Gigabit connection)
Nothing installed in my Community folder and nothing was changed except for that mandatory update that popped up on Monday.
Tried all the logging in/out recommendations both in Xbox and the sim itself to no avail.
I am running the MS Store PC version of the sim. ib the U.S. East Coast server.

I read somewhere in my research that there is a known problem with a router to the East Coast server that not owned by MS. Therefore, it is difficult for MS to troubleshoot and/or correct the issue. Man, I hope that is wrong!!!

This is what I have been dealing with for the past 3 days:

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Although it could be purely coincidental (someone once said there is no such thing), I also strongly believe that the issue began right after that 650MB mandatory update!

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Not for this one, at least not for me. I tried switching over from my home East Coast Server to the West Coast with and without VPN to no avail. I then tried the Western Europe server via VPN. Nope, still the same problem…

mine took a while to get past the “checking for updates” this morning, then eventually did a small (I think 320mb) update. After that I flew for around 45 minutes without issue. Took a 15 minute break. Went to start up the sim again and it was just stuck on please wait indefinitely. Had to force close. Tried a few times (rebooting the system each time) without luck.

I guess it must be their servers?

One thing which they should introduce is that if there’s no response from the update server within a certain timeframe, it will launch the sim in offline mode at least.


This is not related to the AIRAC update. That´s just a local file update. The problem is much older. Go here, scroll the page till year 2020 and take a look:

You will find 17 announcements related to major online outages (also involving Bing), around 20 more related with misc online issues and the glorious SU13 installation disaster. Not all online incidents we had to deal with are listed here, but in the bugs sections instead. However it still gives a basic idea of how often we have to face such problems.



So it’s merely coincidence that the connection issue started right after the AIRAC/ Airport update.

I can buy that explanation. But the first rule of troubleshooting is, “What changed?”
I suppose I coulld restore a backup that takes it back to a pre-update state, but I’ll wait to see how this all shakes out.