What is the status on DX12?

Any word from the devs on when DX12 will finally be dropping?

Man I really hope the sim get’s fully optimized.

I love using the FBW A320 but I get really annoyed with tiny stutters when taxiing on airports. It runs very smooth when in the air and wish it could be as smooth on the ground.

I also hope they can remove the flight log screen that pops up after shutting down engines. It’s really annoying and should be something really easy for Asobo to give us at least an option to remove. Many folks have requested this but with every new sim update it seems things get worse a bit.

I have a high end PC and really hope the sim can be really optimized soon.


FBW has to do their part optimizing. I have the CRJ and have no major performance issues being on the ground or air.


Agreed. But that’s because CRJ use a different coding. FBW I believe is stock using and working with the coding that MSFS started with the A320.

Anyways, there’s some major issues that need to be resolved. Currently, KATL is a mess. No matter what plane you use, it’s a slideshow.


according to the dev update, it is started and targeted for 2021 release.

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I have no major issues with KATL and I am just running a 10700KF with an rtx2060super on 1440p ultrawide. My solution on my system is turning the LOD down to 100 at least for that area I was able to takeoff from ATL in a storm with the CRJ with not a single stutter. My only issue with ATL is the trees causing fps drops.I have further issues flying out of KATL if I fly with Terrain LOD@200.

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I’ll give it a try. I normally run LOD at 150 and run smooth almost everywhere I fly with the FBW A320(Except on ground when taxiing which happens no matter what settings I use, I get those tiny stutters). My issue is not fps, but just the tiny stutters on the ground. I normally get 40-42 fps on the ground and 50-60 fps on the air with mostly Ultra/high settings and 150 LOD. But knowing how smooth the sim runs when in the air and then getting those tiny stutters on the ground just really annoys me.

RTX 3080
Alienware 3440X1440 Ultra Wide

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Direct X 12 is release a same time then Xbox Series Version, is propably taget for next month with SU5

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Ok, I just played around with the CRJ a bit and WOOOOW. Butter smooth.

Man, I just have to start learning the systems. So used to the Airbus and it’s been a while since Iv’e used the Boeing 737.

But i’ll give it a try.


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How awesome would it be if the entire sim, regardless of dense scenery and air traffic, would run as smooth as when you enter the hangar in the main menu looking around and inside the aircraft. That’s our dream


Forgotten … while they make MSFS for X Box gamers.


Xbox is the whole reason we’re getting DirectX 12.


I am very afraid.

DX12 is the mother of all CTD’s.

Some modern games go through their entire lifetime with developers never fixing CTD’s and issues with DX12.

Go to the forums of any DX12 game and the recommendation to fix any issue is always turn off DX12.

probably dx12 will come with xbox release in second half of july. But as they said, don’t expect too much performance enhancement with dx12.
Latest nvidia drivers and disable HT in bios has gived me a smooth sim (10850k 32go RTX 3070).all setting on ultra but i only use small GA aircraft (and no one with glass cockpit, glass cockpit are performance killers, probably because of a bad technology choice)

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Is it important to disable HT in bios? I run i9 9700k…?

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Thats because the CRJ is coded in C++/WASM and the FBWA320 uses the default JS/HTML coding for the displays/systems. Every Airliner with deeper systems will have be coded in C++/WASM for optimal performance.

But, there is room for optimisation, ASOBO already mentioned they will move the Glasscockpit rendering (Cockpit displays) to another thread, so this should help the A320 and the other default airliners a bit.
Best would be if FBW would rewrite the code to C++, but i dont see this happen, especially because its freeware.


Important? No.

Given that opinion on the subject is very split, the only way to tell is try it yourself.


No for some, yes for others. With sim, we have to make our own test, there is not miracle recipe.
It is not so long to try.

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I’ve quoted this statement various times too, but I reckon we’re going to see an improved performance with DX12 regardless.

In the past few dev Q&As they’ve repeatedly been talking about the potential for optimisations they discovered while bringing MSFS to Xbox, such as halving the RAM usage, increasing the tree draw distance without any impact on performance, taking glass cockpit rendering off the main thread, and this is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

I’d argue most of these optimisations have only made it to the new DX12 render path so far, as this is what’s required for the Xbox release, and porting them to DX11 has a lower priority until the Xbox version is released and runs with sufficient performance and stability. DX12 on the PC will mostly use the same code as on Xbox, so once DX12 is released for PC, we’re going to get all the shiny new optimisations, whereas for DX11 it’ll take some time before it gets them, if they can be implemented for DX11 at all.


What is HT??

I guess hyper-threading aka simultaneous multi threading

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