What do you like to do the most in MSFS2020? I like to do short haul and medium haul flights!
Fly for the virtual Airlines on VATSIM.
With GSX Pro, PACX, payware airports / scenery for pretty much everywhere I fly.
It’s been a blast.
Adding Air Manager to the mix and being able to fly pretty much mouse and keyboard free adds another layer of immersion.
My favorite is shooting approaches and landings, then playing back the landings from multiple angles and playback speeds.
I mostly do short flights, 30-45 minutes. That way, I get in more flights per day, more approaches and landings.
Biz jets and GA between smaller airports. If it’s an airliner, I’ll do KBWI to: KIAD or KDCA, that kinda thing.
EDIT: I use Sky Dolly for replay. Excellent program. Amazing.
I tweak so much that I sometimes question if this is a flight sim or benchmark suite.
When I’m actually flying, I enjoy hopping around in the CJ4. I usually keep it sound 1-2 hours and casual. Lately I have been picking a route somewhere it’s daylight in real time (even if night time at home) to try forcing a little more unpredictability and see more of the world.
I generally like to do short to medium haul flights for the On-Air airline manager. Mostly with the SWS Kodiak 100. If not that I just do 2 hour flights in my various airplanes enjoying the scenery and replaying my landings.
Prepare the flight
Two kinds for me!
- Short real-world airliner flights in the A320neo. I use FlightAware to look for flights of 60 mins or less.
- Flights to smaller airports in the Caravan or King Air.
Prepare a flight on Littlenavmap, check the weather, and fly mostly 1 hour VFR flights following random tours, trying to do all the real things I used to do when I could fly IRL. Now I’m flying mostly in Italy, where I live, on the TBM, trying to polish my rusty IFR. Enjoy the familiar scenery, the free gas and the riskless comfortable feeling of flying in my room.
I really like to pre-fly (brief) any planned real world PPL training flights. Usually within 100nm, all VFR for now.
I also enjoy flying on PilotEdge, as the live ATC, other pilots and training scenarios keep it interesting.
(I get bored just jumping in to the plane and flying around aimlessly.)
I rly enjoy doing airliner flights between 30 minutes and 1 hour.
I normally fly in airports I’ve already visited and use Vatsim to make the flight more immersivr
I like to practice VFR flights in the Los Angeles and Portland, Oregon regions, gaining familiarity with the areas and the airspaces within each (and the space in between them for the occasional long flight!)
Los Angeles in particularly is a rich, complex airspace with a lot of large and small airports, the ocean, and a couple mountain ranges – it’s quite fun to learn more about the best routes, learn how VFR planes cut through or around the big class B for LAX, etc.
I just fly over LAX out of Hawthorne airport then turn right over Santa Monica airport. Continuing onto Beverly Hills where I fly over Rodeo Dr, (we go there every couple of Sundays to walk and have lunch in real life) Then go towards downtown, circle the buildings a little then head south towards Orange County. It’s so beautiful on a sunny day which it is sunny tomorrow and Monday here in SoCal. So fire up your MSFS choose the Cessna 172 and fly away. Enjoy!
VFR flights in Kodiak 100, H-145, M346, PC-21, Freedom Fox. In Papua New Guinea, North America, Europe.
Traffic patterns in the Cessna 152.
Pair flights with a buddy in the G36 Bonanza.
I love to load C&D into the DC-6 and run through its real-world pre-flight checklists, bringing all its systems online, tuning the navigational radios for my pending VORs, starting each of its powerful radial engines, allowing them time to come up to safe operating temperature, taxiing to the run-up area, performing run-up checks, taxiing to the assigned runway, obtaining clearance, bringing all four of those glorious engines up to a proper wet or dry take-off power setting, releasing the brakes and rolling that incredible flying machine down the runway towards rotation and shallow take-off angle and into the climb.
I could just do that over and over and over. The DC-6 is such an awesome analog flying machine that requires so much involvement on the part of the flight crew that you really feel the importance of your role in its ability to be airborne.
I cannot wait to get the “Six” back onto my Xbox!
Sarcastic answer: Fly airplanes!
Real answer… I like to come up with different air taxi or other for-hire scenarios using GA aircraft. My current favorites are the Kodiak for “no questions asked” cargo runs (the generic box labeling helps with that), and the DA62 with the “X” mod for shuttling vacationers around the Caribbean. The TBM and Cirrus Vision Jet are also good for longer distance passenger runs.
I have 3-4 different things I like to do.
I like to simulate the career I decided not to pursue (Airlines) after a safety incident at flight school revealed the dark side of the industry.
I like to pretend I’m a jet setting billionaire flying my private jet all over the world (today’s trip - Paris to Budapest)
I like to operate a virtual Part 135 company that currently owns a Caravan and TBM using OnAir economy manager
And I like to get in planes that I have the skills (and some of the paperwork) to fly real world and go on trips that I can’t really afford but totally could do if I had the money. (4-day cross country to the Grand Canyon and land in the Grand Canyon for lunch?)
So far my favorite thing is learning how not to panic when I screw up.
Circumnavitating the earth is my favourite activity, in any flight sim.
Choose one particular airplane, set desired restrictions, find routes depending on weather and season.
That’s what I enjoy the most in simming.
Here’s an example of what I’m doing now: TBM, low altitude, go from A to A around the Earth, fly over any places of interest. So many hops and so much to discover!
For me its having to uninstall and reinstall MSFS2020 and all the resetting of all the controls over and over etc. Oh I do fly occassionly. ha ha.
Right now as a new player learning I like to do short flights around my city. Everyday I learn something new in the game, for example, I learned once you land you need to contact ATC and not just wait 20mins wondering if that was it.